Chapter 1- Light's Past

Friday 25th August 2017. That was the day it all began. It was the day that I, Light Yagami, perfect son and honours student would confess to my parents a secret that was destroying me for over a year. Since I had a reputation of being the most intelligent student at my school, I've never really had any interest in the girls at my school. Instead, I would focus my interests on maintaining my reputation, by constantly studying.

As soon as I would get home from school, I would sit down at my desk and study using my signature notebook. I had a special notebook which I used when I had to solve difficult academic problems. It was a small black notebook with the words 'Death Note' written on it in white writing. I even used a feather quill pen, as using it made me not only feel more intelligent but also more refined and mature. I liked items that made me seem refined which is why, every day, I wore a suit.

My favourite suit was a brown suit with a red tie, which I liked to wear as much as possible. Anyway, I thought it was really clever how I used this 'Death Note' when I solved 'deadly' problems. I always have had a sense of humour. My sense of humour and my intelligence had gotten me quite popular at my school but despite the fact that I may have seemed very popular, I was smart enough to know that my so-called friends were fake. And how did I know this, may you ask?

Easy. My friends never texted or called me and they would always go out to places without me. At first when I figured this out, I was incredibly hurt but then after a while, I decided to use this time where I would sit on my bed feeling miserable and lonely and try and better myself through my studies. I used this as an excuse to why I was never interested in the girls at my school but then, one fateful day, something happened that changed my perspective of this.

I was getting changed for gym class, where that particular day, we were playing football. While I was getting changed, something, or rather someone, caught my eye. One of the boys, who was the object of the affection of many of the girls in my year, had taken his top off and it didn't take him long for him to notice that I was staring at him. When he began walking towards me with his beautiful tanned chest exposed for everyone to see and his golden blonde hair flapping around his face, I began to feel incredibly embarrassed.

He propped his face inches away from mine but instead of being angry, as I suspected him to be, he smirked and put his lips inches away from my ear as he whispered seductively, "I saw you staring at me, Light." I became rather flustered and nervously stated "N-no I didn't" but before I could even finish that sentence, he placed his lips against mine and oh god, it felt good. I remember it clearly, his cherry flavoured lips against mine. It was perfect. I was absorbed in the moment.

It was when he walked away when I noticed everyone in the locker room stare at my flustered face. They saw everything. This caused me to be harrassed by people in my year, for a while. Stupid statements like "Hey, guess what Yagami is spelled backwards"(which I've heard a million times by the way) often escaped from these idiots mouths. But I didn't care. And it didn't take everyone long to realise that if they bullied me, I wouldn't help them with their homework." I reckon that's the reason why they stopped.

The kiss though made me consider an important question, one that I dreaded thinking about, because of a fear of it being true, 'Am I gay?' I thought about this and debated this with myself for at least six months. I have kissed a girl before but I never found it as incredible as my kiss with this boy. And I would often stare at celebrity men, my mind drifting off into outer space and my rationality fading. I tried thinking about women in this way but it didn't have the same effect.

Of course, for a long time, I would use studying as my excuse for why I didn't feel attracted to girls but after a while, I finally admitted it to myself. I'm gay! And after a long while of hating myself and arguing with my thoughts about what I should do, I decided to finally share this new information with my parents. And this is when our story began.