Chapter 3!!!!!!! So excited for this one. So Lyanna is gonna be on her way to Kings Landing, where Rhaegar is. Eeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!! I'm gonna stop fangirling so that you guys can read so have at it.

Chapter 3: Departure

This was the day.

Yesterday went by quickly. Between packing, getting sized for new dresses to where in Kings Landing, and preparing everything to leave, the day flashed by.

As she made her way to the dining hall, she tried to memorize everything she could about the castle. The smell, the warm feeling it gave even in the cold of winter, everything. The next time she would be here, if she even came back, would be years from now. She would be married, have children, and be a perfect wife to a lord of some far off land. She hated everything about it. She would never ride her horse in the Godswood, she would never go hunting, she would never handle another sword, she would never be free. She just wanted some say in her future. She wanted to live an adventurous life. She wanted to travel to distant lands, to study different cultures, to make something of herself other than Lady Stark. But that wasn't her decision. Her whole life was controlled by some social expectation of what a lady is supposed to be.

She knew that she had to act like a lady in the south if she were to keep her head. The south was a dangerous place. The Mad King who abuses his wife and enjoys burning innocents, the ladies who find entertainment in humiliating other women, and rumors that could could ruin a person's reputation and life. All of it resided in Kings Landing, her destination, her home for the next few months.

She had arrived in front of the dining hall's doors. The doors were opened for her and she walked into the grand hall lined with house Stark banners. She saw her brothers Brandon and Benjen and sat next to them.

"I just don't understand why you want to go" said Brandon.

"I've told you a million times, it's an honorable thing to do" answered Benjen.

"But that's not what I asked. I know it's honorable, I'm asking why you would join the brotherhood when you could become a lord" said Brandon.

"That's just not my calling" Benjen replied simply.

"And celibacy is?" asked Lyanna, making her presence known to her two brothers and causing the eldest to nearly choke on his drink. Benjen scolded his sister.

"It's a small sacrifice to join the Night's Watch" said Benjen as he tilted his head up in defiance.

"Well maybe small for you, but for larger men...OW" yelped Brandon as Benjen hit him continuously.

Just as Benjen ended his assault on their eldest brother, their father walked in. Lyanna knew he had to do what he did, but that didn't mean she had to like it.

"Where's Eddard?" their father asked.

"Most likely hiding from you" Lyanna said under her breath.

"What was that Lyanna?" asked Brandon in a mocking tone. Lyanna pinched him under the table so their father couldn't see. The two shared a glare before Ned walked in sulking. He took his seat opposite of Lyanna on the table.

"Ready to find yourself a wife Ned?" joked Brandon, but no reply came from his you get brother. Lyanna knew her brother's opinion on marrige. He had no wish to marry, but he knew it was his duty so he would do as he was told. Lyanna would try to do the same, but she wouldn't be happy about it. She wished she had as much composure as her brother on the subject.

"Eddard? Your brother asked you a question" their father said looking intensely at her brother.

"Yes" was all that Ned said. He hadn't looked up from his plate.

"I understand you dislike your circumstances, but do not sulk. You are a man Eddard, act like it" their father commanded. Ned looked up at his father and nodded. Once Lyanna finished her breakfast she waited for Ned and the two of them walked out to the stables. Lyanna had dressed in riding clothes since she would be riding her horse, Hades, to Kings Landing. As horrible as the situation was, it was reassuring that she got to bring a little bit of home with her.

She walked towards the all black horse. His saddle was being put on by the stable boy.

"Hello Wylis" Lyanna said in a kind voice. She knew of the incident that took place when he was just a boy, most did. Many of the boys in Winterfell gave him the nickname Hodor, since that's the only thing he ever says. He doesn't seem to mind, although if he did, Lyanna assumed she wouldn't be able to tell. She saw it as an insult. She disliked the cruel nickname. It was just another reminder of what had happened to him, that he wasn't normal. Wylis looked up at Lyanna and said "H-hodor", he then went back to tying the saddle onto Hades. Once he was finished Lyanna took Hades by the reins and to the front gate where her father, brothers and the guards that were to escort her and Ned to Kings Landing were waiting.

"Told you she was coming" said Benjen with a told-you-so look on his face.

"Thought you would have tried to escape" said Brandon with a straight face.

"No, never...not until we're far enough in the Godswood"

Brandon cracked a smile.

"I'll miss you" said Brandon hugging Lyanna.

"You're squishing me and I'll see you at your wedding"

"Too far away" said Brandon is defiance.

"I'll miss you too Brandon"

"Goodbye Lyanna, goodbye Ned" said Benjen tilting his head up, trying to act like an adult.

"Bye Benjy" said Lyanna as her and Ned hugged their youngest brother.

While Ned said his farewells to Brandon, Lyanna walked over to her father.

"Goodbye father" Lyanna said with no emotion and curtsied.

Lyanna went to turn around when her father caught her arm.

"You know I don't want to do this. I love you Lyanna and this is what is best for you. You have to trust me"

Lyanna didn't want it to be true, but she knew it was. She nodded her head and hugged her father tightly.

"Goodbye father, I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you as well Lyanna" her father said, pulling away "Promise me something Lyanna" her father said, suddenly serious.

"What is it?" questioned Lyanna

"Don't change in the South. People will want you to act one way, to conform, but you must always do what you believe to be right. You're strong, you're a wolf. Remember that when your in the blistering heat of the South" her father advised.

"I swear it by the old gods" said Lyanna.

"Time to go!" yelled Ned.

Lyanna turned around and climbed up on her horse. She turned to see her father smiling up at her.

"What?" Lyanna asked in amusement.

"Your mother would be proud of the woman you've become" his father said, then turned around and walked a few feet away and watched as she rode out of Winterfell. Lyanna felt almost happy. Her father rarely talked about their mother anymore. She took his comment as high praise. Her mother passed away due to sickness when Lyanna was no older than 8. She loved her mother dearly.

Lyanna took one final look back at her home, then she looked back to the trail. It was time to begin her journey to Kings Landing.

Chapter 3!!!! I know I took forever to upload. I had a bunch of essays due and like 20 pages of notes that I had to do and a bunch of other stupid stuff that isn't as fun as writing this story. I hope you guys like this chapter, I know I liked writing it. I'll have a new one out soon. Thank you for all the support you guys have been giving me, review please. So stay tuned or whatever, I'll have anew chapter out soooo. Love you guys!!