AN: Hello all so it's been a while but here is the next chapter, I hope you all enjoy it. I was actually losing my motivation for this but a number of enthusiastic PM's and reviews got me to get my arse into gear and finish this off.

I have a number of other stories to update to since I've kind of had a break for a few weeks whilst I focused on other things.

Hope you all enjoy it and leave a review at the end.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the DC universe.

( - )

(Last Time)

Raven paused as she heard this, before giving Harry a dull look. "You got lucky."

Harry smirked in response. "I made an educated guess about what a spirits capabilities were and acted accordingly."

"Of course you did…" Raven replied, rolling her eyes as she did so, even as Kori let out a slight laugh.

"Ok, so what do we do now?" Raven asked as she looked around the dilapidated room, before looking back at Harry, only to roll her eyes as she saw that he had once again put on the Helmet of Fate, this time without any theatrics, and was instead playing with magic. The teen in question currently dazzling Starfire by playing around with the magic the helmet enabled him to use, manipulating the elements as he tried to do some kind of juggling trick, much to Koriand'r's amusement.

Looking away from that Raven instead walked over to the now silent Kent Nelson. Her expression emotionless as she bent down next to him only to see that his eyes were glazed. The old man having passed away not long ago, no doubt because of both his age and the injuries he received. Reaching out Raven gently closed the man's eyes, doing what she thought was the proper thing to do. "Rest in peace old one."

( - )

Chapter 5

( - )

(In America, near Rhode Island)

In the centre of a hollowed out mountain a small group of superheroes had gathered together, all of them called together by the Batman to discuss a matter of some urgency.

There were seven of them in total, and they were the founding members of the recently formed Justice League, a collaborative team of heroes who had banded together to safeguard the world and its populace, from villains both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. Or at least that was the general idea, for the most part though they all continued to go about their daily lives, both as ordinary people and as heroes, protecting those in need and defeating villains and individuals who abused their power or tried to oppress others.

It had been about eight months since the team had first assembled, and in that time they had only met a couple of times. This though, was mainly because for many of them this whole teaming up thing was kind of a new experience, especially for one of the founding members of the League, the Batman. Still though they had managed to recruit another dozen or so heroes into the League since its inception, and the increased communication and assistance between the League members was already starting to show its benefits.

"So Batman, what's with the late night call? Isn't this the time of the day that… well you know, you like to be out there beating up the bad guys of Gotham?" Flash said a slight smirk on his face. As the red costumed hero, with a golden lightning bolt emblazoned proudly on his chest, stood across from the other heroes Batman had called together.

Batman of course knew the man's true identity, Barry Allen, an intelligent, kind hearted man who got caught up in the explosion from a failed experiment a few years ago in Star City. Not that Barry was likely complaining, as the accident had caused him to develop superhuman abilities. More specifically it had given him super speed, allowing him to run far faster than a speeding bullet. Unfortunately though the man's mouth also sometimes moved that fast too, much to Batman's growing consternation.

In response to that question the other assembled heroes also nodded and made their own curiousity known.

Included amongst these heroes, the founding members of the Justice League, was also the likes of Wonder Woman, a tall, athletic raven haired superhero, one who was quite new to the hero business but was still a very popular up and coming heroine.

Batman though also knew both Wonder Woman's fake civilian identity, Diana Prince, as well as her actual identity, Diana the Princess of Themiscyra, an ambassador of her people the Amazons, and a powerful warrior. One who had left her isolated island home and had become a hero, all so she can safeguard the rest of humanity from evil.

Currently, the woman in question was standing a few feet away from the other assembled heroes, her arms crossed in front of her and a slight frown on her face as she looked intensely at Batman. Her attention almost entirely focused on the cowled hero of Gotham, ignoring Flash's childish comments as she did so, the woman instead waiting patiently for the Dark Knight to expand upon his reasoning for calling them all together.

Also present, wearing his red and blue outfit with his long flowing red cape was Superman, also known to the rest of the world as the 'Man of Steel', the strongest superhero in the world.

The man in question was currently standing beside Flash, his large, muscled arms crossed in front of him as he sent Batman a piercing look. Which was somewhat ironic considering the man actually had the capabilities for X-ray vision among other things. Of course unlike Flash, he had been born with his abilities, with Superman having come from a distant planet called Kyrpton. The same in fact was true for Diana too, though she was more Greek Demigoddess then extraterrestrial.

Standing on the other side of Superman was another hero, Hal Jordan, otherwise known as Green Lantern. A former pilot turned intergalactic guardian, even now Batman was not fully sure about just who the Green Lantern's were, but from what he had gathered, they were similar to the Justice League only on a galactic scale. With all of them wielding green power rings which allowed them create slid shapes and structures from green coloured energy. On top of that all of them also wore the same painfully skin tight green and black uniform.

Again Batman was not fully sure on the details, not yet anyway. But what he did know was that the man was a powerful hero, and one who despite some of his annoying personality quirks used his power for good, just like the rest of the Justice League.

Looking away from the curious looking Green Lantern, Batman instead met the gaze of Martian Manhunter, another alien who had come to earth and used his powers to save people. Unlike Superman though, Martian Manhunter unsurprisingly came from Mars, with his set of powers being substantially different to the other aliens Batman had met or heard of.

Meeting Batman's gaze stoically, the green skinned alien folded his arms in front of him and gave the Dark Knight a small nod, the alien's red eyes as inscrutable as the rest of him as he simply gazed at Batman, stoically waiting for him to explain his reason for calling them.

The last founding member of the League was stood just next to Martian Manhunter, and he was known as Aquaman, though Batman also knew him as Arthur Curry, a powerful member of a sub-human species known as the Atlanteans. A race every bit as old and powerful as the Amazonians, only they lived in a great city under the waves called Atlantis.

Meeting Aquaman's stern gaze, Batman shared a single nod with him, before he turned to the rest of the League, finally deciding to put them out of their misery and explain his reason for assembling them.

"We have a problem." Batman suddenly said bluntly, looking around the room as he did so. "Last night the Tower of Fate was attacked."

A sharp intake of breath followed this announcement, as multiple heroes started to try and speak at the same time. A harsh glare from the Batman though, quickly brought order.

"And what of Kent Nelson?" Superman, also known to these gather as Clark Kent, asked a frown on his face at the thought of their occasional ally being in trouble. Kent had after all been a useful point of contact before to many in this room, often helping the League and individual heroes when it came to dealing with supernatural enemies and magic.

"He is missing, presumed dead." Batman replied bluntly, his expression showing none of his own anger and grief as he said that. "I arrived as soon as I got the alert, but by the time I got there though, the Tower was little more than rubble, and had been ransacked of anything valuable."

The response to that was quite varied as some solemnly lowered their heads, other however were a bit out louder and made their shock and anger known to the others.

"First thing we should do is search for him and try and confirm that he is deceased." Diana spoke up, catching the other member's attention as she did so, the Princess instantly falling into old habits as she began issuing commands.

"I already have, my sidekick Robin along with several of his friends, Beast Boy and Cyborg, are currently scouring the ruins and the surrounding area for any sign of him, or of his attackers." Batman replied abruptly, hiding a slight smile at the thought of Robin's exploits as he did so.

So far his sidekick had managed to set up a strong presence in Jump City, working alongside the other two heroes in a tenuous alliance, the three of them having done a pretty decent job so far when it came to protecting the people of Jump city, so much so that Batman had offered Robin some funding and gadgets to help him out.

Their success was one of the reason why he had called them in to help, that and the fact that they were also connected to someone who Batman believed might have something to do with the attack on the Tower of Fate.

"Do we know who is responsible for the attack? Have any villains claimed credit, or openly shown themselves to be in the possession of the stolen relics?" Superman asked loudly, acknowledging that Batman was already on top of the search effort as he did so.

"No definite culprit, though I think I know of someone who might know more about it." Batman replied, his mind going back to his recent confrontation with Harry and his comrades. The teen was still an unconfirmed, substantiated villain, but he was someone who was definitely on Batman's shit list. After all the kid had broken several of Batman's bones the last time they met, in fact it was only thanks to the advanced medical tech that he had access to, that he was here, even if he wasn't quite fighting fit yet.

"Who?" Flash asked, curious as he heard the slightest note of restrained anger in Batman's voice, something not even he had been able to bring out of the stoic hero, yet.

In response Batman merely activated a large screen overhead, showing the slightly blurred image of a dark haired teen, with green eyes. The teen in question was wearing a set of simple clothes one would expect from any teenager, and in fact just look like a normal kid. Something the other League members noticed as they looked over at Batman curiously.

"This is Harry, a powered individual with telekinetic abilities. His age, and place of birth is unknown, but going by his accent and appearance I would say he was sixteen or seventeen and is from the south of England." Batman spoke up, his eyes narrowed as he gave a brief summary of what he knew of the boy. "Don't let his age fool you however, the kid is a thief, not a convicted one though. He tends to prey on other criminals, passing himself off as a vigilante of sorts, despite that though he is still a thief and one that is prone to violence. Most recently he emptied a mob run bank in Gotham, and destroyed an alien ship in Jump City. I also suspect him of being behind a few deaths in Gotham, though like with his other crimes there is no concrete proof."

The other Leaguers frowned as they heard that, some of them looking at the boy with disappointed gazes, disappointed that he abused his powers for his own benefit. Not everyone did though, as Diana merely frowned before looking at Batman.

"From your description, this Harry is a thief more than anything, a rogue who steals from other rogues. Why do you think he's responsible for destroying the Tower of Fate?" Wonder Woman asked curiously.

"I don't, or at least not directly." Batman replied with a scowl as he looked at the image of the teen. "I do however think he is indirectly responsible. A few days ago we had a run in in Gotham, one in which he, with the help of some new comrades of his, an alien known as Starfire and some another telekinetic called Raven, managed to get away." Batman continued, going off what Robin had told him and what he had observed of Harry's two companions as he did so.

"The big bad Bat, beaten by a brat." Flash suddenly said spoke up, a slight smile on his face as he saw Batman's scowl.

"Enough Flash, this is serious." Superman suddenly said, a frown on his face as he reminded the others of the seriousness of the situation.

"Yes, well in the fight Harry managed to get a computer tablet from me. One which contained information on a number of villains, heroes and important locations." Batman said, internally wincing as he saw the looks he was receiving. "It was data I complied in order to assist me in my duties."

"You collected data on all of us?!" Wonder Woman suddenly snapped, the other Leaguers pitching in as they realised what Batman had done. "And you lost it."

Batman scowled in response to her harsh words, but didn't deny the accusation. "It was heavily encrypted and I saw no harm in collecting the information, it seems though that, that was a lapse in judgement. Harry was able to get a hold of it and has since put some of the information it held for sale on the black market."

"So that was how the Tower of Fate was discovered?" Aquaman said darkly, an accusatory note in his voice. After all the Tower of Fates greatest defense had been its anonymity.

"Yes," Batman said, not even trying to lie.

"So if anyone is responsible for the death of Kent it is you!?" Hal Jordan suddenly snapped out angrily.

"Enough." Superman called out, "We will deal with Batman later, for now we need to track down the attackers and retrieve this data. Bruce do you have anything more you can tell us?"

Despite Superman's calm exterior Batman could tell he was pissed off. All of the League members were and he could understand why. Thankfully though the importance of their situation mean that they were able to get past their feelings of anger and betrayal, for the moment at least.

"Yes I've tracked the seller down to an Irish pub in Salem, so far Harry is still in possession of the tablet. Though I do think he sold the location of the Tower of Fate to a villain, the attack itself doesn't fit Harry's Modus Operandi, nor do I think he would be able to get through the defenses. The Tower had more than just physical defenses, but magical ones too."

"So you think we need to track down this Harry character, and get both the tablet and the name of who he sold the information to off of him." Superman asked abruptly.

"Yes, and hopefully this time we will have enough evidence to put him away in Belle Reve." Batman replied, before he looked around the room.

As he did so, he could still see the anger and reproach in the eyes of his fellow Heroes, despite that though he forged on. "For the moment I will head back to Salem and oversee Robin and his friends as they search the ruins. I will also visit the pub and get answers out of the middle man who's selling the data, this will also stop any more of it from being sold."

The other Leaguers nodded at that.

"For now I'll keep you updated on what I know. I will also send out images of Harry and his companions to the other members of the League, hopefully we will get some luck and one of them will find him." Batman continued.

The others nodded at that, before they all turned and headed off, many of them still angry at Batman for his error, his betrayal of trust really. But on top of that they were all also worried about what could come from the destruction of the Tower of Fate, the Tower after all had once held a lot of powerful objects, objects that in the wrong hands could cause a lot of damage and chaos.

( - )

(At the same time in London)

Walking into a seedy bar in the east end of London, an auburn haired man looked distinctly uncomfortable as he looked around the dimly lit room he'd just entered. Squaring his broad shoulders, the man's naturally stern face hardened even more when he saw a number of shady looking individuals, some humans, and some other kind of creatures; like goblins, minor demons and even one or two vampires and a succubus from what he could see, all of them looking over at him as he strode into the room.

Scowling at this the man held back his temper as he saw the suspicious, and avarice looks on their faces, the man's hand twitched towards his hip, as if he was tempted to draw a sheathed sword that wasn't there.

"Oi Jason! There you are!" A loud, obnoxious voice suddenly shouted out, attracting the attention of the other denizens of the seedy pub as it did so, including the now named Jason who looked up with a scowl before he focused on the source of the voice.

The source being a thin man, who was wearing a scraggly looking suit with a trench coat over the top. The man in question looked to be in his mid-thirties, and had short blonde hair, a stubbly beard, blue eyes and a wide grin on his face as he waved Jason over to him.

"John Constantine." Jason Blood grumbled, his brow furrowing even further as he glared around at the surround occupants, some of whom flinched when Jason's gaze fell upon them, before without another word he strode past them, heading towards where the smirking man was sat, a near empty pint of ale in front of him.

A pint that John Constantine quickly drained as he saw Jason walking over, before he thrust it out at Jason, an expectant look on his face. "Well since you're up why don't you get us another pint?"

"I'm not here to drink with you Constantine." Jason replied with distaste, before he sat down on the seat opposite John, his too old looking eyes observing the blonde man curiously before he continued. "You said in your message that something urgent had happened, care to explain what you meant?"

Constantine grimaced at that, before he began to tap his fingers on the table in front of him, his blue eyes flickering round the room before he almost nonchalantly drew a glowing golden symbol on the table in front of him, erecting a minor ward around the two of them, one which would keep people for hearing their conversation.

"Shit's hit the fan, Jason!" Constantine, said bluntly his eyes now locked on Jason. "You'll probably hear it eventually, but I wanted to tell you first."

"What's happened?" Jason asked seriously, a scowl on his face as he saw how serious the usually abrasive mage was acting. Jason had long since gotten used to the man's arrogance, impropriety and all round disregard for manners or proper decorum, so to suddenly see him so serious, and dare he say worried, was quite concerning.

"Kent Nelson's dead." Constantine replied bluntly.

Jason blinked at that, his mind going back to Kent, a man he'd known for decades now. Back when Kent was in his prime, and was known to the world at large as Doctor Fate. "I'm guessing from your tone that he didn't die from natural causes?"

John grimaced at that. "That's the thing, he both did and he didn't?"

"What do you mean?" Jason demanded, leaning forward in his seat as he fixed Constantine with a stern look.

"Someone found and attacked the Tower of Fate, ripped it to shreds from what I could see, and I'm talking powerful magic was at work there, I mean you know how protected that place was right!? But yeah, anyway the place was attacked and it's little more than rubble now, and Kent, well I used a bit of magic and found his body buried deep underground, some fifty or so yards from the ruins." Constantine said a frown on his face, as he remembered scouring the ruins for anything of use, be it magical artifacts or evidence about who the attackers were.

"Buried? As in someone waited round to dig a grave for him?" Jason asked, once again frowning. That didn't sound like the act of a cold blooded murderer, or any Dark Wizard or Demon he'd heard of before. Which of course put a big question mark on who the attacker might be.

"Yeah, still I needed to get a look at what happened to him, you know, so I could see if I could recognise the magic or the spells used, maybe get a clue about who the attacker was." John continued, showing no sign of shame about how he had just exhumed the grave of an erstwhile colleague in the magical arts.

"And what did you find?" Jason asked, unsurprised by the man's casual desecration of a grave, it was dishonourable and so like Constantine that he didn't even bat an eye.

"Well his body was a mess, I mean both his arms were broken, and his spine was damaged. Though it didn't look to be caused by any spell, or none that I know of, nor were the injuries fatal, I mean if left too long they would have killed him, but any half decent mage with healing magic could have fixed him up, hell even a none magical doctor could have saved him. No, what killed him was a heart attack, plain and simple." John grunted, scowling now as he thought about the condition Kent was in, he was battered and bruised, but didn't look to have been purposefully murdered.

"So the attackers didn't mean to kill him?" Jason asked confused now.

"Don't know, they might have done. Though the fact they buried him makes me wonder. Either way the bastards beat him up pretty bad and ran off with all of the treasures the Tower held." Constantine continued. Knowing as he did so, that the Tower held a whole array of artefacts, but didn't contain all of the ones Kent had acquired over the course of his life, the old man was a wily old goat after all and had secreted them in caches all over the place. Still things were still bad, after all the most powerful thing the Tower held was the Helmet of Fate, and that, as of now was missing.

"I see." Jason said, a heavy scowl on his face. "And I take it you want to track these knaves down?"

"You know it, track them down and get back what they stole. The Helmet, it's too powerful to be out there in the world, I mean the last thing we need is a Lord of Chaos or a sufficiently powerful Dark Wizard getting a hold of it!" John grunted, his fingers now drumming impatiently on the table in front of him, even as he thought back on all of the villains who could get a hold of it and what terror and destruction they could cause.

"Then where do we begin?" Jason replied grimly.

( - )

(In Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)

A slight sigh left Albus Dumbledore's lips as he looked down at the list of students that would be attending Hogwart's this year. Scanning down the list the old man, as he had done for the last six or so years searched for a particular name on the list, one which he hoped to find, but which he knew he would probably not. Especially not now he'd been declared legally dead.

Harry Potter, the eldest Potter child and the older brother of Charlie Potter. What happened to that boy was the biggest mistake Albus Dumbledore had ever made. At the time, all those years ago when Voldemort had attacked the Potter' cottage on Halloween, Dumbledore had gotten so wrapped up in the meaning of a prophecy given to him more than a year before, that he'd acted rashly.

The prophecy he'd heard, had spoken of a child born as the seventh month died, whose parents had thrice defied Voldemort, with this child apparently being destined to vanquish the Dark Lord Voldemort. After hearing that it Dumbledore had instantly identified the possible children as either Neville Longbottom or Charlie Potter, the two of them fitting it to a tee. After which he had warned the parents and then begun making plans to ensure the eventual downfall of the most powerful Dark Lord in recent times.

It was for this reason why, when he'd heard the news that the Potter's home had been attacked by the Dark Lord, and that dear sweet Dorea Potter had been murdered. That he had rushed over there with as many members of the Order of the Phoenix, the society he'd put together to oppose Voldemort, as he could.

When he'd gotten there though, he had been filled with both joy and shock when he'd heard that both of the Potter children had survived, and that Voldemort had also been vanquished.

Upon hearing that he'd instantly realised that this was the work of the prophecy, and had said as much to those around him, so caught up in the moment as he had been. With this news having spread along with the news of the Dark Lords defeat, which meant that by the next day every magical in Britain knew what had happened.

Things had moved very quickly after that, as nearly over night Charlie Potter had become a household name, with him later gaining the moniker, 'The Boy Who Lived'.

Harry meanwhile had been forgotten by the public at large, after all Dumbledore's poorly chosen words had caused all attention to fall on Charlie. Of course those that knew the Potters, and the Potters themselves didn't forget about their eldest son, but Dumbledore much to his shame had.

This had been the reason for why at the time he'd focused on Charlie to the exclusion of all else, which meant he'd missed the instability of Harry's magic, no doubt caused by whatever happened that night.

Of course the issue was eventually picked up some months later, when Harry started having premature bouts of powerful, uncontrolled accidental magic, incidents that led to him tearing apart furniture and the rooms around him without meaning to.

The instability of his magic having become even worse and even more uncontrolled by the magic rich atmosphere of the Potter's mansion, his condition having become far more serious as the months passed.

Thinking back now Dumbledore knew he should have noticed sooner, if he had he could have sorted out the issue before it got too unmanageable, then that would have meant that Harry could have probably have safely stayed at home with his family.

Unfortunately though he hadn't which meant that Harry, for his own good, had needed to be secluded from ambient magic so his developing magic could stabilize and so he could recover.

This was why Dumbledore had suggested sending the boy to Lily's sister.

Something the Potter's had grudgingly accepted, though they had continued to watch from afar, keeping an eye on their son as he grew up and ensuring he was being looked after. Which to a lesser extent he was, as although the Dursley's weren't all that kind to him, making him sleep in a room under the stairs for one and making him do chores at a very young age, they didn't beat him or mistreat him.

Though he knew for a fact that Lily was less than pleased with her older sister, and had had to talk her out of going after her sister several times.

Still despite that things had been going well enough, and a few years later Dumbledore and the Potter's had both been hopeful that Harry would be able to return home soon, after all his bouts of accidental magic had toned down a lot and weren't as destructive as they used to be.

Unfortunately though, before they could bring him home Harry had gone missing, the boy apparently having had a relapse and had hurt both his Aunt and Uncle with his magic. After which he had run away, much to the Potter's horror and Dumbledore's shock, and was never seen again, despite Dumbledore reaching out to his contacts around the world in the different magical communities and the Potter's putting political pressure on the British Government, both magical and mundane, in order to try and track him down.

Another sigh left Dumbledore's lips as at that thought, it'd had been years now and just recently the missing Potter Heir had been declared dead by the Ministry, despite Lily and James's fierce objections.

In fact thinking on it now, the boy would've be seventeen this year and in his last year at Hogwarts, which meant he would have been old enough to take part in the Triwizard Tournament that was coming to Hogwarts this year.

Looking away from the list of new students at that thought, Dumbledore let out another sigh, this one full of regret.

A single oversight, and he'd robbed a set of parents of their eldest son, and young Charlie of an older brother.

Some may say it wasn't his fault, after all how was he supposed to know what had happened to Harry. But Dumbledore thought differently, if he'd not gotten so caught up in what was happening and had checked the boy over, just like he had Charlie, then all of this could have been different.

Looking out the window, Dumbledore could only sadly think of the young boy he'd failed, and whether he was still alive out there, and if he was, what he was doing with his life?

( - )

(With Harry, In Hawaii)

Lying back on his sun bed, Harry Potter, kicked his feet back and relaxed, a contented sigh leaving his lips as he held a long island ice tea in one hand, whilst he had his other hand up and shading his eyes. A large smile slowly spreading across his face as he felt the heat of the sun beating off of him, his gaze moving to either side of the small isolated beach he was currently lying on. Only for him to see the pure white sand, crystal blue waters and the lack of anybody else, for as far as the eye could see.

Letting out a contented sigh as he heard that, Harry took sip of his cool refreshing drink before he kicked back and relaxed.

At present the dark haired teen was wearing a pair of bright orange swim shorts, some flip-flops and a garish, floral patterned Hawaiian shirt as he lay back on his sunbed and chilled out.

To his left he could see Kori, wearing an extremely revealing purple bikini and lying on a similar sunbed to Harry, a similarly contented smile on her face as she, like Harry, lounged about in the sun, making idle conversation with him as she did so. Her orange skin positively glowing in the sunlight, much to Harry's delight as his gaze trailed over to her, delighting in the view her skimpy bathing costume gave him.

To his other side, strangely enough sitting in the shade, hiding from the hot sun under a large parasol was Raven. The girl in question was wearing a considerably more conservative swimsuit than Starfire, as she instead sat on her sun bed and played about with the two magical artifacts she'd claimed as her own after the group had finished ransacking the Tower of Fate. The three of them only hanging around long enough to bury the deceased Kent Nelson before they left.

Both of these items she had learned from Harry, thanks to the amount of knowledge he now had access to when wearing the Helmet of Fate, were very powerful artefacts and were known as the Amulet of Anubis, and the Cloak of Destiny. Unfortunately though the pair of them were both a bright, garish shiny gold colour, though Raven was currently working on toning that down a little, as she tried to work out how to make them dark blue or purple, something which would fit more with her tastes.

"This is the life!" Harry sighed out as he drained the last of his cocktail, before he reached down into an enchanted cooler box next to his sunbed and grabbed another drink, this one being an ice cold lager. "I could really get used to this."

"It is very pleasant." Koriand'r sighed in response, pushing her thick red hair behind her shoulder as she sat up on her own bed and looked over at him, her smile widening when he met her gaze "Is this what they call a holiday?"

"I suppose, though for me this could just be my new life." Harry chuckled in response, taking a sip of his icy cold beverage as he did so.

"What does that mean?" Kori asked curiously. Hearing that Raven also looked up from messing about with her new cloak and amulet, her violet eyes now curiously resting on Harry.

Harry cocked an eyebrow at that, before he shrugged. "Well what more is there for me to do? I've liberated a shit ton of money over the years, I have a fortune in valuable magical artifacts stashed away and now with my new helmet I can once again use magic? I've pretty much achieved all my goals, all that's left is for me to relax and enjoy the rest of my life." Harry continued, sending a fond look to the golden helmet he had resting on the sand next to his sunbed as he did so.

"That's kind of a little sad don't you think?" Raven spoke up, her tone soft as Harry looked over to her.

"Not really, I have everything I want, now all that's left is for me to enjoy it." Harry said with a shrug, before he saw the slight sad frown on Kori's face and the searching look Raven was giving him. "I mean I have no interest in making a political or financial empire, and have enough resources to live a luxurious life for the next few decades. On top of that if I ever do run low on funds I can either rob some criminals, or sell some more information from that tablet of Batman's."

"Does that mean we'll stop going on adventures?" Kori asked, a hint of melancholy in her voice. After all, although she loved spending time with Harry and would happily spend the rest of her life with him if he'd allow it, she was hoping for a bit more, she'd only just come to this world after all, and she wanted to explore as much as it as she could.

Harry cocked an eyebrow at that in surprise. "Well no of course not. It only means I've achieved all my goals, and am happy to sit around and enjoy the spoils. It doesn't mean you two have achieved yours though, and just like how you helped me, I'm more than happy to help you do what you want to do!"

Koriand'r smiled widely as she heard that, her green eyes twinkling with delight. "I like how that sounds."

Harry sent the girl a smile as he heard her response, before he glanced over at Raven, catching her expression softening for a moment as he did so.

"Ok then, since we're chatting what is it that you two want to do next?" Harry asked, genuine curiosity lacing his voice now.

Koriand'r sat up in her seat as she heard that, flashing Harry a bright smile as she did so. "I'd like to see more of earth! I want to see everything!"

"Well that's… a big dream." Harry said a bemused smile on his face, before he sent Kori a wink. "But I reckon it's manageable it'll probably take us decades, but then again I've got nothing else I'm really planning to do anytime soon."

If possible Kori's grin widened even more so as she heard that, the girl almost taking to the air in excitement as she did so.

Harry smiled fondly at that, before he looked over to Raven with a cheeky grin. "What about you doom and gloom, what do you want to do next?"

Raven rolled her eyes as she heard Harry's comment, more than used to him by now.

"I…" Raven began, her tone becoming uncertain now, almost vulnerable. "I would like to learn more about the magical world, the one you spoke of."

Harry smiled softly as he heard that, knowing as he did that for someone as seemingly reclusive and antisocial as Raven, an entire magical community probably sounded like dream. Whether she'd still feel like that when she learned about both the good bits and ugly bits of the society Harry was born into, he wasn't sure, either way he would be happy to take her there and show her around.

"Well it seems we have a plan then." Harry spoke up with a grin. "We're first going to go travelling round the magical world, exploring as much as we can, and then after that we can continue into mundane world! How does that sound?"

Kori grinned excitedly as she heard that, her eyes literally glowing with excitement.

Raven however managed a very faint but genuine smile in response, looking between both Kori and Harry happily as she did so.

( - )

AN: So what did you all think? I hope you enjoyed it?

SO far this holds a lot of reactions, and sets the way for what is coming. As I have said before for this story I will be drawing inspiration from Young Justice, the Teen Titans, the Harry Potter books and a number of other stories to both expand the HP verse and merge it with the already massive DC verse.

Other than thanks for all the support, and I hope you leave a review.

Thanks for reading.
