This chapter isn't betaed, it's painfully edited by me. I'm sorry for the mistakes in grammar!

I don't own any of the characters of Yamane Ayano

Crossing Paths

It was raining heavily on that evening, the streets were covered in mud and cars passed through the busy streets naturally as always in the busy city of Shinjuku. For some people this way of living in a city full of chances where they are equilibrated economically and emotionally, it was a gift and an opportunity. Of course, there were people who are different, some of them doesn't have much luck.

The classes of people were even more 'separated' than just by money and power, a common normal person can be considered important or just the lowest of the society, and that's not something for the person to decide. In this world, either you born with it and deal with it.

The difference was just a DNA and everything can become unfair or a lucky situation from then on, you are different and people will either judge you or praise you, however, it wasn't for them to decide what someone would be. No one can, not even the most powerful man can do that with his money, it was nature, it was your path in life.

Not that someone was going to look at his direction; he was just somebody else in the street, soaking in sweat with a mix of the rain falling, and a disgustingly delicious scent. Someone was going to look at him, of course, they always do. They will grab him and probably take advantage of his body, and they won't care, no one has ever. He ran away from that place, they weren't good people, and he was just a kid. He had fifteen years then and he was as hopeless as he can be, he wasn't an innocent man either, he probably deserved to be in the streets while running away from those drug dealers and rapists probably. He wasn't sure where he was at that time, but he knew where he wanted to be, anywhere else but there.

He ran into an alley, it wasn't too dark yet but nightfall was faster in these days. He ran faster and to his surprise it was an alley with a dead end, how cliché can that be? Enough to get him killed maybe. He heard the steps behind him, he was starting to climb the rusty ladder on the left side of the alley, and he was successful in escaping because he got out of there through an open window but someone else was waiting for him on the other side of it.

In an apartment there was a pair of golden eyes with a light hint of grey smoke by the side of the silhouette.

He has never seen someone with such dominance in his eyes, 'frightening', he thought. Said person grabbed him and pulled him out of the apartment that was on the second floor, he was trembling because of the adrenaline rushing through his body and the starting of his heat was streaking his system with each second that passed. The scent of the man with golden eyes was intoxicating, not because he was an omega that sensed it. It was because an alpha like that it was everyone's dream, someone with dominance that radiated security and make his body submit with only his presence in front of him , or so he thought before passing out.

"Call Setagawa-sensei. Take this kid and go to a hotel so he can take some medicine. I'll take care of the group with Suoh. Kirishima don't leave him alone with any man."

"Yes boss" said Kirishima grabbing the trembling blonde omega in his arms, he was light and his hair was natural blonde, Kirishima noticed that the blonde in his arms was soaked in rain and sweat, if he didn't receive any special treatment then he would be suffering hypothermia in a few minutes. His eyes were green and a flushing face was actually a pretty decent view, he was glad that someone escaped from that place. An attractive and healthy omega it's valuable merchandise in the black market.

Tolteka Hotel 9:00 pm

"How is he?" asked the man with a suit, without a tie and with a thin layer of sweat on his front head.

"He is better boss. Setagawa-sensei gave him some medications and his heat subsided, he passed out since you find him. The doctors said that his body was out of any substance in his blood, but he ran a blood test just in case he could get worse".

"It is a strong group, but we took care of it. Some of the men in the alley informed me that there were no kids alive in there. Apparently, this young man" he touched the front head of the boy, removing the blonde locks hiding the green eyes he saw moments ago. "He escaped from that place just in time."

"Kirishima" continued Asami after a small moment of silence, grabbing a cigarette from his jacket.

"Check his background, and if it's clear offer him a job inside of the group. I doubt he has relatives but ask him anyways." Asami grabbed the bottle of water that was inside of the mini fridge. He left the room leaving Kirishima with the boy.

"Shuu" said Asami sitting with a cigarette between his lips.

"Yes Asami-san?" he responded, why was he remembering that miraculously afternoon when Asami found him? His savior and his partner, or at least that was what they are in Sudoh's mind.

"Are you not listening?" asked Asami repeating himself again for the third time.

"Yes Asami-san. The opening for the new club it's been already handled. My team will be in charge of security and the staff for service it's already checked." Sudou said looking at his partner, his alpha.

"Boss" said Kirishima looking at his tablet, interrupting the open mouth of Sudou that was about to say something. "We are still deciding in another entertainment for the event" Kirishima was still looking in his tablet. "I thought about a photography gallery would fit perfectly in this kind of club, or at least for the opening. However, we haven't decided about the photographer, by any chance do you have someone in mind that suit your preferences Asami-sama?"

Asami hesitated for a second. He wasn't that fond of photography so why would he bother? However, photographs can be sold and that would quite a percent of benefits for his club, even if that wasn't the purpose of the entertainment that said photography's gallery would bring he could still get some benefits from it.

"There was a winner lately right? From the 'Magnum' photography magazine?" asked Asami. Someone with a status like his, he was actually forced on being interested in important events from Japan.

"Yes sir" Kirishima searched on his tablet and said, "there was a winner this year and apparently he got first in one category and second in another. He won on the 'Nature' and 'Crime' category. Getting second in the 'Sports' one."

"Buy some of his photographs and ask him to attend the event, give him information about the gallery. You know what to do." Asami passed the pages of his document without looking at his secretary or his subordinate Sudou.

"Yes boss. Excuse me" Kirishima walked to the desk and grabbed the papers, then he walked to the door, not mishearing the bold statement of the blonde with a threading playful tone of voice.

"I'll take your place soon Kirishima-san."

Kirishima glanced at him briefly, he was an alpha and even if the boy was the toy of his boss he wasn't going to waste his time on such a spoiled kid. Kirishima closed the door behind them.

"You'll be going as my companion that day. Get something nice and don't leave my side" Asami said still not looking at him.

"Yes Asami-san. And… Can I take the liberty to book a room for us in that special hotel that we talked about last time?"

"Do what you want. However, I don't know if I'll have time" Asami said not taking his eyes away of those damned documents. His head was throbbing slightly, he wasn't looking forwards to those events but as the owner he needs to be at the opening of the club.

Sudou walked to the desk stopping right in front of his alpha, he wanted him to ravish his body right on that desk. He wanted to enchant Asami with his scent but the golden eyed man didn't even lift an eyebrow at him. He made a movement to grab the respective documents but he didn't get ay reaction from Asami.

He may be just a casual fuck since last year but that was going to change, they have known each other for at least ten years.

That rainy night, their paths crossed and they were going to be one at the end. His looks and his intelligence wasn't something to take lightly, those few nights with Asami were everything to him. An alpha like that belongs to him, just a bite on his neck was enough to make Asami his.