A/N: Welcome to my new short story that will probably be 3 to 4 chapters of that length. It's taking place in Season 3, somewhere between Attack on Central City and Wrath of Savitar, meaning that Julian is part of the team and Cailtin isn't full on Killer Frost at that time.

Shout out to WolfKomoki for requesting me a story about Julian patching up Barry. Not a lot of that in the first chapter, but I promise it's going to come in the next one.


Another great day coming back from work. Or more like the worst day ever. Since the BOOT disappeared from the police department, taken by Officer Jade, Singh had been acting angry with everyone. In fact, saying he was mad was an understatement. And not only because he had been unknowingly protecting a shady cop all this time, but also because he knew all the bad this weapon could do out there. Sure, it could help settle a little conflict between two Metas, but it could also be used to set up a trap for the Flash. A concern that was shared by everyone at STAR Labs, warning the young hero to be careful not to run into a trap. Why wasn't anyone ever trusting him? He wasn't that reckless…ok, sometimes maybe, but not all the times. Right? Barry knew how to be alert when he needed to, why was everyone so determined to underestimate him?

''I'll show them.'' He grumbled under his breath as the elevator made a stop to pick up another person in a beige raincoat with a hood on his head. The man's face was barely visible under it.

''Having a bad day, kid?'' Said the other person, walking to the opposite wall of the elevator, right next to Barry despite all the still empty space.

'Oops.' Thought Barry, he should probably be more careful about talking to himself in a public building.

''You can say that.'' He answered back to the man, trying to take a peek at the face. Looking at the short and white beard and small wrinkles, Barry estimated this man was at least in his 40s, maybe 50s.

'You can try and see it that way; your day can only get worse.''

Frowning, Barry glanced back at the other person, swearing he could see part of a rictus under the hood. And that voice…why did it sound familiar? Was it really?

''I think you forgot something, we should go back up.'' Said the man again, moving a step closer to Barry who tensed up. Something was definitely wrong, but what? Nothing good ever came out from taking the elevator, he should've just flash outside by the staircases.

The voice, suddenly realized Barry, is was Officer Jade's voice. If the voice wasn't confirmation enough, the small and metallic thing that was now being pressed to his side proved it. That was going to be fun, a fun reminder of that mugger who tried to take on Barry two years ago. Criminals didn't know how to choose their victims wisely these days. Time for the CSI to smile and take action.

Or, not.

His powers, they weren't working and instead of feeling the speed force running through his veins, Barry felt his heart racing and his breathing speed increasing at the same rate.

''Do exactly as I say and you won't get hurt…too much.'' Smirked the other man, taking one step forward to press the elevator's button, back to where Barry left, while still holding his gun against the young CSI's side.

How was this even possible? Jade had access to the BOOT for many, many days now, did he somehow manage to turn the power neutralizer instrument to anti-power radio waves? If so, Cisco would be proud. Right now, the most important thing was to not let Jade find out he was a Metahuman, especially not the Flash. Oh, and staying alive too. Maybe not in that specific order. Moments later, the doors opened to the police precinct, right in front of Joe walking while flipping pages inside a file. He stopped instantly when he saw Barry or more like when he recognized the distress in the hero's features.

''Barr?'' He asked, looking up at the other man in the elevator who positioned himself slightly behind the young CSI before making his entrance, pushing Barry inside the room.

''Nobody move!'' Ordered Officer Jade, taking off his hood and revealing himself to his old coworkers. ''Put all of your weapons on the floor, or this one will die.''

''Barr? Are you ok?'' Worriedly asked Joe, making eye contact with his foster son in an understanding look. Joe wasn't asking if Barry was hurt, even if that part was still of great interest to the detective, he wanted to know why the hero still hadn't taken down the menace.

''No, I'm not. '' Instantly answered Barry with a shaking voice, his eyes moving quickly and nervously around to see if everyone was cooperating. Nobody needed to get hurt. ''Do what he says, please.''

Jade smiled. ''I always knew you were a smart kid, Walden. Faster everyone, guns on the floor and kick them to me. Once it's done, gather closer.''

Of course, on top of this whole thing being a bad situation, this guy who had been working alongside Barry for years couldn't even remember his name. Seeing the gun rising up and closing on Barry's head, all the policemen, including Joe, quickly complied. Jade pushed all the weapon many feet behind him and as far away as possible from the rest of the crowd.

''You too, get over it!'' Ordered Jade to the man standing on the balcony, overlooking everything. Taking his gun off Barry for a second, the shady cop pointed him at the balcony. Daring to look up, Barry instantly recognized Julian.

The older CSI obeyed, moving down and joining the rest of the hostages who all sat on the ground as ordered.

''What are you planning to do when the Flash will show up? You won't even see him coming.'' Said Joe, defiantly, trying not to look at his son while saying that. Hopefully, they could gather the information they needed about deactivating whatever this man had on Barry and give him his speed back.

Jade snorted, smiling with confidence. ''Oh don't worry, your little Scarlett Speedster won't be much of a match against me. Not around me. Not without his speed. ''

''What's that supposed to me?'' Growled Joe. ''What did you do?''

''You'll just have to wait and see when your little hero do show up, won't you? I hate when people spoil the end of a good show. Now, how about someone makes himself useful.'' He said, putting his one still free hand in his coat pocket and getting a handful of tie wraps out of it before throwing them on the ground in front of Joe.

''Go tie everyone's hands in their back. And don't try anything.'' He ordered.

The man's speech didn't do too much to help, other than confirmed what was pretty obvious; Barry's powers were useless and neutralized at the moment. On the bright side, the shady officer still had no idea of Flash's identity. Walking behind each and every one of his coworkers, tying them up, Joe made a head count, trying to see if anyone was missing. Well anyone other than the Captain who left early for a diner with his boyfriend. He silently cursed when he realized that everyone was there, at the crazy man's mercy.

''Why are you doing this?'' Inquired Officer Smith, the oldest officer of the department, who had been working with Jade for over 20 years now.

''When that black speedster killed all these officers last year in Jitters, one of them was my son. And the Flash did nothing to stop that! He's just a guilty as that man.''

''Why? Why now?'' Said another officer, a young woman who just got transferred, weeks ago. ''Why wait so long to take your revenge? The Flash won't come 'til there's an alert and if there's one, the SWAT team will surround this place. Even if you do get your revenge, you won't get out of here alive.''

Smart girl, no wonder the captain was so glad to have her under his command. Jade shook his head.

''Because, I'm dying. I have a brain tumor with only 2 months to live.'' Answered the man with a detached voice, almost emotionless. He accepted his fate, he accepted the fact he was about to die and didn't care if it was today or in two months. As long as his son was avenged.

''It wasn't the Flash's fault.'' Said Joe, kneeling one more time to tie up the last person, the senior CSI.

As he was doing so, Julian slightly turned his head on his side to look at the detective.

''The stars will help us.'' He whispered enigmatically to the older man, sending him a determined look.

''What was that?'' Growled Jade, taking a step forward and dragging Barry with him.

''You never heard about prayers?'' Snapped Julian, defying their captor with a sparkle in his eyes. ''Never heard about praying upon the stars?''

Both men locked their glances at each other for many seconds, as if the captor was trying to decide if there was anything to decrypt behind that sentence before moving away, looking disgusted.

''God can't help us, he didn't help my son and he won't help me. Try not to do anything and you won't get shot.'' Backing off again, he transferred back his attention to his powerless speedster, completely unseeing the way Joe nodded.

Of course, the 'stars'. Smart. Julian must've hit his panic button on his cellphone before he was seen on the balcony. On the down side, it wasn't like the Flash was going to pop up to their rescue. But at least, now S.T.A.R. Labs knew they were in trouble. Things couldn't get much worse anyway, right? Unless Wally was going to show and get stuck in the same situation, which could backfire really quickly.

''I'm done.'' Joe said, throwing back on the ground the remaining tie wraps.

''Good job.'' He added sarcastically, as police sirens made themselves heard in the distance, closing in. ''Looks like the cavalry is coming faster than I thought. It doesn't matter, as long as the Flash show-''

Before the man could finish his sentence, an elbow connected hard with his belly first, then with his face as he leaned forward under the impact. His hostage was trying to be a hero and you had to admire this kid's courage and moves. Except, the CSI didn't have the cop's training. Not to mention that he could improve his speed. As Jade predicted, the next move of his hostage was to try and go for the gun. Big mistake. Swiftly dodging the hand plunging toward his weapon as the younger man turned on his heel to face his adversary, Jade moved a step backward, causing Barry to lose his balance for a second. A fraction of a second. All the time the skilled policeman needed to fire.



''NO!'' Screamed Joe in horror, eyes opening widely. For that scariest second in his life, he thought his son just got shot dead in front of him as Barry yelled in pain and fell right to the ground, straight on his stomach.

''Don't move!'' Warned Jade, now aiming his weapon at Joe who didn't realize he was back on his feet and was about to charge right at his too still son. A pool of blood was already starting to appear under Barry and growing.

Uncaring about causing more pain or damage, the officer kicked the boy's rib cage, earning a groan of pain, a yell that might have been simultaneously the best and the worst sound Joe ever heard; Barry was alive, but he was also in pain. Jade turned the CSI on his back and examined the pain emanating from all the hero's features, before switching his focus on the red stain on the left thigh.

''Anyone else want to play hero?'' He asked to the crowd.

A/N: Is that a good start? Let me know in the comments.

And don't worry, no comment is 'lame' ;) Every reaction is always deeply appreciated.

One another note, don't forget that the next Wounds of the Spirit chapter is coming on friday and I'll try to get you the next What is and what should never be chapter next week.