Disclaimer: I borrowed the characters for a little while for my amusement.

"Don't forget your umbrella," reminded Jonathan as Maddy prepared to leave the house.

"Oh please," she responded with an eye roll as she deposited the baby on the floor. "Like I don't know what I'm doing."

Three hours later, Jonathan sat on the sofa with his four year old pyjama-clad daughter sprawled across his chest sound asleep. His brow furrowed as he fiddled with an intricate small wooden box, depressing a hidden catch.

He looked up when he heard the front door open and footsteps sounded on the stairs. A thoroughly soaked Maddy looking something akin to a drowned rat stomped past him, leaving puddles in her wake.

"Not a word," she warned through gritted teeth.

Jonathan's watched his irate wife disappear from sight and wisely kept his mouth shut.
