Chapter One *I love you*

Riley is sitting at her bay window, wringing her hands, completely overcome with emotions at the event that just unfolded. Farkle spilt her secret. A secret she wanted to keep locked away. It was supposed to stay simple. Lucas and Maya were supposed to figure out what they were, while Riley moved on with her life.

"You know you wouldn't have moved on." Riley says to herself, feeling lost.

What can she do now? Farkle blurting out that she still loves Lucas isn't exactly something she can pretend was never said. Can she?

The bedroom door opens, interrupting Riley's thoughts. Lucas appears in the doorway. His face is unreadable. "So were you just going to keep it hidden forever?" His voice is wringed with anger.

"Keep what hidden Lucas?" Riley tries to play dumb, wanting to avoid this conversation.

Lucas rolls his eyes. "That you still love me."

Riley looks back down at her hands. She can't handle looking into those light green eyes. She gets lost in them every time.

"Riles please look at me. I'm sorry I sounded so angry it's just..." Lucas trails off, not sure of what to even say himself. One minute he was telling Maya he was glad to be by her side at midnight. And now it is a little past midnight, and he is talking to Riley about her feelings for him. Lucas gets down on his knees in front of her, lifts her chin up with his finger, and their eyes meet.

"I wanted to see if you two had something. And you do." She reminds him, thinking about their encounter in Texas by the campfire.

Lucas thinks back to the campfire as well. Maya and him did share something, and he is pretty sure they share something now. Right? Confusion is pooling inside of Lucas. It was simpler before. He thought she thought of him as a brother. But that was a lie. Is he lying to himself about having feelings about Maya? Or are they real? He shakes his head, unsure. "I wish you would have said something."

Riley gets up from Lucas' stare and crosses the room to get a clear mind. "It doesn't matter though. You and Maya are whatever you two are. My feelings are irrelevant. You don't have to be in here talking to me about it. I know you and Maya want each other. So be together."

Lucas knew that was the chance to leave and be with Maya. That's what the plan has been since Riley told him she only saw him as a brother. But now everything is different. The girl he had loved and may still love, loves him. "I don't know if that's what I want."

His words hang in the air between them.

The door opens again. Cory Matthews pops into his daughter's room. He had been letting them have their conversation, but a boy being in their for so long was making him go crazy. "Okay you two time to break this up."

Topanga follows him inside, too late to keep her husband from embarrassing their sixteen year old daughter. He can be very over protective sometimes.

"Yes sir," Lucas says to Cory. Lucas gives one last longing look towards Riley before disappearing through her doorway. He continues out until he is outside on the sidewalk, looking up at her bay window. What is he going to do? He feels his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulls it out and looks down at the name is across the screen. Maya.

He ponders answering the call. He lets it ring until the call goes to voicemail. He just can't talk to her right now. his mind is jumbled up to be talking to her. He goes through his contact list until Zay's name pops up. He dials the number, hoping his best friend answers.

"Hey Lucas, what's up?" Zay answers.

Lucas sighs through the phone. "Do you mind if I come over? And invite Farkle too?"

"Sure no problem." Zay tells him.

Lucas hangs up the phone and begins to dial his other best friend's number.

It's almost three in the morning, and Riley still hasn't gotten any sleep. Her mind has been running away with her. She wishes she could talk to her best friend about this, but the sad part of it all is that her best friend is involved. How could they of let this happen? How could they of both decided to have feelings for Lucas?

Riley thinks back to all those years ago when she fell in his lap on their first date. That moment was her first encounter on what love is. All these years of loving Lucas, but not wanting to take that step of being a couple. She just wants to smack herself for being so dumb.

A pecking sound begins outside Riley's window. She raises up from her fluffy pillow, but can't tell what the sound is. She slowly inches her way out of the bed, and makes her way to the window. She slides her fingers under the sill and opens it all the way.

Lucas' face appears and Riley almost jumps out of her skin. She places her hand over her pounding heart. "What the hell Lucas?"

He makes his way inside, and they both sit at the bay window. "I had to see you again. We didn't get to finish our conversation."

Riley makes a yuck face at Lucas' breath. "You have been drinking."

He looks down at his lap ashamed. "I just needed to get some of the stress to go away. All of this isn't easy Riles."

She nods her head, understanding. Everything is so completely mixed up. She gets why Lucas is the mess he is right now. "My parents are leaving early in the morning for an event they are going to. You can stay here and rest if you want." She suggests.

Lucas looks up at her surprised, which he isn't the only surprised she said that.

Riley doesn't want him out there like this though. She wants him safe. So this can't be bad can it?

"Are you sure?" he asks, hoping she is.

She nods her head before going to her closet to get out some blankets to lay on the floor. "You can have my bed. I'll take the floor." She sets the blankets down to make a semi-comfortable palette.

"No that's not happening. I will take the floor." He says, being his usual gentleman self.

Riley rolls her eyes as she sets down some pillows with it. "Whatever you say cowboy." She gets in her bed then, just as Lucas lays on the palette she made for him.

They both lay there in silence, listening to each other breathe. But Riley is the one to break it, not able to keep her words in any longer. "Why don't you know what you want? I thought you and Maya were hitting it off." She squeezes her stuffed bunny as she asks, feeling nervous for some reason.

Lucas smiles in the darkness, not really knowing why. The alcohol is taking control of his tongue though. "I love you." He doesn't wish the words back neither. He loves Riley. He may be in a complete mess, but he knows that's the truth.

Riley's heart skips a beat. Did she really just hear him right? She almost decides to go over to him and kiss him, like all those years ago. But then her blonde headed best friend appears in her mind. He still doesn't know what he wants. "You are just drunk Lucas. Go to sleep." The brunette tells him.

He sighs before closing his eyes. She may not believe him, but it is true. He just has a lot to figure out. He thinks that as sleep caresses him.