Ok so if you read my little note at the need of my last chapter, you know that this chapter is about Steve. Before you all start reading I just wanted to say, this is my story and I'm gonna make everything up, from the myths about the Greek gods to how unrealistic Steve comes back to life. Hope you all enjoy, and please tell me what you think.

Rigth before Steve blows up the plane...

Diana...Diana...Diana...I'm so sorry, I have to do this. His final thoughts before he gains courage to pull the trigger. He hears a small click and feels the intense heat slowly swallowing him, as he is being pulled to his death, all he thinks about is Diana, her hair, her lips, her eyes, nothing like he's ever seen, so brown, yet so bright. He smiles at the thought wondering would Zeus be more kind and give him more time with her, just a little more, but he knows this is the end, he knows he cannot control his fate. This was the end of his battle. This was the end for him.

Or so he thought...

The first thing Steve notice see is a bright light, is he in heaven or is it a trick and he's actually in hell? As he looks closer at the light he sees someone come from inside, his reflexes kick in and he has his fist up ready to attack however as the figure gets closer he recognises him. He was a god, God of all gods actually. It was Zeus himself. Not knowing how to properly greet a god Steve went down on his knee and bowed his head for respect.

"No need for such formalities captain Trevor" Zeus claimed with his booming voice

Steve got up embarrassed but still unsure if everything happening is real or not. Steve was about to ask the questions when Zeus began to speak.

"Captain you seem to be lost for words, so maybe I should explain, when you blew up that plane not only did you save millions of people but you helped stop aries, yes my daughter Diana has ended aries and his rath on mindkind and for your bravery and selflessness you are given a choice" Steve let out a sigh of relief as he now knows that his sweet Diana is safe and alive, but his mind came back to him, he asked

"What are the choices?"

Zues smiled knowing exactly what Steve wanted, he made his way pass Steve to bench that Steve only now noticed

" Your choices are simple, captain ,but they both contain a price one with a kind price and one as cruel as any other. The first choice is that you come with me and I shall lead you into heaven, in which a life of luxury is awaiting you, you could live in peace without interference or worries about anyone else, you would have all your memories. Your second choice is to live again, we can send you back to mankind and you can have any job you wish but this one comes with a bigger price. You will be put in the same generation as my daughter and you may have eternal life with her for the price of your memory. Once you go back you will gain fake memories, you will not remember this conversation or your past,you will be given a fake identity in which you must break free and the only way for this to happen is when you find Diana Prince and fall in love with her again."

This made Steve even more shocked, his choice was final he wanted-needed to see Diana again but without his memeory will he find her and love her again?

" I know Diana will find me again, like she did before. If it means I will be able to stay with her when I regain my memory, then I will take the chance to lose it for a while. But promise me, you will keep her safe until then, you will try to bring her back to me and if she's moved on, please, I beg of you, to keep her safe." Steve replied with absolute plea and determination in his voice, he's staying his ground and has his chest out.

"Is your decision final Mr. Trevor?" Steve gave a court nod and looked at Zeus in the eyes. Zeus understood ,knowing and understanding how much Steve truly loved his daughter.

"Make her happy and keep her safe. Steve you have my blessing when you find her" before Steve could understand what he meant by "you have my blessing" he felt a pain in his chest and he began to fall...

100 years later

Cold...the cold wet ground, was his first feeling and my new suit ruined, was his first thought. Some bloody car nearly ran him over, thankfully his assistant Marius Blue was there to save him, more so pushed him to the ground. Anywhere in the world and Paris is where he was, he could be anywhere. Its not the city he hates or the people, its the memories he has there, the suffocating pain. London, that's were the agency should have put him, he enjoyed the English weather and the mannnered people, but he knew that not every place was as lovely as jolly old London. But where did the agency put him, in the heart of France, just to track down a woman who seems to never settle.

He can't say much, he's been traveling the world. Missions after mission. Never settling. He's got an excuse, he doesn't know where he belongs, sure he was found in germany after an accident leading to a 6 months coma. In those 6 months doctors have claimed that he is American but he had brittish papers. Steven Tremon has traveled to more then 93 countries trying to find himself. Not until 2 years he signed with with a secret agency who tracks down metahumans and kills them. Steven was so intrigued about these metahumans and wanted to find out more, however after doing research he found out that these metahumans were quite bias, only saving people who they felt was good and never understanding the other side. Steven wanted everyone as equals but with these metahumans around he saw the world was in danger and wanted to stop the meta humans from their plans.

"Mr. Tremon? Are you alright?" Marius asked

"I'm fine Marius, how about yourself?" Steven asked.

"I'm quite alright sir, stupid basterd can't look where he's driving, your suit seems to have gotten ruin, would you like to go to the hotel and I will meet up with you at the museum?"

"That seems like a plan. I'll find the museum and we'll do a bit of research in the place. Are you sure that's where she'll be? I mean we've tried almost every museum in France"

"I'm sure, the agency has been tracked her down and has been watching her closely, we must make our moved carefully, one wrong move and she could end up killing us, she's a monster"

"Alright we'll play it easy, remember the plan, if she's there I'll play a few words, get her to come with me on a date and woo her until I get enough information"

"Of course sir, no wrong move"

"That's right, I'll see you in a bit Marius" going down a few block to the hotel they were staying in. Steven went to change his suit to a more casual look. He had the feeling that he will find her and expose her to the world, that was his job and he was not going to fail this mission. Walking out of the hotel freshly changed he looked at a photos of Diana Prince on his phone.

I will find you Ms. Diana Prince and I will kill you...

I'm back, sorry for not uploading in so long, it's been difficult trying to settle back to school. So what did you think of this chapter? Tell me what you think. Thank you for reading and for your patients, this isn't the end of steve's perspective/ side of the story. The next chapter will be his point of view during the museum and orphanage scenes. I won't say much, I don't want to ruin it for you guys. Again thank yous for reading and for waiting. I hope you