Heros Aren't Born (Edit)

Journal Entry:1

My name is Colton, and this is my tale of my adventures in the world of remnant, there will be fights, love and events from my past.


It was just a normal day in my home on earth, or so I thought. I was a relatively normal 16 year old boy with average grades in school. One night I woke up to a storm and I couldn't get past this feeling that i was being watched, when I went downstairs I heard something that would make my normally calm self jump I heard a voice call my name.


I instantly began panicking as I felt like running to my mom's room until I remembered she wasn't there. During this storm I heard lighting hit my house. I ran outside and was shocked at what I saw, a strange portal there and then I saw the figure that the voice belongs to. It stood there for awhile until it finally spoke.

"Go, now."

" What, why." I replied my voice still shaking

" You are meant to save my world from those who would see it burn."

" Why me."

" You have something very few from my world have, a pure heart and soul."


I was cut off by more lighting striking near me.

So I instantly made up my mind.

" Okay time to go."

"Good idea."



I had to have been falling for hours, but i didn't feel any wind. Then everything went black.

'Ow what the hell did I land on'

I saw the one thing I hoped never to see, A Creature of Grimm. I looked around to find any type of weapon and found one thing. A stick.

I threw the stick at the Beowolf and as I hit it the stick broke. But part of it got in its eye stunning it letting me get a better weapon. A rock

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me."

I grabbed the rock and used all of my strength to bash its head in, luckilly the sound of gunfire got its attention allowing me to jump on its back.

I hit the Beowolf on the head repeatadly until I saw smoke come from it.


Then I heard something else that scared me.

"YANG, YANG!" I heard who I can only assume to be none other then Ruby Rose.

I then head the source of my problems in the first place, in my head

' There is a box with a sword and your trench coat nearby.'

"Who are you?"

'Call me Summer.'

"Ok, Summer."


I had found the sword that looked broken as well as my stuff and knew that I had to get out of there, that was until I found a certain black and red haired girl.

"Um, hi." I said with a wavering voice.

" Who are you" The girl said with an innocent yet scared voice.

" The names Colton and I, don't recall my last name."

"Hello, I'm Ruby, Ruby Ro-"

I threw her to the floor so that I can take out the Beowolf. It hit my sword then I felt a rush of strength and used the broken part to stab its neck. I looked back at Ruby and saw the look in her eyes.

'Oh no.' I thought.


"Hey Ruby come on we.. are..." A certain blonde brawler said as she saw be helping Ruby up.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER PERV!" She said as her eyes went from lilac to red.

"Yang stop." She stops as my eyes widen realizing my slip up.

"H-how do you know my name."

I sigh knowing the truth won't stay hidden"This is gonna be a long story, can we just go."

"Okay!" Ruby said, now back to her normal self.

"Fine, but stay away from my sister." Yang said still angry.


On the way back I had a talk with summer.

How did I kill those Grimm' I thought.

' When I found you, I merged our souls together, unlocking your aura and giving you mine and a natural affinity to learning these skills.'

' So what's the point if I can't learn anything'

' You will still need to learn these things, you will just have an easier time learning them.'

'Fine, I guess.'



Well, that was a thing please review and fav, this is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.