Chapter 5

Roman watched as his fiancé held Aubree in his arms as the two of them napped on the couch. Roman knew that Dean was good with kids and was glad that Seth trusted them with his daughter. Roman heard the car door and walked to the front entry way and greeted his daughter and ex.

"Daddy!" Joelle yelled as she launched herself into his arms. Roman caught her with ease hoisting her up kissing her forehead.

"So where is Dean?" She asked as Roman nodded his head toward the living room.

"He and Aubree are asleep, together on the couch." Roman said

"Where is Uncle Seth?" Joelle asked

"He and Laura had a doctor's appointment. So, we agreed to watch Bree and you know her, she loves her Uncle Dean." Roman said as he sat his daughter down.

"I am going take my bag upstairs. Bye Mommy, love you." Joelle said as she hugged her mother and bounded up the stairs.

"Are you two sure you are going to be ok with her tagging alone for the summer?" She asked

"Yes, Leah she will be fine, Dean and I know what we are doing." Roman said

"So, have you decided when you two are getting married?" Leah asked

"No, we still haven't set a date yet things keep getting in the way. We might just do it on impulse." Roman said

"I just don't want her to be in your way, that's all." Leah said

"She won't be, you got nothing to worry about." Roman said as Leah looked back to the car.

"Ok. So, Seth hire any help yet?" Leah asked

"No, but he has Laura now. The two of them have been together for almost six months now." Roman said

"So, he finally got the balls to tell her he loves her?" Leah asked

"Yeah, she had just been through something really terrible and needed a friend so she called me and I told her that Seth needed her no matter what he said." Roman said

"Well tell them I said hi, I should be getting back home, Robert is finishing dinner and his parents should be here soon." Leah said

"Well, thanks for dropping her off and you know you can call her any time you want." Roman said

"Thanks." Leah said as she turned and headed to her car. Roman closed the door and turned to find his daughter looking at Dean and Bree.

"Daddy can you and Dad have a baby somehow, I want a sibling?" Joelle asked as Roman picked her up and they walked into the Den and they sat on the big lazy-boy chair.

"You know that Dean and I love you. But I am not sure if that is going to be possible anytime soon. Why all this now?" Roman asked as he watched as his daughter was upset about something.

"Mommy and Robert are having a baby." Joelle said

"Well that's a good thing you are getting a sibling." Roman said as Joelle started to tear up looking at her dad. "Baby talk to me."

"Daddy I want to live with you and Dad. I hate living with Mommy and Robert." Joelle said as she laid her head on her father's shoulder. Roman held her tightly in his arms wondering what happened that cause his happy little girl to be so upset. He was going to have to talk to Dean about everything but if it was unsafe for her to be there, he wanted Joelle with them. Roman put the feet of the chair up as Joelle cuddled into his lap and fell asleep. Roman himself was tired as he and Dean had gotten in late and then were up early and had Bree to deal with she was very fussy she hates when Seth and Laura both leave her. Roman heard his phone ringing and didn't want to disrupt his daughter but he also didn't want to wake up Dean and Bree.

"Hello." Roman said

"Hey, were on our way back, were going to pick up Lunch is Jo there?" Seth asked

"Yeah, Leah just dropped her off." Roman said

"Ok we'll see you in about an hour, how's Bree?" Seth asked

"She and Dean are out cold on the couch. Other than that, she is fine. Take your time." Roman said

"Ok see you soon." Seth said as Roman got up and carried his daughter to the loveseat and gently laid her down and covered her up. Looking to Dean and Bree on the couch sleeping he could see them with a baby, but first they had to get Jo through whatever it was that was going on at her mom's. Roman walked into the Kitchen and grabbed everything to set the table for their luncheon. Just as the car door sounded he heard Bree start to get fussy, walking into the living room he found Dean changing her and getting her fresh and clean.

"Hey Babe nice nap?" Roman asked as Dean stood up and handed Bree to him.

"Yes, as always now I have to pee. Jo here yet?" Dean asked

"Yeah, she's on the loveseat asleep, something is going on at her mom's and she wants to live with us full time. And Seth and Laura are back they picked up lunch for us all." Roman said as Dean planted a kiss to his lips and headed to the downstairs bathroom. Roman went to the front door to see that Laura and Seth had their arms full of food.

"Hey Babygirl, Daddy missed you." Seth said as he kissed his daughter and headed to the kitchen. Dean walked out and took the bags out of Laura's arms as Roman passed her the baby.

"Hey Lil Bee." Laura said as Seth was back wrapping his arms around both his girls.

"Hey, I'll go wake up Jo and you guys get settled." Dean said as he walked into the living room to see Jo asleep with tears streaming down her face. Sitting on the loveseat next to her he gently shook her awake. Joelle slowly opened her eyes and focused on her Dad, she sat up and through her arms around his neck while the tears fell. Dean pulled her into his lap and held her as she cried, rubbing her back trying to calm her.

"All will be ok, we'll talk later. Can you put on a brave face and let's go eat lunch Uncle Seth and Laura, they brought us food?" Dean said

"Miss Laura is here cool." Joelle said

"It's very cool, you hungry?" Dean asked

"Yeah, I love you Dad." Joelle said as she hugged him tightly "Let me go to the bathroom I'll meet you in the kitchen."

"Ok but hurry you know the rules no one eats till were all together." Dean said as he watched the little girl run down the hall he just came from. Walking into the kitchen he seen everything was laid out and he smiled.

"So where is Jo?" Seth asked as Laura was feeding Aubree.

"Bathroom, she'll be right here." Dean said

"How was she when she woke up?" Roman asked

"Tearful, she was crying in her sleep and latched onto me when she saw me." Dean said

"Would you two like me to talk to her, maybe having a girl to talk to might be better." Laura asked

"Would you please. All I got out of her was she wanted to live here and not with her Mom and Robert." Roman said

"And like I said she latched on to me crying and I rubbed her back. And asked her to put on a brave face and we'll talk later." Dean said as they heard the bathroom door shut.

"So how was the doctor's appointment?" Dean asked as the little girl came around the corner to see her Uncle and Miss Laura.

"UNCLE SETH!" Jo yelled as she threw herself into his arms. Seth wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly.

"How are you Kiddo?" Seth asked

"Better now, that I am with my Dad's." Jo said as they all smiled.

"Long time no see Jo, How's school?" Laura asked

"Good, I love it. Hi Aubree." Jo said as she kissed the baby's forehead.

"Ok well let's all eat. While Laura and Seth tells us about the doctor's appointment." Roman said

"Wait are you two together now?" Jo asked

"Yes, Kiddo we are." Seth said

"Yeah." Jo said as they all started to eat their food.

"Well there was bad news, good news, and great news." Seth said

"Ok start with the bad." Dean said

"The glass severed my left fallopian tube." Laura said

"Ok the good news?" Roman asked

"Well she has full use of the right and can still have kids, also the left ovary is good they can collect eggs from it to do IVF if needed." Seth said

"Well see that's all great news." Dean said

"What's the Great news?" Jo asked

"Well, I know we really aren't blood but you three are family to us both. You two are brother's I never had and you Miss Jo are like a niece to me. So how would you three feel, to be Uncles and a cousin in about six months?" Laura asked as Jo jumped up and hugged Seth and then walked to Laura and patted her shoulder.

"I would be happy to be their cousin like I am to Aubree as well." Jo said she walked back to eat and then Dean and Roman took their turn to hug both Seth and Laura. They all finished their lunch and Dean started to clean up the table. Roman went to use the bathroom, while Seth went to put Aubree down for a nap. Laura looked to the little girl drinking the last of her milk.

"Hey Jo, wanna take a walk with me?" Laura asked as Jo looked to her Dad.

"Sure, go ahead." Dean said as Laura held out her hand and Jo took it. Dean turned back to the dishes when Roman entered the kitchen.

"Where are Jo and Laura?" Roman asked as he wrapped his arms around his fiancé.

"They went for a walk. And Seth is putting Bree down." Dean said as he wrapped his arms around Roman's neck and they both leaned in for a sweet kiss.