Thanks for reading. Also, sorry for not posting forever. I fell into a pit of writer's block and procrastination.

They arrived at Mount Prism at sundown. It was cold and windy and the stench of the Divine Dragon's corpse still loomed over them, even as the tried to avoid the body completely.

Tiki led the way and Lucina watched her force her face into an expressionless plate. There was no time for tears.

When they reached the summit, the sun was down and all warmth was gone.

"Where's all the Risen?" Cynthia asked. "We haven't seen any on the way up."

She patted Yarne's head who was hiding behind her like a frightened rabbit.

"What if they're hiding?" He muttered. "Then we'll all be exterminated!"

Gerome bopped the flat of his axe on the Tanguel's head. "Stop freaking everybody out. If you're so frightened, then be the lookout."

Tiki suddenly stopped walking and everybody went dominoes over, bumping into her.

"Sorry," she said, helping Lucina up. She then walked to the centre of the group and held up her hands.

"Speak to me, Naga, O Divine One."

There was silence for a moment until the wind started to blow harder. It blew dead leaves and branches around that started to file into a tiny tornado in front of Tiki, faster until it suddenly stopped.

And then, Naga's spirit appeared.

She was beautiful and looked strikingly like Tiki but she was transparent and held no Dragonstone. She seemed to radiate power that would banish evil

The group all bowed, starting with Lucina and ending with Tiki herself.

Naga shook her head. "No my children. I have no desire to be bowed to. Please stand."

The stood awkwardly and she suddenly looked very sad.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I have failed you. But please, lose no hope. There is still something that can be done."

Lucina walked over. "My Lady, What do we do? Grima has taken everything."

"I can devise a ritual that would allow you to travel back in time to stop Grima from ever getting revived. But you would only have one chance."

"His is that even possible?" Laurent asked. Noire hugged onto his shoulder and married his confused look.

"It would be using the last of my power so you must not fail."

There was a sudden change in the wind: it got colder and carried the scent of death in it.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something important." A loud voice echoed over the mountain with a hint of anger in it.

The group looked up. Above them, the Fell Dragon flew, sending new gusts of wind at them.

Lucina drew her sword. "Grima!"

"But it sounds different," Inigo muttered. "It was really loud last time…"

Naga shook her head. "Grima has a human form, like I do. But theirs is separate from the dragon."

Risen started to scuttle over the peak, mumbling rapidly. They looked lost without their King to guide them.

"So, you've come out to play!" Grima yelled at Naga. "Oh, I'm shaking. Strike me down, O Divine Goddess! Or will you just hide behind your soldiers like you always have!"

Inigo stomped a foot downwards. "Come down here and say that!"

"Such annoying little insects," Grima muttered. She nudged Morgan and he sent Arcfire spells on the peaks, surrounding the resistance in fire.

She giggled gleefully at the worried faces. "There is no chance to survive! Soldiers! Advance!"

The Risen charged without hesitation and Morgan turned to hop down from the dragon's back, battle ready.

"Sweetie," Grima said. "Don't kill the girl. I want to send her my thanks."

Morgan nodded and slid off by the tail onto the grass.

Naga's spirit was harmless but they couldn't touch her. She just stood trying to gather the resistance together.

Lucina spotted her brother and hurried to him but when she reached him, he kept his distance.

"Morgan," she said. "Please listen."

"Why should I? After what you've done?"

"After what I've done? You betrayed us to Grima!"

Morgan pointed his blade at her. "You think I betrayed you? I've never been with you in the first place!"

Lucina looked at her brother. He looked furious and it made him look much older. It did not suit him. "Look what Grima has done to you!" she challenged. "You used to be so full of hope!'re like a monster."

"That's because...I lost what I wished to give. I had one person I cared about and I couldn't save them."

"The Risen King? He was already dead!"

She dodged a swipe from a Risen and then impaled it on her sword.

"Not him," Morgan said. "He...was already gone. But you will pay for eliminating him!"

He swung his blade at her and the sides of the swords clashed together, sending sparks. Though Lucina was stronger and he strained to throw her block, she couldn't overwhelm him in power.

"Do you realize...who you've killed?" He asked.

He let go and swung again, this one upwards. It left his torso unguarded and she moved to kick him but missed and almost lost her balance.

"Killed who?"

He swung a her side and she hastily blocked.

"The Risen King you killed," he said. "That was Father."

Her heart dropped. " lie!"

"Oh? And why do you think he covered his face? He was ashamed to be seen like that. Yet he trusted me enough. Yet you did not hesitate to claim his final life!"

He kicked her in the shin and she fell back, caught by surprise. He placed his blade on her throat and she felt it sink into the skin slightly.

"Give up," he whispered. "You're hopeless."

Yet he hesitated.

His face twisted in anger but beneath it, she could see pain. He was crying inside but she couldn't reach him.

"What made you this way?" She asked.

"Do. Not. Speak to me," he hissed. He lifted his blade and she stared at him in surprise...just before he kicked her in the head.

"You will not die from my blade,"he said as she dizzily shook her head to clear it. "The dragon has claimed you."

He started away but she called him back.


He turned. "What?"

"Was...was it all a lie? Everything you were to me before you left?"

Morgan sighed and started to leave again. "...No."

He disappeared behind the battle scenes, the Risen paying zero attention to him.

Grima watched from above. It ticked her off that the Resistance's main strategy was to run away; here she was to sport some vengeance and her enemy was ruining her fun.

"Where's Morgan?" She asked to nobody in particular. She scanned the ground until she spotted him watching the battle from a high rock.

She shrugged, seeing he was fine and out of the way. She waved her hand over the armies and purple-black spikes sprouted from the ground, impaling anything in the way, including some of her own soldiers.

"Oops," she said half-heartedly as Morgan hopped down on a dissolving Risen that had once been called Gaius.

The Resistance fled, speeding away from their fallen brethren, towards the woods nearby. They clustered in a small group, fending off any Risen that came near.

Grima frowned and squinted at the horizon. Something was going on and she was sure that it was not a nice thing for her.

"And what is the sparkly Divine Naga doing now?" She muttered sarcastically. "Giving a speech of love and hope? How cute."

She steered the dragon over to the group while Morgan charged after her, waving frantically for her to slow down. She ignored him. Now wasn't the time.

"Where do you think you're going?" She called to the humans. They didn't respond but grew restless, murmuring quietly.

The Fell dragon landed on the grass, sending dust everywhere, it's vast wings almost crushing Morgan. He hopped aside quickly and continued towards the group. He needed to know what they were doing.

A bright light suddenly erupted and he had to cover his eyes for a moment before looking to see what it was.

It looked like a giant eye with crystalline edges and ruins spinning slowly around it. Naga stood in front of it, speaking strange words that he couldn't comprehend.

One by one, the Resistance hurried to the eye and hopped inside, disappearing through, like pebbles into water.

He knew he wasn't fast enough; all the Resistance would go through before he reached it. Unless…

Morgan opened his tome, a Thoron and fired it towards the portal. To his relief, it blasted Naga and she cried out and disappeared in a flurry of emerald mist, her scream hanging in the air.

The portal began the crumble and he watched Lucina walk to the back of the group to see the culprit. Her face fell as she saw it was him but she reached out, gesturing him to come.

He couldn't face her.

He stared at his shoes as guilt bubbled in his stomach. Why was he doing this? For Robin? She was gone. For his Father? He was gone to? For himself?

Morgan bit his lip as a few tears rolled down his face. He decided that it was time to make a decision. What decision, he didn't know but maybe his sister could help. Maybe…

He looked up at her just as he felt Grima step behind him and grip his hand.

"Let's go," she whispered. "That portal goes to the past...they're trying to erase my existence."

They started forward, Grima more dragging Morgan than anything but Lucina whipped her sword at them, as she was the last soldier there.

"You're not going through," she said, almost choking on the words.

"Really now? And who is gonna stop me? You? The little princess Lucina?"

Her grip on Morgan's wrist tightened and he winced.

" do you know me?" Lucina asked.

Grima chuckled and gestured to the portal.

"It's closing sweetie. Better get a move on. Or shall I kill you myself like you did my sweetheart?"


She's playing with her…, Morgan realized.

Lucina suddenly lunged forth, her sword pointed towards them. Morgan felt his mother push him forwards and he tumbled into his sister and they both fell over into the grass.

Morgan landed harshly and he felt his head slam into something very hard. A rock or something…

His vision went fuzzy and every sound was muffled as he tried to see what he'd hit.

He heard Lucina call for him and she rushed over to him, asking repeatedly in he was alright. He mumbled a slur of half-words and he squinted at the portal.

Grima ran to the eye and hopped inside without looking back, waving at them while the portal crumbled. He felt his heart drop as he realized that she'd completely abandoned him to fend for himself.

"I got you," Lucina said, although her voice was almost inaudible.

"S-she...left…," he whispered. He head was throbbing now and he felt warm sticky liquid dripping down his face.

Lucina sheathed her sword and picked him up, hugging him close. She said a few things that he couldn't comprehend and and the world gradually fell dark.

Morgan awoke by the cold. It was freezing to the bone and when he opened his eyes, all he saw was whiteness.

He sat up and he found a nasty throbbing around in his head. He grunted as he rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the whiteness.

It was snow. Deep snow falling in a whirl everywhere and he squinted to see icey blue in the distance.

I wonder where Mother went...and why I have this goshdarn headache…

He rubbed his sore head and stood.

"Might as well go for the blue," he said and started to walk. "Maybe Mother is there...who knows?"

As he walked, he suddenly felt a comforting feeling, as if Robin Really was waiting for him at the icey blue horizon. He smiled and felt new determination to reach it.

The End...