Disclaimer: I own nothing, and only borrowed the characters for a little while.

Margaret Tate Paxton sat on the large bench on the porch, her legs curled up under her body, chin propped up on the palm of her hand. She barely noticed the cold as her mind wandered, surveying the snow-capped Alaskan mountains before her.

Her musings were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey you."

Turning, she smiled at the man standing before her, hands tucked into his jean pockets. "Hey."

"What are you doing out here alone?"

She grinned wryly. "I love the family but sometimes it's..."

"... a bit much eh," finished off her husband.

She didn't object when he sat down beside her, readily shifting her body to wrap her arms around him, resting her head on his strong chest. As he wrapped his own arms around her and pressed a kiss to her crown, warmth spread through her as she nestled into Andrew's embrace.

Even after almost six months of dating, it never ceased to amaze her that she could feel so safe and loved in another person's arms. And to think that she had wanted to be alone!

A comfortable silence fell upon the couple, no words needed as husband and wife took in the spectacular views before them.
