Hey Y'all! This is more or so gonna be a bunch of one shot Fanfictions involving the CW's show, "The Flash". Feel free to suggest ideas if you feel comfortable doing so.

*Warning* I do no own any of these characters nor the show itself. I own the plot and that's it. All rights go to the CW channel.

Title: Panicking In A Flash

Pairing: Barry/Oliver (Friendship)

POV: Oliver Queen

Summary: While Oliver is with Barry he notices something is off. Soon reuslting in Barry having a panick attack. How will both heros handle the situation?

Walking into STAR Labs I knew something was off about Barry. He seemed more distracted than usual. As a cities hero, the stress can be overwhelming but he seemed to be carrying more than just stress. I wasn't planning on just coming out and asking him what was on his mind, I'm not much of an open person myself and I don't expect Barry to be any different.

Instead, I followed him in silence as we ended up at a desk. Who the desk belongs to and its main functions is something that's oblivious to me, their base set-up is different than mine and I'm not going to waste time trying to memorize it.

Barry sat in the soft computer chair and immediately started to type away, doing things I probably couldn't understand even if I tried. While he sat in a chair I sat on the desk itself, on a blank spot with no papers or wires. The table was strong enough to hold me up and it was a more comfortable position for me, I don't know how long Barry's little typing adventure is going to take. I decided I might as well ask him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him with no emotion, not even interest.

"I'm trying to see if any biochemists in the area have any research on DNA replication or gene regulation so that-"Barry looked up from the computer to the completely lost expression I had on my face, "I'm trying to find people who can help me." He smiled.

"Why didn't you just say that, Barry?" I asked him.

"Where would the fun in that be?" He answered, still typing away. He seemed more eager than I'm used to seeing him. The fastest man alive and he still feels like there isn't enough time in the world for what needs to be done, it must be an odd feeling.

"What's up with you?" I tilted my head, something was most definitely off about him and I was bound to find out. Whether or not I'm not open, Barry's not me. I see him as the little brother I never had and I honestly don't want to ruin that, I have a history of doing just that, and it's about time I broke the record.

"Currently? Probably my blood pressure?" He mumbled, not even bothering to look at me. Typically I'm the one who doesn't look people in the eye when they're talking to me. I know that action; he's hiding something he knows might slip from his mouth.

"Very funny Barry, now answer my question." I asked once again.

"I think you're losing it, Ollie, I'm fine. Are you?" He answered calmly, almost too calmly.

"I'm terrible." I answered, causing him to look up at me in confusion.

"Why?" He seemed confused to my answer.

"You see, I have this friend. He means a lot to me, but he's being a whinyassand won't tell me what's going on with him." I explained to him.

Barry scoffed and went back to typing, he didn't even bother coming up with a genius come back, it was so unlike him.

"So, are you going to answer my question or am I gonna have to get Joe in here?" I threatened. I knew how much Joe cared about him and I knew he wouldn't let behavior like this slip away. I had no intention of actually doing it, Barry knew this as well, but this also let him knew how much I actually wanted to know.

"You just don't stop, do you?" He finally stopped typing and looked up at me sincerely.

"Not often, no." I replied.

"Fine," He sighed and relaxed in his chair, "It's just the stress. I've pushed it all down because I don't have time for it and I guess I've pushed down too much and it's bubbling back up." He tried to explain to me, "I'm just not sure how to handle it, but I'll be fine." He tried to assure me.

"No. You won't." I replied most definitely.

"How would you know?" He argued with my reply.

"Have you forgotten who protects Star City? Or am I just of little significance?" I asked him, the realization finally hit him.

"Fine,Green Arrow,how do you deal with it?" He asked for my advice.

"Honestly? It's a matter of priorities. Helping people comes at a cost, a cost that not everyone is willing to pay. Sometimes doing what's best for others means doing what's worse for you. It all comes down to one question. What's more important to you? Saving others? Or saving yourself?" I asked him.

"And what if I don't have the answer right now?" He mentioned.

"Then you better hurry up. This is a test, and it has a time limit." I warned him.

"Sure…thanks Ollie." He nodded his head.

"Anytime Barry." I patted his shoulder and got off the table, "I'm gonna head back and catch up with Felicity and Dig."

"Tell them I said 'Hi.'" He asked me.

"I will." I promised.

I started to walk away, grabbing my coat and swiftly putting it away. I was about to leave when something didn't feel right. Out of all the bad this job has given me it did give me one good thing, very observant skills.

I heard something. Not something, someone. Someone was breathing extremely heavy, heavier than they should be. I'm surprised they haven't passed out yet. I turned around to mention this to Barry when I realized, it was Barry who was breathing heavily.

"Barry?" I tried to grab his attention.

Barry didn't reply to me. He merely got out of his chair and tried to walk off somewhere. But he didn't make it very far. He walked over to the main desk and held onto it for support. His breathing seemed heavier than any burden I've ever carried. He was the fastest man alive, how is this possible? How could he wear himself out in a matter of seconds? Something seemed off about this picture.

"Barry? What's wrong?" I tried to help him, I placed my hand on his back only to feel him lightly shaking, and it scared me.

"I don't…know." He breathed out heavily.

"Caitlin! Cisco!" I called for the only two other people I knew would be able to help. I wasn't so sure about that Wells guy, or was he Harry? What was the other one? Aren't they all the same guy? I didn't have time to figure that out.

I slowly held onto Barry, trying to steady him as he slid to the floor. His quick breathing seemed to be mixing in with his super speed and I feared he would soon pass out. Seconds later Caitlin and Cisco come running into the room, almost sliding and falling.

"What happened?" Caitlin quickly asked.

"I don't know! He just-, he started breathing like this." I shrugged.

"Cisco, get the crash cart! Oliver, bring him over to the medical station!" Caitlin ordered.

I didn't waste any time, I helped Barry to his feet, putting one of his arms around my neck as he placed his other arm on his chest, feeling it lift and lower with his quick breathing. I put my arm around him as well and helped him over to the station, he did little to none walking, it was almost like he was dragging his feet.

Once we reached the bed I carefully placed him on it, he took part in the movement, using as much control as he could. After placing him on it I backed away, not honestly sure what to do. I didn't have much take in this; there wasn't much I could do.

"Cisco, get his shirt off. I need to do an internal scan of his oblique fissure and the superior lobe in his lungs." Caitlin ordered Cisco; she was calm in a time of crisis. It shows experience, she must be used to it, which honestly terrified me. How often did stuff like this happen?

Cisco didn't waste any time, he did just as he was told. Barry was wearing a simple t-shirt and Cisco wouldn't have time to help him out of it, so he used scissors and cut it down the center. I hope that wasn't Barry's favorite shirt, I don't think sewing can fix that one.

Caitlin took a medical tool that even I didn't know the name of and didn't fully understand the function either. She slid it down Barry's chest and once it stopped a beeping sound appeared. A scan of Barry's lungs showed up on the monitor, I couldn't tell you what was wrong because I didn't know. The funny thing was, nothing seemed wrong to me, which made me feel dumber than I've ever felt before.

"We have a problem." Caitlin mentioned, worrisome in her voice.

"What?" Cisco and I said at almost the same time.

"There's nothing in any function of his lungs, nothing in his throat, nothing in the airways, not even in the nostrils." Caitlin explained to us.

"Oh God." Cisco seemed to relax. Relax! How could he be relaxed?

"What does that mean? What the hell is going on?" I exclaimed.

"Calm down. Barry's fine." Cisco tried to assure me.

"He doesn't look fine!" I motioned toward our friend who was still lying on the bed, breathing heavier than before and staring blankly up at the ceiling.

"There's nothing physically wrong with him." Caitlin tried explaining to me, which had no help at all.

"Hell there is, look at him!" I argued with her diagnosis.

"Oliver! He's having a panic attack!" Cisco yelled out, "Why couldn't you just start with that, Caitlin?" Cisco asked Caitlin.

"I thought it was obvious." Caitlin said innocently.

"Sorry not all of us are a professional biochemist." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry man." Cisco apologized for their usual assumptions.

"So, how do we stop it?" I asked them.

"Heh." Cisco scoffed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, I looked eagerly at Caitlin.

"We can't." Caitlin told me.

"What do you mean 'We can't.'?" I asked her.

"Do you know what a panic attack is?" Cisco asked, causing me to shoot him a glare that seemed to say, 'I spent 5 years alone on an island, I think I know what a panic attack is.', "Sorry, sorry." Cisco backed away from the conversation.

"Since his mind conceived the temporary mental state only hismind can rid of it. Luckily this should only take a few minutes with his accelerated brain cells working at a much faster function." Caitlin explained to me.

"Is there any way to speed up the process?" I asked her.

"Moral support, but there's noguarantee." She offered.

"Well, I can't do crap and I can't see him like this. So, I'm gonna go outside, cool?" I informed them.

"Cool." Caitlin and Cisco nodded in understatement.

It's not that I didn't want to support Barry; I just couldn't bear hearing his rigid breathing knowing I couldn't help him. The whole point of my job is to help people and when I realize I can't, well it really hits me. Hard. So I only walked out of the room to take a breather. I knew Caitlin and Cisco would come out and tell me when he had calmed down. Let's just hope I don't have to wait long.

"Oliver! He's chill now!" Cisco called for me.

I removed myself from the comfortable position I was in. I was leaning soft against the hallway wall, calming breathing and thinking. But luckily I didn't get much time to do that. I walked carlessly into the main room and wondered myself over to the medical station. There lay Barry. His shirt was still cut down the center, but the soft white blanket covered almost above his abdomen. His face was red from all the heavy breathing but I could tell it was slowly calming down to a normal color. He didn't have an oxygen mask or an IV drip in him because he was slowly close to fully calming down.

I walked beside Barry and stood left of him. He moved his head over and looked at me. Looking into his eyes I could see how tired he was. He needed to sleep, very soon.

"Hey." I greeted him.

"Hey." He said back.

"How ya feeling?" I asked him.

"Like a million bucks." He smiled, trying to assure me of my worries.

"Do you remember what happened?" I asked him.

"Not really." He chuckled a bit, he's just like me. During an emotional time or scene I cannot take anyone seriously. I don't like emotion, I guess he doesn't either.

"You had a panic attack." I mentioned, looking straight at him.

"Or so I've been told." He scoffed.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"Oliver, I honestly think it was probably something I breathed in. We are in a lab. There's all types of chemicals that could affect me differently due to my accelerated immune system." He tried to explain to me.

"Fair enough." I shrugged, it wasn't worth the argument. God, is this what Felicity and Dig feel like?

"You should actually be heading out now. Don't wanna worry your team." Barry mentioned.

"Yeah, you're right." I nodded.

"Tell them I said 'Hi.'?" He asked of me.

"Sure, but I expect you to drop by soon. A lots changed and everyone misses a visit by you." I told him.

"Alright, I promise to stop by." He added.

"And don't be late." I warned.

"How could I? I'm the fastest man alive." He smirked.

I scoffed, "Yet the latest person alive as well."

"Hey!" He exclaimed.

I smiled, "I'll see ya around." I patted his leg that was covered by the soft blanket.

"See ya around Ollie." He replied as I left.