[The next day, the teens and their dragons are gathered at the Academy as Hiccup tells them his plan.]

Fishlegs: [cautious] You're bringing Gobber here?

The teens gasped in horror. "No!"

Hiccup: [trying to sound optimistic and encouraging.] He's gonna be great. Nobody knows dragons like old Gobber. He's spent a lifetime, you know... studying them. If we can tap into that, we'll all be better Dragon Trainers.

The blacksmith straightens slightly at his apprentices' praise.

[Suddenly, the doors burst open and in comes Gobber, lugging a whole cart-full of weapons.]

Gobber: I'm back! Did ya miss me?

[The dragons are clearly intimidated.]

Dragons squawked and ran as they saw the Viking run into the arena with the weapons.

I group of Terrors ran and hid behind a cowering Nightmare. "Please don't kill us! We're too cute to die!"

Hiccup: [cautious] First of all, welcome. And second... tiny question, why did you bring your, you know...?

Gobber: Killing things? I thought maybe we could train them [takes out an unusual-looking weapon, like a sword mixed with an axe and a mace] by threatening to kill them. That's how my daddy taught me to swim. [slams the weapon into the ground, breaking the earth.] Schools in session!

A Nadder wailed in agony. "I don't wanna go to school!"

A Gronkle whimpered. "I don't wanna die Mister Man."

[Frightened, the dragons, all except Toothless, fly off. Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins take off after them.]

Gobber: [clearly missing the point] Eh. I didn't like school either.

Hiccup slapped a hand onto his face and sighed. "Oh, Gobber ..."

[The teens ride back to the Academy with their dragons. They dismount, groaning in pain.]

Hiccup: What's wrong with you guys?

Astrid: Ugh. We've been riding our dragons for four hours. [gets in Stormfly's face] It took forever to chase them down after Gobber scared them away.

Hiccup: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I just don't know what to do with him. [sees Ruffnut kicking Tuffnut's butt.] Do you guys always have to fight?

The Twins groan. "WE'RE NOT FIGHTING!"

They looked at each other in shame. "Yak-brains ..."

Tuffnut: It's okay. I asked her to do that. I was just trying to get the feeling back.

Ruffnut: [bending down] You gonna return the favor or what? [Tuffnut proceeds to kick her butt]

Hiccup: [confused] I've flown for hours on Toothless and I've never had a problem.

Astrid: [miserably] That's because you have a saddle.

Hiccup: [getting an idea] Saddles!

Valkas' eyes widened at her son. "Oh no! Anything but that!"

[Later, in Gobber's smithy...]

Gobber: Saddles? I love it! I've got so many ideas! [looks at Hiccup's drawing with disinterest, then tosses them aside.] But not like these. Good ones.

Hiccup: I'm glad you're excited. But I still think there are some things in my designs you could use. I mean, you did teach me everything I know.

Gobber: Exactly. That's why you should let Gobber do what Gobber does best. I've been making saddles since you were in diapers. In fact, I made your diapers.

Hiccup grimaced. "Too much info, Gobber."

Dagur burst into laughter. "HA! Brother! He made your diapers! I am so never letting you live this down ..."

The teen sunk into his seat beside his still sleeping dragon. "Yay me."

Hiccup: [trying to get his point across] I know you know what you're doing. But keep in mind, every dragon is different. So you need to adjust the-

Gobber: [interrupting] Hiccup.

Hiccup: But-

Gobber: [interrupting] Hiccup.

Hiccup: But, I just think-

Gobber: [still not listening] Hicc. Up. I may have taught you everything you know, but I haven't taught you everything I know.

[Hiccup gives in and leaves Gobber to his work. Gobber can be heard happily and boisterously singing.]

Gobber: I've got my axe and I've got my mace, and I love my wife with the ugly face! I'm a Viking through and through! Hmmm!

Hiccup: [to Toothless, hopeful] You know, he doesn't sing that song unless he's actually very happy. I think we did a good thing.

Spitelout shook his head in disdain. "You have doomed us all boy-o. We're all gonna die."

The blacksmith glared at the annoyance in the back before throwing his extra brush prosthetic hand at him. "Shut up ya ol' grump."

[The next day, at the Academy, the teens and their dragons are gathered to see Gobber's handiwork.]

Hiccup: Alright, this is an exciting day for all of us. Gobber has been working hard to-

Gobber: [interrupting] I think they might want to hear from the artist himself. [proudly makes his announcement as the kids get excited] I've made a lot of saddles in my day. Horse, donkey and now, dragon. But these saddles are special. They're like my children; that is if you strapped your child to a flaming reptile and rode it. So without further ado- [unveils the odd-looking-and-equipped saddles. The reaction is immediate.]

Crickets chirped.

"Oh. My. Thor." Stoicks' voice was hardly a whisper, but it still seemed to echo throughout the entire room.

Toothless' head suddenly jerked up. He looked around the room, his eyes still blurry from sleep. He let out a big yawn and smacked his lips as he turned to Hiccup. "What did I miss?"

Tuffnut: Whoa!

Snotlout: Wow!

Astrid: Wow!

Hiccup: [a bit surprised] Wow, Gobber. This-this is certainly not what I imagined.

Gobber: [clearly missing the point] How could it be? I'm Gobber! Nobody knows what it's like to live in here. [taps his helmet with his hammer-hand]

Fishlegs gulped. "That's what worries me."

Hiccup: [points to Snotlout's new saddle, which is armed with a blower and a bit of lit-up hay] Is-is that-?

Gobber: Yep! Flamethrower. [gives Hiccup a demonstration] Didn't see that one coming, did ya?

Bucket turned to Gobber in confusion. "Why do ya need a flamethrower for, Gobber? Don't a dragon 'ave 'nough fire as it is?"

Gobber dismissed the Viking with a wave of his hand. "Eh, ya can never 'ave 'nough firepower!"

Hiccup: Uh...no, not for dragons. They come with one built in, actually.

Olympian snickered quietly. "Hilarious!"

Gobber: [missing the point] I know, but can ya ever really have too much firepower?

Gobber grinned at the audience. "See? What did I tell ya?"

[The twins load large rocks into each of their catapults on their saddles and launch them, only to have both Barf and Belch struck in the head. They fall to the ground.]

Ruffnut: Ow!

Hiccup: Uh, catapults for the twins? Not such a good idea. [Gobber just shrugs.]

[Fishlegs' saddle is equipped with four large maces, which has a hard time staying aboveground with.]

Fishlegs: You can do it, girl! Think light. [Meatlug, exhausted, falls to the ground.]

Gobber: [disappointed] Oh, come on! You can't tell me my saddle is heavier than Fishlegs!

Fishlegs glared. "I'm not fat! I'm husky!"

Heather smiled at him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I think your just fine, Fish."

The large teen blushed a light shade of pink and stuttered before shutting up and turning back to the screen without a word. Heather just say back and giggled.

Fishlegs: [sensitively] My mom says I'm just husky.

[Snotlout tries to put his flamethrower saddle on Hookfang, but Hookfang only throws it off and thrashes around.]

Snotlout: [putting out a hand to touch Hookfang's snout.] Come on, Hookfang. What's wrong with you? (Hookfang turns away.) That's it. Someone's trading with me.

Tuffnut: [sarcastically] Yeah, sure. I'll trade my perfect dragon for an angry oven.

Astrid: [landing with Stormfly, who doesn't look tired in the slightest.] This saddle's actually pretty good.

Gobber: Wait 'til you try the horn!

[Astrid blows into the horn, which is telescope-like. The bigger it is, the more amplified the sound is. This startles Stormfly and she sends spines flying, pinning Snotlout to the wall.]

The Twins laughed and high-fived each other. "That was awesome, Astrid! Mind if we borrow that horn sometime?" Ruff asks as she leans over towards the shield maiden.

Tuff leans over beside her. "Yeah! We can use for some yak tipping! Or pranking Snotlips!"

Snotlout whined. "Guys! I'm right here!"

Tuffnut looked around the room, a dazed expression on his face. "Did you guys hear that? I think it was some sort of annoying gnat flying around my ear."

Snotlout groaned. "Ugh, I hate you guys."

Snotlout: Really? Again?

Hiccup: So, anyway, I-I think we're really gonna need to make a few-

Gobber: [smiling] Changes! I'm way ahead of you. I've got so many ideas! It's gettin' crowded up here. [chuckles. Hiccup has a look of worry.]

[Later, Hiccup is cleaning up the arena, which is full of burn marks. Stoick enters the arena, looking around in surprise.]

Stoick: My Odin! This place looked better when we were killing dragons here!

Hiccup: Yeah, we sort of got 'Gobbered'.

The blacksmith smiled. "Aww! I 'ave me own term! I love ya guys!"

Stoick: Well, you know Gobber. He means well, he just doesn't always do well. So what are you going to do about him?

Hiccup: I'm going to clean up his messes and re-do his work.

Gobber gave the boy a disheartened look. "My messes? Was I really 'hat bad, laddie?"

Hiccups' eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously. "No!" He started. The boy tried to think of some comforting words to say, but none came to mind. "It's just - You're - And they're -"

The old blacksmith raised his hand and shook his head. He understood.

Stoick: Look; Gobber's like family-

Hiccup: Yeah, I know he is! That's why I can't say anything to him.

Stoick: No, son, that's why you have to. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to Gobber.

Hiccup: Why do I have to say something to him?! You didn't! You just passed him off to me!

Stoick: That's what the chief does; he delegates. Look, I gave you this Academy because it's the best thing for Berk. Now you have to do what's best for the Academy. And I'm sorry, son, but what's best is very rarely what's easy. [sees Snotlout hanging on the wall, snoring] What about him?

Hiccup: Leave him. He's going for a record.

Stoick: Enough said.

Snotlout threw his fists into the air. "Oh yeah! That's how I do! Snotlout, Snotlout, Oi, Oi, Oi!"

Tuffnut looked over to Olympian with a deadpan expression. "Can we duct tape him again?" He pointed his thumb at the dancing Jorgenson. Olympian glanced at the teen before shrugging and pulling out the roll of tape. "Have at it, you guys." She handed it to the Twins and they gave off an evil laugh before sneaking away.

Hiccup: Hey, you never know, bud. Maybe Gobber finally looked at my plans and is actually making the saddles better. Or not.

Hiccup: Gobber? Don't shoot!

Gobber: I would never shoot you, Hiccup. Unless I absolutely had to.

Hiccup: He-he, yeah. Still, if you could please put the crossbow down, I know I'd feel better.

Gobber: You know, about the weapons, maybe the catapults were a bit much for some of the dragons yesterday. So I've gone a different way. I've gotten rid of the two big ones.

Hiccup: Gobber, that's great!

Gobber: And replaced them with six little ones!

Gobber sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Ya ... Maybe not me best idea."

Hiccup: Yeah, um, Gobber we need to talk. Uh, I think it might be time for you to take a little break.

Gobber: In case you hadn't noticed, the only time a Viking takes a break is to die.

Hiccup: Maybe "break" is the wrong word. What I mean is, I'm not sure things are working out.

Gobber: Well, get back to me when you're sure.

Hiccup: Okay, I'm sure. Gobber, I'm gonna need to take you off the saddle project.

Hiccup groaned into his hands. "Ugh, I'm such a horrible person."

Toothless reached up and licked his friends' face. "No your not," he replied. "You're the greatest human in all of Midgard."

The hiccup laughed at the dragon. "Thanks, bud."

Gobber: Are you gettin' rid of me, Hiccup? Now I see why you had me put down the crossbow.

Hiccup: It's just the saddles! We'll find something else for ya.

Gobber: I don't need your pity. I've lost an arm and a leg. I think I'll survive losing a job.

Hiccup: I'm really sorry, Gobber.

Hiccup: Well, that was awful. I don't know what could be worse than that. Okay, it looks like I'm about to find out.

Snotlout: I never... thought... I'd say this... but Hiccup... HELP!

A muffled scream came from the back of the room. Most Vikings looked back to find a duct-taped Snotlout hopping around, trying his best to scream at his future self on the screen. An also duct-taped Mildew was sat down beside his sheep, rolling his eyes at the teens' antics.

Stoick: Everybody back away! The dragon's out of control! It's not safe here!

Snotlout: I don't know what happened! I was just rubbing his head! He usually loves that! But this time, he went crazy. My dragon hates me!

Fishlegs: They do say a pet starts to take on the characteristics of its owner. I think that's what's happening here.

Snotlout: Hey!

Fishlegs: Yeah, I rest my case.

The theater erupted into laughter while Snotlout continued to scream.

Hiccup: When was the last time he ate?

Snotlout: Not for days.

Hiccup: Are you hungry, boy? Oh, sorry, Dad.

Stoick: We've got to bring this dragon under control.

Hiccup: Don't worry. I can do this. There you go. It's gonna be okay.

Astrid: Hiccup, run!

Hiccup: Way ahead of you!

Hiccup: Toothless! Stop!

Stoick: I've seen enough, Hiccup. I'm sorry. We tried it your way.

"Don't you dare!" Hiccup gasped, sitting straight in his seat, his hands gripping the armrests.

Stoick: Gobber! We need you.

Gobber: No, you don't. Nobody needs me. Nobody needs any of us. Not even you, Bertha.

Stoick: Are you crying?

Gobber: Course not. Just chopping onions.

Stoick: There are no onions.

Gobber: Not anymore. Look what I used to chop them with.

Olympian looked at the screen in confusion. "Seriously," she stated. "Onions actually make you cry? I've chopped up all kinds of onions and I've never even come close to tears."

Stoick: There's a dragon in the plaza that's out of control.

Gobber: Then why don't you call Hiccup?

Stoick: No Gobber, we need you.

Hiccup: Come on, guys! Hurry up! Think! What haven't we tried? Snotlout, you have an idea?

Snotlout: Gobber!

Gobber: Stand back. I came here to do what I do best.

Snotlout: He's gonna kill my dragon.

Hiccup: No, he's not.

Tuffnut: Uh, yeah, he is.

Ruffnut: You don't use that stuff to butter toast.

Tuffnut: Well, I mean, we would, but you don't.

Astrid glared at the Twins. "Seriously?"

Ruff and Stuff merely shrugged and pulled out a sword as they start to butter their toast.

Hiccup [runs up to Stoick]: Dad, you can't be serious! Hookfang is Snotlout's dragon.

Gobber: I'm sorry, Hiccup, but sometimes you have to fall back on the old ways.

Hiccup: But he's a good dragon.

Snotlout [looking plead like:] He's a good dragon!

Hiccup: There's probably just something wrong with him.

Snotlout: There's definitely something wrong with him!

"Yeah," Olympian sighed. "You guys need a dentist."

Hiccup: We have to try to help him. We can't just get rid of him because he's having a bad day.

Stoick: A bad day for a dragon can be a disaster for us. That's not a risk I am willing to take. Gobber.

[Gobber wrestles and ties his wings and legs together until Hookfang coughs out small, sparks of fire.]

Gobber: Ha! You're all out of fire!

Hiccup: I can't let you do this. [Hiccup runs up and forces Gobber's arm down.]

Gobber: There's no choice. It has to be done.

[Hookfang bends down and roars, letting Gobber and Hiccup see in its mouth]

Goober: Do you see that?

Hiccup: [letting go of Gobber's arm] I do.

Snotlout screamed again. Fishlegs gasped. "What in Helheim are you doing! You're supposed to be saving Hookfang!"

Gobber: [tosses away a sword] Time to put this beast out of its misery.

Astrid: Hiccup! What are you doing?

[Gobber jumps on Hookfang's head and wrestles his mouth open. He yanks a tooth out]

"Oh ..."

Snotlout: Ah! You didn't kill him!

Gobber: For a toothache? [Holds up a half-hollowed out tooth]What kind of lunatic are you?

Snotlout: Stop it. Stop it. Ugh, I don't know where that came from. Can you train that out of him or...?

Heather just rolled her eyes. "Who knew he could be a loveable dork?"

She glanced back at the teen to see him wiggling his eyebrows at her and her fond smile instantly turned into a grimace. "Nevermind."

Hiccup: Thank you, Gobber. A bad tooth; I can't believe I didn't think of that.

Gobber: That's because you're not Gobber! I've forgotten more about dragons than most men will ever know. Well, better go put the girls away.

Hiccup: Gobber! Not so fast!

"Yes!" Gobber yelled, jumping into the air. "I've got me self a new job!"

Hiccup (v.o.): When the world around you changes, the good men find a way to change with it. And Gobber is one of those good men. In fact, he's one of the best.

Gobber: I've got my axe and I've got my mace, and I love my wife with the ugly face! I'm a Viking through and throouugghh!

The audience cheered and jumped down to congratulate the blacksmith. After they all departed, Stoick and Valka walked over to hug their old friend. "You did good, Gobber." Stoick smiled, placing a hand on his friends' shoulder.

Valka hugged him and gave a quick kiss on the cheek. "You will be amazing, Gobber!"

They smiled at him and walked back to their seats. Gobber smiled back but then stopped as he felt someone wrapping their small arms around his gut. He looked down to see his apprentice, the young boys' eyes were closed as he hugged his mentor as hard as he could.

Gobber chuckled and reached down to hug the teen back. "Thank you, Hiccup. For everything."

The one-legged Viking smiled brightly up at the blacksmith. "I would have never done it without you."


I am so so so so so so sorry for the long wait!

I mostly work on my stories on Wattpad but for some reason, Wattpad deleted this book and HTWTM so I can only update on FanFiction.

I am truly trying my best.

Good news though! I only have, like, 29 or so days left of school and then it's summer break!

I'm gonna be busy the next month due to MAP testing, K-Prep and also all of my end-of-the-year exams.

But as soon as summer hits, I'm all yours!

Also, shout out to Matt (Guest)! Happy Birthday! This update happened because of you!