Blood splattered across the screen as the guy's head toppled off his body and rolled a few feet before the body collapsed if the strings holding it up were cut. The girl screamed trying to run away as the deformed murderer walked towards her.

Mike Newton felt his stomach twist and claw its way out. He just couldn't this handle this gore; he needed to get out. Standing he tried to stealthily leave the theater room, unfortunately he still heard Jake Black snicker and tell Bella that he was such a marshmallow. He was done trying to get with her, between stupid Cullen and now this Jake, she wasn't worth it. Hearing more blood spray on the speakers, Mike felt himself go paler and rushed to the bathroom just barely making it.

Collapsing Mike still felt clammy and his stomach was not settling down. He tensed slightly when felt someone behind him, but he didn't have the energy to move or care. A hand appeared and flushed the toilet for him while Mike watched the vomit swirl away. Next he felt a wet paper towel on his neck and a hand soothingly rubbing his back.

Mike was so embarrassed but he also felt comforted and safe. Lifting his head to see who was being so nice to him, he saw compassionate jade green eyes behind square black rimmed glasses and a worried frown being slightly covered by black untamed hair. Then a wet towel was washing his face and Mike felt it flame. He was so embarrassed. Officially this was the worst night ever.

"Hey, hey, its alright. Sometimes the food here doesn't always agree with people," while the tone was gentle the voice itself was deeper than his own and sounded foreign. Which was just great.

Mike mumbled and tried to stand up. Which he was able to do...not.

"Whoa, hey," the man caught Mike before he fell, "just take it easy. And I think I heard something about blood? Are you hurt?"

Swallowing, Mike cleared his throat, "I said it was the blood in the movie."

"Ah, not your cup of tea, I take it?" the stranger asked helping Mike move to the sinks.

"Um, not really," Mike replied quietly thinking of Bella and Jake and he really did not know why came to the movies with her.

"So why go?" He sounded like he genuinely cared and Mike was already having a horrible night, so why not?

"It was for a girl. I really liked her but she is surrounded by assholes. And she never really gave me the time of day before today. And I thought maybe she had finally seen me, but as soon as another guy shows up, she ignores me. And we were going to see a comedy but the guy, Jake, said that was for wimps and persuaded her to go the horror movie instead and I really wanted to go on this date with her and next thing I knew I'm watching a guy's head get lobbed off and Jake making fun of me and now I'm here with you. And I think girls are just mean and I'm done with them."

Mike knew he looked so dejected and the guy probably thought he was a loser. And that he was going to be made of fun again.

"Wow, sounds rough. Are you feeling better?" the man questioned tilting Mike's face up.

Mike kept his eyes averted and nodded.

The man let go of Mike's waist and turned to the sink. Only to come back with a wet towel again and softly wiped MIke's face.

"Good, so how about you come sit with my godson and I? The movie just started and it will help you with clearing that gore from your mind. Second, you shouldn't let people push you around or dictate what you want. Third love is love. When you find the right person, it won't matter what gender they are," The man let his words sink into Mike's mind.

Mike nodded, "Yeah okay. That sounds cool."

The man chuckled and Mike looked up questioningly into those jade eyes again noticing that the man was taller than him by a few inches.

"Harry by the way," the newly named man offered his hand smiling.

"Mike," He shook Harry's hand feeling warmth tingle up his arm towards his face.

AN - awww… would you like more?