Chapter 10 Alternate Ending

He brushed his lips gently across the top of her head and rubbed his hand across her rotund abdomen. "You are so fucking sexy right now," he whispered in her ear and she groaned.

"How can you think that? I look like a beached whale! I fart all the time and I have to pee constantly. I don't know when I last had a good night's sleep so I have bags under my eyes. I look like I stepped out of a horror movie."

He smirked and planted a line of kisses along her cheek and jaw. "You are pregnant with our child and you could not be sexier if you were in a G-string dancing on a pole."

She smacked his hand and snuggled in next to him. "You have the oddest way with words."

"You like my fucking sentence enhancers and my alliterations."

She shook her head. "You don't even know what that means."

"I beg to differ!" she could hear the smirk in his voice. "I'm not just a baseball coach you know, I do have a bachelors in early child hood education."

"Alright Coach Negan, give me your best alliteration then."

"Hmmm… alright. Pregnant pause for peanuts."

She rolled her eyes. "I haven't wanted peanuts at all Coach," she said sarcastically.

A truck roared down the dirt road that led to their simple little house. "That will be Rick and Michonne," he said. "I hope they brought Carl and Enid with them. I miss that little fucker when he's not around."

"You are really going to have to clean up your language before the baby gets here Negan."

"Why? Worried their first word is going to be fuck or something?"

The old blue truck came to a stop in front of the house and Negan pushed himself up from the glider he was sitting in with Lucy. "Come on love," he said helping her to stand.

Rick had exited the truck and was helping Michonne out of the passenger's side. "My God woman if you get any bigger we are going to have to get a crane to get you out of that truck!"

"That is my wife you are talking about," Rick shouted from the truck. "Don't make me have to defend her honor!"

Negan chuckled. "Who would have thought that two of my favorite ladies would be having spawn at the same time?"

"At least they aren't by the same guy," Michonne said with a laugh as she waddled her way up steps to embrace Lucy in a sideways hug. "How are you feeling Lucy?"

"Sore and cranky, you?"

"Bitchy and mean."

"Really mean," Carl said from behind her which caused her to swat at him.

"Come on inside. Dinner's ready and Negan pulled the pie out of the oven a few minutes ago. Enid couldn't come Carl?" Lucy asked with a yawn.

"She's helping Maggie with the baby, but there was no way I was missing this visit."

They gathered around the table and laughed about the antics of the two pregnant women. Negan and Lucy smiled at the stories of Maggie's sweet baby and about how the colonies were flourishing. As the night drew to a close Carl hugged Lucy tightly and she placed a kiss on his head. "Harmony," he whispered.

"It's a beautiful dream," she whispered back.

Lucy shook herself out of the day dream and stared at the sleeping boy whose head was in her lap. "Such a beautiful fucking dream," she murmured before she closed her eyes to rest.

Authors note:

Thus we have ended the second episode in the Negan and Lucy saga…. Look out for more! School is out for me for a little while now and I will probably be able to get a couple of stories written and ready to publish in that time frame! Check out my Pinterest page with photos related to my stories… AA