Authors Note: This story is lightly inspired by two stories, one of which being Figures from monstersinmind and other being Martyr by Lilacwrath, another amazing story which is also inspired by Figures. I would strongly recommend anyone reading this to check both of these stories out as well. I have spoken to both of these authors about the coming of my story and they were equally more than kind by offering words of encouragement so please do go leave them some reviews!

Be warned, this is an AU, so things will be different! Also, keep in mind that this is a SI / Sakura reincarnation. Beings and memories and state of mind will be jumbled at first, maybe even a tad confusing but it will all come together nicely. That being said, I by no means want my version of Sakura to be Mary-Sueish. I'm working on keeping her as true to her original self as possible given the circumstances but if anyone notices that I start slipping please remind me nicely. I'm not sure if there are any fics out there quite like this one, but if you know of any I adore recommendations.

Constructive criticism is always welcome! Just remember I'm only Human and I do make mistakes.

Please enjoy my story!

Title: She Rises

Author: ALightLit

Beta: -

Type: AU - SI - Rencarnation

Status: Incomplete - Ongoing.

Rating: T (Rating may change due to maturing characters.)

Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto!

Pairing: Undecided.

Word Count: 1,051

Intro: Sometimes greatness was thrust upon us. Sakura Haruno did not know what she had done to deserve a second chance, and neither did the other soul she now shared a body with. "Uchiha Sakura, the heir of the Uchiha clan, lead us with pride." One thing was for sure though, they would change the world. AU SI/Sakura Reincarnation - kind of weird. Lightly Inspired from Figures by monstersinmind and Martyr by Lilacwrath



魂 (たましい)

Tamashii is a Japanese word meaning a soul; or spirit.

"Aa," Sakura hummed, "Tamashii-chan, I think it's about time."

A two-year-old sat surrounded by papers, all spread throughout the room in a spiral form with the young girl neatly in the center. Timelines wrote out in a language from another life no one could have possibly known - this was safe.

"Going blindly into this seems like an unfavorable choice, after all." She sighed. (to herself)

Of course, many of these timelines were bound to change - if she had any say in it - by the time the important stuff came underway. She knew that many things would change with the survival of the Uchiha Clan, which Uchiha Sakura was going to ensure even if it meant watching her village burn.

She supposes this is where she differs from Itachi.

It took three lifetimes to finally get a clan (a family) that would love her and back her every move unconditionally, she was going to latch on with both hands and hold tight until her last breath.

Her eyes flickered red, one tome in the left eye and two in the right, Sakura dedicated each paper to memory with unblinking eyes, and then she slowly gathered them into a neat pile and headed out the door.

"Sakura-chan, where are you off to?" Her mother eyed the young child from the kitchen as she passed by, face as impassive as ever.

"I am going to practice my Katon, if that pleases you, Kaa-san?" Mikoto blinked and gave a small nod of encouragement. Just like that, her only child was gone.

She knew Sakura-chan was advanced, and she knew that there was only so much she could do to try and hold her back to give her a childhood. But a war was on the horizon and young prodigies were not destined for a long childhood.

A crushing foreboding feeling seemed to seep into Mikoto's stomach, and the Uchiha matriarch found herself on her knees in the kitchen, praying softly.

"Kami-sama, protect her, give her a fierce strength for the path she will face, make her faster, stronger, superior." Mikoto bowed her head to touch the finely polished floorboards, and so she missed the shadow flicker away outside.

[She Rises]

There could be no evidence.

Sakura stood on the deck she had cast her first Katon on, and with blank eyes, threw the stack of papers high into the air.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu."

Several stunningly bright blue fireballs burst forward, burning the slips of paper up to nothing but ash that was caught up in a breeze and blown away.

"Aa," Sakura said again, "Tamashii-chan, I think it's about time."

Tonight her father would tell Mikoto that he was enlisting their only child into the Academy so she could be trained into a weapon. She had been sure to 'slip' her prodigious talent with an unsuspecting casualness.

Sakura stared down at her reflection in the water and blinked at what she saw, she was still not fully used to the black-eyed dark haired child that stared back at her but she knew there would always be a bit of unease at her own reflection.

In one life she had been blessed with blonde locks and hazel eyes, and in the other cotton candy pink teases and emerald green eyes. This new body seemed almost, well, bland.

Well, my eyes never could do this before. Sakura mused as red bled into black.

The life of an entire Clan rested on her shoulders alone, she just had to master being able to lift it.

[She Rises]

"Were you hit upside your head today?" Mikoto Uchiha stared at her husband, eyes flickering red in pure rage. "My daughter is two." She spat like a wild, angry cat.

"For the sake of the Clan we canno-"

"No," The room very nearly shook with the weight of the word. "God's damn this Clan if it means cursing my child."

"Mikoto!" Fugaku snapped, a warning clear in his voice. "Sakura is the most talented child I have ever laid eyes on, we cannot let this chance pass her up."

She will bring us glory. Seemed to hover in the air unsaid.

"I won't have it, I will not sacrifice my daughter and send her like a lamb to be slaughtered!" Her chest heaved for a moment, and then her shoulders dropped in despair. "You know what happens if she steps foot in that Academy as things are, you know what'll happen, I can't bar-"

"I will hone a fierce strength," Sakura stepped into the room silently and watched passively as both her parents tensed. Something akin to understanding flashed across her Kaa-san's face. "I will learn to become faster, stronger, superior."

And she would because Sakura had been a burnt husk of a girl before she was given this second chance. She was forged in a fire and she had become a metal unbendable. Too much was at risk.

"I will not die Kaa-san," Her own eyes flickered red and she forced herself to call upon memories that any sane person would shove away and pretend didn't exist.




"Worthless," The woman spat.

She was the spitting image of the blonde child that was cowering in the corner of a kitchen, only she seemed more worn down - it was probably the drug usage over the years that turned a beautiful woman into a shell of her former self.

"You will never amount to anything," She hissed, leg pulled back to kick the girl in the ribs and-

"Sakura-chan!" Azure eyes glinted at her as Naruto smiled that thousand-watt smile of his that could lift even the darkest of souls, except, his face was flecked with drying blood and his arm was missing.

"Don't talk Naruto," The pinkette choked back a sob. "Just let me work, I can still-"

"'Is okay Sakura-chan, Sasuke and I, we can finally…" But the light was leaving his bright eyes and Sakura couldn't breathe because Naruto was the only one left alive other than her she couldn't do it alone she-




Sakura's parents watched in muted amazement as three tomes fully formed in each eye - two in the left, one in the right - so she now had a fully formed Sharrigan.

"Failure was never an option for me."





If it feels like this it a little fast paced, that's because it is. The first few years of Sakura's life will play out like a flashfic, because while it's important it is not as important as what I have planned to come.

At the end of each chapter, I like to engage my readers with a question.

What is your muse?