Darkness, we all know it, we all feel it, we all fear it. But how long does one have to spend in the darkness before it becomes a part of you? How long before it slowly eats away at everything you are-were...how long before you forget the sound of laughter, the warmth of a smile? How long...before you become that cold, empty void we all fear?

It has been ages..She had almost forgotten she was asleep...but now? Now, it's not the darkness you need fear, sweet child….it's what the darkness has awakened…

Chapter 1: And So It Begins…

It was midnight, a time when most things are at peace; little ones tucked snugly into bed, their parents embracing each other while sleeping in the room down the hall. The lone guard patrolling an empty street even though there is no sign of crime. A lone wolf howling at the brilliant moon while her pups are nestled safely in her den. For some, however, midnight was the peak of existence.

A lone ship was sailing across the Amaranthine Ocean, leaving Nevarra in her wake and heading toward Ferelden. It was quiet on deck, most of the crew were below, while only a handful remained to mind the rigging. All seemed quiet and routine, save for the figure crouched atop the mast of the main sail. Nothing could be made out except for a pair of glowing yellow eyes. It seemed to be watching the crewmen below, the way an eagle sits in a tree watching its prey, waiting for an opening to strike. Suddenly, without warning, the figure dropped to the deck, landing without a sound and slinking alongside the canons. The eyes were as bright as the sun, with pupils so thin and black one almost felt as if they were looking into a bottomless abyss. It waited, crouched, remaining almost lifelessly still as one crewmember slowly, unknowingly, walked closer. Instantly, the figure lashed out, breaking the crewman's neck and retreated under the staircase leading to the captain's cabin. The moonlight shone through the slats of the stairs, reflecting off the creature's dagger-like fangs before they sank deep into the dead man's neck. Blood dripped from its mouth and even more fell onto the wooden panels of the floor as it gorged itself on the lifeless carcass. Then, as quickly as it had happened, the figure was gone and a not so distant splash was heard behind the ship. The figure returned to the perch in the mast as the crew seemed none the wiser that they were now one man short. A sweet aroma, reminiscent of lilacs and lavender wafted through the air before the night returned to her usual, calm self.

Morning arrived and the crew slowly began to emerge from the bowels of the ship. Many had not even reached their stations before "LAND HO!" was heard from the crow's nest of "The Drunken Lover". The captain emerged from her cabin, her dark skin and even darker hair causing her to stand out from her crew, as if her gaudy (if not scanty) attire failed to do that on its own. She looked out over her crew and saw that they were almost in a daze, as if the ship were manned by nothing but tranquil. She sniffed the air and caught the faint scent that had been so much stronger just a few hours earlier. She sighed in frustration as she put her hands on her hips, "If you keep this up, I won't have a crew to get us into port."

A young elven woman dropped beside her before standing to her full height. She looked young, mid to late twenties, hair blacker than night, lips as red as blood, and eyes that shone like the sun. Her skin was pale, as if she had scarcely seen sunlight, her Vallaslin was red as her lips and curved elegantly around the curvature of her face. The markings continued down her chin, onto her neck, and, although you couldn't see it, down the entire length of her body. Her ears were long and poked out from underneath her chest-length hair. She kept a hood up, enough to shade her face from the sun, but not hide it completely. She lifted a slender hand and gently touched her lips, "Be glad I have controlled my thirst enough to leave you a crew at all. After all, if it weren't for the untimely death of their captain, you wouldn't even have this ship. A shame really, mauled by a wild animal," she smirked, "such an excruciating way to die."

The captain shook her head and put up a hand, "I don't need or want to know the details, but a deal is a deal. You got me my ship, I gave you passage to Kirkwall, meals included. Once we land, my crew is off limits to your...cravings?"

The elf chuckled, "Yes, Isabela, I will leave you and your crew alone. I don't intend to stay in the city long, my hunt is leading me elsewhere." She mock bowed, exaggeratedly throwing her arms out, "If the captain doesn't mind, I shall take my leave. And you'll not see me again, this I promise you."

Before she could even respond, the girl was gone. Captain Isabela stood at the stern of the ship and watched silently as they sailed into port. It had been several years since she first set foot in the city and met her dear friend, Marian Hawke. So much history stood before her, yet she had no desire to stay and reminisce. As far as she was concerned, they were replacing the men who had "mysteriously fallen overboard", restocking supplies, and leaving.

True to her word, the elf slipped off the ship without a sound and vanished among the crowd. She clung to the shadows as she maneuvered her way through Lowtown, her hand to her nose to keep as much of the awful smell out as possible. She quickly made her way from the slums to the markets of Hightown and the gates of the Viscount's Hall. After the invasion of the Qunari and the death of the previous Viscount, several changes had been made, including more highly trained guardsmen. As she approached the closed gate a guard stepped in front of her, "What business do you have here?"

"I have business with the Viscount."

The guard looked down his nose at her, "What business does a knife ear have with Her Grace?"

Before his mouth was finished moving, her hand was around his throat and holding him above the ground and against the wall. Her pupils were dilated and her hood had fallen around her shoulders. "Call me 'knife-ear' one more time, you bloody swine." she snarled.

The second guard spun to face her and drew his sword. She turned her head and he trembled as her eyes met his. The air grew cold as her golden eyes turned black. "You will sheathe your sword and take me to your Viscount. You will remember neither my coming or going and you will forget that you ever left your post."

Both guards, as if in a trance, replied, "I will take you to the Viscount and remember neither your coming or going."

She placed the first guard back on his feet and replaced her hood on her head as the guards opened the gate and walked into the courtyard. They led her up a large stairway and before large, intricately carved doors. They knocked twice before opening the doors, revealing a large room with windows looking out onto the city. Books lined the walls in every direction. In the center of the room was a desk, where a woman with crystal blue eyes and raven hair sat, her hands to her chin, fingers interlaced. By her side stood a man with orange hair, his hand placed cautiously on a mage staff leaning behind the Viscount's chair. The guards bowed and closed the doors as they exited the room. The elf removed her hood and bowed. "My Lady, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard much of the Champion of Kirkwall."

The man was first to respond, "What business do you have here, demon?"

The Viscount raised her hand to him, "It's alright, Anders. If she meant me any harm, she would have attacked instead of introducing herself. What is your name?"

The girl glanced at Anders, "Ana, and you can put your staff away. As she said, if I wanted to hurt either of you, you would already be dead."

Anders snarled, but Marian nodded for him to lower his staff. "What can I do for you, Ana?"

Ana glanced at the shelves of books and sighed, "I'm looking for an artifact of my people. I heard whispers there was one here in Kirkwall." She peeked out of the corner of her eye at Marian and Anders, "An Eluvian?"

The Champion and Anders both looked at each other before Anders took a step forward.

Ana began to walk to the window to her left, acting as though she hadn't noticed their postures become defensive. She ran her hand along the windowsill before turning to face them. "I take from your silence that you know of what I speak. Then you must also know of the young elf who built it? The Fade has many things to say of her. Do you know where she is?"

Marian stood, "I think you need to leave."

Ana smirked as her eyes met the Champion's. "As you wish. You have told me everything I needed to know. Enjoy your day, Ser." She bowed again as she pulled the doors open and left the room.

"Anders, what was that? I have never felt magic like that before, even with Orsino."

Anders watched Ana walk through the courtyard, his eyes staying on her as he answered, "Old. Very old and dark magic. Even Justice feared it."

"And she wants the Eluvian? I don't like this. Follow her, find out what she's up to."

Anders nodded and left the room. Marian walked to the window on the furthest end of the room. "She wanted her presence known. That was all this visit was." she said to herself. "Oh Merrill, I hope you haven't done anything foolish to bring her here."

The sun began to set and the streets were beginning to clear out. Anders stood in the middle of Hightown Market searching for any sign of Ana. How could she have just vanished? He already checked on Merrill and she had not seen any sign of anything unusual around the Alienage. He searched Lowtown, the docks, even Darktown, it was as if she had completely vanished. He had no choice but to return to his home with the Champion and tell her the news, or lack thereof.

Merrill performed her usual rounds in the Alienage, making sure each family was taken care of before returning to her home. She thought she would miss being with her clan, but she had found solace in helping the elves here better their livelihoods. As she approached her door, she felt a chill in the air. She shuddered as she rubbed her arms and hurried inside. It was dark, so she used magic to light the lanterns in her home along with her fireplace. A startled gasp escaped her lips as she saw a figure sitting next to the fire.

"I thought I would find you here."

"Wh-who are you?" Merrill said cautiously. "How did you get into my home?"

The figure stood and walked over to the Eluvian against the far side of the room. "Oh Merrill. You young, foolish thing. You should have listened to your Keeper. This magic is too old and dangerous for the likes of you."

Merrill reached for her staff, "You need to leave. Now."

The figure turned, her red lips and yellow eyes reflecting the light of the fire. "I guess I should at least tell you my name. Not that it will matter soon. I am Ana, and I am here for the Eluvian."

"What do you know of my Eluvian? Hawke and I killed the demon, it cost me my clan. It hasn't been touched in over a year."

Ana caressed the intricate metal frame holding the glass. "Poor, sweet child. You toy with things you do not understand. You do not need to 'touch' it. Its magic is old, it called to me from lands beyond your knowledge."

Merrill squinted as she tensed her body, "I don't know what you're talking about, but I won't ask you to leave again. The Eluvian does not work, now go!"

"It needs a key. It doesn't work because you haven't used the key. Here, let me show you."


Before Merrill could speak, Ana flicked her wrist and pushed Merrill against the wall. Merrill grunted as she fell to the ground. She waved her hand as a wall of ice shards flew in Ana's direction. Merrill smirked as Ana made no attempt to dodge and the ice pierced her abdomen. The smile quickly faded, however, as Ana sighed and shook her head. She stepped back, pulling the ice shard from her body and threw it to the ground. Merrill's eyes widened as the wound closed, not so much as a scar left behind. Ana brushed her hands together, "Please don't make this any harder than it has to be."

Merrill spun her staff before slamming it to the ground. Electricity crackled as it ran across the room, but Ana was gone before it ever reached her position. Merrill gasped and spun just in time to see an orb of fire rushing towards her. She screamed as the flames burned her clothing and skin, the force of the impact throwing her across the room. She was shaking and gasping as she braced herself on her hands and knees. "What are you?" she choked.

Ana walked to her before grabbing her by the back of her head, exposing her neck. "Darkness." she replied before she sank her fangs deep into Merrill's jugular. Merrill screamed, but only for a moment. Ana quenched her thirst as Merrill's lifeless body hung from her grasp, her empty gaze facing the Eluvian. After a few moments, Ana stood and wiped the blood from her lips before placing a hand in the pool of blood at her feet. She held her palm to the surface of the Eluvian and the mirror began to glow. "Foolish child." She whispered as she stepped over Merrill's body and into the Void beyond the glass. As soon as she had passed through, the light from the Eluvian died and the glass shattered, leaving nothing but a metal frame and a lifeless body at its base.