Chapter 6- An Evening To Remember

Well that was the strangest day of my life. First, I was daydreaming in class, then I admitted I was gay to my parents, then I was kicked out of the house and now I was walking to a taxi with a strange young man, Ryuzaki. We walked on a bit until we could signal a taxi and we talked a bit about ourselves.

I knew he was a complete stranger at this point and yeah, maybe I was risking my life going with him but what did I have to lose. I know it sounds cheesy but I finally had hope that I would have better days than the one I had just had. And despite the fact that I had thought of him as a complete and utter freak at first glance, walking with Ryuzaki for even a little bit, had made me realise that he was good company.

Who knows, maybe even a friendship may develop. I learnt a fair amount about Ryuzaki on our walk. I learnt that he was a quarter Japanese but also a quarter British, a quarter Russian and a quarter French. Wow, I didn't know that somebody could have so many ethnicities.

He also told me that the reason why he was staying in Japan, was because he was the highest scorer in his school at their end of year exams. At the end of every academic year, the students at Ryuzaki's school would do a big end of year exam and the student who got the highest score in this exam, would go on an international holiday in the summer.

That's so much better than my school. I never got a reward for being a high achiever. I mean, yes I was the golden child to my parents and I had a reputation for being intelligent in school, but as well as a good reputation, Ryuzaki got to go on holiday. For three years in a row.

I was insanely jealous. But then again, Ryuzaki doesn't go to an ordinary and frankly shitty school like mine. He goes to Wammy's House. For those of you who don't know, Wammy's House is an elitist boarding school in England, where the world's most intelligent students go.

I have heard a lot about Wammy's House and to be honest, I spent an entire year of school, waiting to tell me that I was too smart for school and so, instead I would be transferred to Wammy's House. But sadly, it never happened. Anyway, the reason why Wammy's House is so famous, is because of L, a student at Wammy's House and the smartest detective in the world.

L had solved many of the world's toughest and most dangerous cases. A few years ago, L had solved the world famous 'Alphabet Murders', where a vicious murderer, later revealed to the public as Kyosuke Higuchi, one of Japan's most dangerous criminals, was murdering people based on their initials in relationship to the alphabet.

For example, Higuchi's first victim was pop singer, Asuna Akimoto. His second victim was a banker called Akeno Bunya and his third victim was a teacher called Ayami Chinen. I think you see why this was known as the 'Alphabet Murders'. Since my name is Light Yagami, I could have been Higuchi's 'LY' victim but luckily Higuchi didn't get to 'LY'.

He did kill quite a few people, I think he got to J's before he was caught. And after 2 years of killing innocent people, he was caught by the one and only L. L decided to work with the Japanese Police Force, via a computer screen, with a black letter L on it, in a gothic font.

One thing about L is that he never showed his face to anyone so nobody had the slightest clue as to who he was. Makes sense really. If I were L, I wouldn't want anyone knowing who I was. My reasons are most likely the same as his. There are a lot of bad people in the world, criminals who would love to get a sweet taste of revenge to the detective that had caused their downfall.

If they knew L's real identity, he'd be dead and gone quicker than I can say "Kaboom". Anyway, back to the 'Alphabet Murders', like in many stories, good triumphed over evil and Higuchi was brought to justice. And oh boy, was his arrest all over the news.

It was all I heard for at least a month afterwards, Higuchi this, Higuchi that, "I've caught Higuchi". That last one was my dad, he sure liked to blow his own trumpet about this. And although I idolized my dad, for helping to bring Higuchi to justice, the person who I truly admired the most was L.

Ever since that case, I had always wanted to meet L and to tell him how much I admire him. God, I sound like such a fanboy, I probably am to be honest, but who wouldn't be a fanboy or a fangirl of the smartest detective in the world. Maybe Ryuzaki knew L? It would be incredible if he did.

It wasn't just L whom I felt was interesting, I found myself intrigued by Ryuzaki, his quirks, his monotone way of speaking, his intelligence... I wanted to find out more about the mystery that was Ryuzaki. After around 15 minutes, I wasn't sure, I didn't have a watch or phone with me remember, Ryuzaki and I arrived at a taxi.

We had had quite an enjoyable talk whilst walking, him about Wammy's House and his favorite sweets, me about my interest in justice and my love of suits. Linking back to the sweets, I have never met a person who is more sweet toothed than Ryuzaki.

At this point, I had not seen him eat or drink anything, probably because I had only seen him for about 30 minutes at most, but I knew that he loved sweets. And how did I know this, may you ask. Because Ryuzaki, whilst walking to the taxi with me, started a 'powerful' speech on why strawberry cheesecake is better than banoffee pie.

I found this speech a little strange, no scrap that, extremely strange, but then again, I'm one to talk when it comes to weirdness around food. Last year, I became sick of having no friends and not having a life. I blamed it on everyone around me, though not outwardly.

In public, I was still Light Yagami, honors student and golden son, but in the privacy of my room, I took a very different identity. Using the Death Note, which if you remember, I used to solve deadly problems, I wrote the names of everyone with whom I hated and there were a lot of names in that book.

I was hoping that, since I was writing in a book entitled the 'Death Note', that everyone whose names were written in the book, would suddenly drop dead. They didn't unfortunately, but that didn't stop me from pretending that they did. When I was writing names in my 'Death Note', I referred to myself as 'Kira'.

'Kira' is the Japanese take on the English word for killer. Let's just say that Kira was a dramatic character. One time I was writing names in my 'Death Note', full Kira style, and I had a bag of my favorite food with me, potato chips. I took a potato chip and while I did that, I exclaimed, "I'll take a potato chip AND EAT IT", while eating the chip.

Needless to say, my sister Sayu was not threated by my dramatic line, oh no. I heard her in fits of hysterical laughter straight after that. So Ryuzaki isn't the only one who goes a little crazy around their favorite food.

We had a discussion about our favorite music genres later that week, proof that no matter the topic, excluding my abandonment, I could talk to Ryuzaki about it. I knew that going with the strange frog crouching man earlier on was a good idea. He was a lot like me, minus the fact that I didn't crouch like a frog, in a taxi of all places.

The taxi driver was probably very weirded out, I don't blame him to be honest. Anyway, we eventually arrived at Rolledalle and as soon as the taxi parked in front of the extravagant snow white mansion like hotel, I began to feel incredibly excited as to what was to come. Finally, something good was happening in these hellish two days.