Author's Note: Hello lovelies! This, much like The Shower Delectation, is based on fan art! This time, based on wonderful art that was drawn by Miss Sh C on Instagram! My mind has an awful habit of turning things M-rated and well... this was the result! I must warn you though, this is a bit dirtier than my other one-shots; at least I think it is! I tried to make this one a bit different than my previous smut, and I hope I succeeded in that regard!

I hope you enjoy, and please do check out Miss Sh C on Instagram!

The Textual Concupiscence

Staring at her the lock screen on her phone, Amy felt a deep pang within her stomach. Two weeks ago, Amy had left to join a fellowship at Princeton over the summer, leaving Sheldon alone in Pasadena. She didn't mind being there, of course, the money was good, her apartment was rent-free and the fellowship gave her an opportunity for more recognition and more funding in the future for her next projects. Still, she missed her boyfriend terribly. They had been living together for nearly a year now, and now that she was living alone, she wondered how she was able to stay sane. Sheldon would call and video-chat with her every chance he got, but that wasn't enough.

She missed every bit of him. His voice in her ear, the smell of him fresh out of the shower, the softness of his skin and his laugh. Even being two weeks into her stay in New Jersey, Amy found sleeping alone in her bed difficult. The absence of his weight next to hers brought her back to her days of living alone, and she loathed it.

Amy hummed as she continued to stare at her lock screen. It was a picture of her and Sheldon. They were in bed and in their pajamas, laughing about who knows what as Amy took the "selfie" of the two of them. She was surprised Sheldon would even agree to a selfie, though he was possibly laughing too hard to object. God, she missed him…

Before she had left to go to Princeton, they made love. Unlike her birthday presents, it was heated, frantic, excited and… Amy shivered as she remembered what Sheldon had said…

Frenzied love-making, indeed...

Not that their love making wasn't passionate a month ago, but this was… Chills ran down her spine. Amy had never seen Sheldon so primal… It, was as if he released a new side of him that night. It was possessive, almost. He had bitten her neck, growled in her ear and held her close as he gyrated his body against hers deeper than he ever had before. He wasn't rough, per say, but it was certainly wild.

She wondered, hoped rather, that Sheldon could be just as primal, just as rough, just as sensual as he had been that night…

"Sheldon…" Amy groaned as Sheldon's tongue skillfully traced along her inner labia before flicking against her swollen clitoris. Her body still convulsed as her orgasm settled and dwindled down to nothingness, "God that was… hoo-oo…"

He growled under his breath and pulled his mouth away from her tender He moved up her body and captured her lips in his. Her eyes widened as she tasted herself on him and strangely, she found that it turned her on more than she had thought. When he pulled away, he licked his lips and blushed. His erection, hard to the point of throbbing, pressed against her and Amy wanted to crawl out of her skin. She desired him inside of her like she needed science. It was a need, pure and simple. Without science, life would be boring. If Sheldon were to tease her any further, she would surely go insane. Her body pulsed and ached for him and she ground against him in an attempt to get him to slide inside.

"Sheldon please," she begged as she hooked one leg over his hip to try and coax him inside of her, "I want you in me."

He chuckled and his smile cocked to one side. She had seen that particular smile before, but never in this instance. It made her blood boil with lust and her clitoris throbbed in response, "As you wish."

Dear god, his voice alone made the muscles within her throb…

He obliged her, but only slightly as he pushed the very tip of him within her walls before pulling back out. One inch in… one inch out… it was teasing at its most basic level and Sheldon knew it was driving Amy up the wall. He loved playing that little game between them. And she loved it just as much, if not more.

At last, he buried himself inside of her and Amy's eyes rolled back as she moaned. Still, the feeling of his cock inside her, the sensation of being stretched and filled deep, made her thighs quake. It was damn near addicting.

"Ohh…" Amy shuddered and melted into the bedsheets. She wrapped her other leg around him and that caused his erection to go even deeper than she thought possible. He was panting in her ear and gently bit her earlobe.

"I don't think I'll ever tire from this… from feeling you wrapped around me." Sheldon mumbled as he moved his head to press his forehead to Amy's, "It's surreal, how I lose all control and feel so vulnerable with you like this."

Amy smiled and kissed his lips, "I know what you mean," she kissed him again and smiled, "I love being so intimate with you. And I love you."

"I love you too," he slowly began to move within her. With it being five months since the last time, Amy winced a bit but whatever pain she felt quickly dissipated as he moved faster and deeper with each thrust….

A loud ping from her phone ripped her from reliving the memory. At first, she was disappointed, but when she looked at her phone, her sadness was replaced with joy. Sheldon had texted her! Looking at the clock, he would just be arriving home from work. She quickly opened the text and read it with a large smile on her face.

'I'm home from work. How was your day?'

Amy replied back, 'It was fine. Just more mundane research.'

Amy set her phone down and went to the kitchen to make herself some tea. Her flashback had, for want of a better word, excited. Her body fluttered and pulsed with desire and if she weren't missing Sheldon a few minutes ago, she certainly was now…

In more ways than one…

Her phone pinged again and she went to the coffee table to read his message, 'Mundane? That's my favorite kind of research.'

"Heh…" Amy chuckled lightly and typed out her response, 'I know it is. But it's hard to focus when I'm so far away from home,' Amy paused to think about what to type next. Her nervous system seemed to be on fire from her memories of two weeks ago and she was tempted to do something about it. Sure, they had flirted through texts and Skype calls before, but what she was thinking of doing was much more adulterated…

Amy shook her head. No, the chances of Sheldon not only allowing it but understanding her intentions were slim to none. Her boyfriend, while in the mood, may be was as naughty as she was, he was still blissfully innocent of many things. Sexting included. Hell, he possibly thought their conversation right now was sexting…

She sent her text and rushed back to the kitchen to take the kettle off of the stove as it began to whistle. She prepared her tea (chamomile) and went back to the living room. She was currently watching BBC's Sherlock but turned the television off as Sheldon's reply came in; she wouldn't be able to pay attention to the television if Sheldon were taking up her attention.

'I understand. You not being here for three months is actually causing quite the conundrum.'

'How so?' Amy replied back.

'I can't sleep, rather, it's difficult to.' His reply was immediate before Amy received another text, 'I miss you.'

'I miss you too Sheldon,' she tapped out and asked, 'What methods have you tried to help you sleep?'

'Melatonin tablets, lavender spray on my pillow, waiting for exhaustion to take its hold, sleepy-time tea. I even tried spraying your body fragrance on my pajama top to try and trigger a relaxation response. The bed feels foreign without you next to me. I'll be happy when you come home.'

Amy blushed and smiled. He really did miss her, not that she had any doubt, but it never hurt to get more proof of such. In fact, Amy faced the same problem. When Sheldon and Amy first started living together, feeling Sheldon's weight on her was… weird. She never slept next to anyone before. But now, after nearly a year… his presence beside her was essential to a restful night's sleep.

Like Sheldon, she had tried everything from melatonin to calming tea and even essential oils in hopes that even natural remedies to help her sleep but to no avail. It was only after five days of terrible sleep that she tried the only thing she really hadn't. Masturbation. She had thrown Gerard away a couple of years ago. There was simply no comparison to Sheldon's growing skill. However, if she were in a pinch, or just needed help sleeping, her fingers (or the vibrator she had bought for herself) would do. Her cheeks reddened at the thought… Had Sheldon considered…?

Surely not. Amy knew Sheldon would partake in 'self-abuse'; there were too many times when his showers would take longer than usual. He was human and masturbation was perfectly healthy but they had never discussed it. Not that Sheldon believed it to be dirty or inappropriate, but it never came up and given the newness of their sex-life, there was never a time for it to be brought up in the first place.

Amy gulped and slowly typed out her reply before reading it over and over in her head. She suddenly felt shy, as if touching oneself was a totally uncommon and strange thing to talk about and do… Sheldon didn't even have to talk about it if he didn't want to, but it only seemed fair that she'd bring up the topic if it could help him.

She pressed send and threw her phone beside her on the couch before burying her face in her hands from sheer embarrassment at what she had just sent her boyfriend.

'Have you tried masturbation?' The text read and Amy was certain Sheldon would call and berate her. Once the first wave of embarrassment went away, Amy reached for her phone. Sheldon was typing (as told by the animated ellipses) and she felt her stomach knot up and fly up to her throat. Yes, Sheldon was going to lecture her via text message, and she asked for it.

When he replied, Amy was surprised to find it wasn't a lecture, 'Amy, I'm a 37-year-old male. Of course, I masturbate. What does this have to do with my inability to sleep?'

Amy's cheeks reddened and even though Sheldon's naivety wasn't an issue most of the time, Amy hated spelling this out for him.

'Have you masturbated to help you sleep?'

An instant reply, 'No. I always... take care of myself in the shower in the mornings if I have the urge to.' Amy began tapping at her phone's keyboard before Sheldon sent another message, '... Do you?'

She deleted what she had been typing and answered him, 'In your words: Sheldon, I am a 35-year-old female. Of course, I masturbate. If you're referring to pleasuring myself as a sleep aid, then yes. Quite often.'

'I see…'

Amy took a flying leap and sent, 'What do you think about? When you masturbate.'

It took a minute or two for Sheldon to reply. Amy brought her tea to her lips and sipped at it now that it wasn't scorching hot. When he did reply, Amy nearly spat out her tea, 'You.'

Amy grinned and crossed her legs. The knowledge of her boyfriend thinking of her when he touched himself was not only a huge confidence booster, but it also turned Amy on to know her boyfriend took pleasure at the thought of her.

'What about me?'

'Just you. Sometimes— most times— I'll think about you in your lab, in your lab coat talking science.'

Amy smirked. Of course, science would turn him on. 'In my lab coat, huh?' She sent a winking emoji, even though Sheldon never used emojis nor liked them.

'Yes,' he texted, 'I love seeing you in a lab coat with your nose buried deep into your work. It's arousing.'

'What do you imagine me doing?'

'I just said, talking science or being focused on your study.'

'I mean after.' She tapped, 'Do you imagine me doing anything… to you?'

'That seems kind of personal.'

Amy rolled her eyes, 'You just told me you masturbate to the thought of me. I think we've already passed the point of "personal."'

He didn't reply back right away, nor did he after five minutes. Then ten. Amy worried if she had pushed him too far and he was in the middle of an anxious fit. She had finished her tea and went back to the kitchen to put the dirtied mug in the sink. She heard her phone chime and rushed back to it to apologize.

Instead, it was Sheldon who apologized, 'Sorry for my short absence. I had to figure out how to leave Leonard's apartment without seeming rude.'

He sent a second text, 'In regards to your question. I imagine you doing several things.'

Relaxing into the couch, Amy bit her lip and replied, 'What kind of things? Describe them to me…'

'Amy…' He texted back.

Her fingers hovered over her phone's keyboard as her heart thumped against her sternum. Sheldon, being as shy as he is, wouldn't really be forward with the information unless Amy was to be equally as open. She typed out her message and pressed send 'Do you want me to tell you what I think about?'

It took Sheldon a minute to send his reply and Amy read it with a giddy smile on her face, 'It only seems fair if I'm going to be telling you what I think about while sexually aroused.'

Amy stared at her phone, suddenly frozen and shy. Her and Sheldon were sexting or going to be. If sharing fantasies or dirty thoughts could be considered as such. They were certainly down the rabbit hole now. There was no going back and Amy wasn't sure if she could handle Sheldon reaction if she continued this little game. Still, she wanted this and wanted him even more. While they were over three thousand miles away from each other, she could at least have him in this sense.

She typed away. Her arousal had heightened as she continued to tap away at her phone. It took tries, but once she was satisfied with what she had written, she sent it. She could feel her clitoris pulse after she had sent the text and she could only hope Sheldon would react the way she hoped, 'You, with your head between my thighs, pleasuring me and making me moan your name with nothing more than just your tongue. You've only done it once, but I still haven't stopped thinking about how good your mouth felt against my flesh. It turns me on just thinking of you doing that again.'

Sheldon's reply came seconds after the text message had been delivered, 'Oh my…'

Amy smirked and pressed her legs together to send a shiver of pleasure through her body, 'I also imagine pleasing you the same way. With my mouth wrapped around you and my tongue teasing you in ways that'll make you moan and lose control.'

Sheldon didn't reply back to her for a few minutes, but when he did, her face turned red and her breath caught in her throat, 'I've thought about that too. More times than I care to admit.'

'Oh really?'

'Absolutely,' he replied, 'and right now I'm touching myself to the thought of that…'

"Oh!" Amy exclaimed loudly and pressed a hand to her mouth. Not only was Sheldon reacting the way she wanted, but he was being bolder than she could ever imagine! Amy quickly texted him back. Her body reacted to the thought of him pleasuring himself and her hand itched to move between her own legs, 'You're thinking of me giving you a blow job?'

'Not just that,' he sent.

'Oh do tell.' Amy texted with a grin. The fingers on her free hand wiggled beneath the waistband of her skirt and gingerly dipped between her folds to rub her clitoris. She moaned lightly at the touch as she imagined Sheldon's hand in its place.

'My erection buried deep inside of you.'

"Hoo!" Amy whimpered and she slid a finger inside of her. She sent her next message, 'Likewise… God, I miss having you inside me.'

'It's a magnificent feeling, isn't it?'

'It is,' she curled her finger and arched her back as she massaged the spot within her that always left her weak in the knees, 'I have something to confess.'

'What is that?'

'I'm also touching myself. Right now.' Amy smirked as she sent it and gasped as she felt herself approaching orgasm.


Thank you for reading! Remember to look at Miss Sh C's amazing artwork on Instagram!

Should I do a second chapter to show Sheldon's POV? Let me know in your reviews!