Hello to anybody who is reading this. I have finally finished University and I will not be returning, giving me the opportunity to relook at some of the stories, I already have published and try to finish them. I hope that you enjoy this prologue


Marinnette couldn't place how exactly her life had reached this point. She supposed it was a series of small events that had slowly snowballed into this big mess, which she couldn't work out how to get herself out of it.

The trouble could have begun with finding those miraculous earrings. Whilst it was an honour, it was one that she felt she never asked for. It could have stemmed from taking them back after trying, unsuccessfully, to give them away.

It could have been from getting her friends involved. If she never gave Alya the fox necklace or given the turtle miraculous to Nino. If she had never lost the bee miraculous, causing Chloe to find it.

There was only one thing that Marinnette could agree with. She should never have helped that man. He was the root of her problems. He was definitely the cause for the start of her Jealousy.

If none of these events had happened, would she still be standing on the edge of this building, on the verge of death, with all weapons pointing at her?