Hello lovely readers there's been a slight change of plans.
After watching the season finale I'd been struck with an idea for a Jon/Dany story and I was going to just add it to this chapter, or more precisely add this chapter to it when it fits, but I've decided to just make this scene a one shot and make a completely other independent story. In my AN for the chapter I said this is what I thought/wanted to happened and I was like . . . Way off lmao but that's alright.
I hope you're not too disappointed by this change, but the new story will be Jonerys and it will follow along with season seven but I'll be changing the timeline and the build up between Jon and Dany and it will also then continue on to what I think will happen/what I want to happen in season 8.
Please be patient, I might end up writing the entire thing and posting it or posting it chapter by chapter as I write it, you guys can review and tell me which you prefer, although full disclosure I'm a
T. E. R. R. I. B. L. E. updater
like I feel genuinely bad for my regular readers, but I'll do my best.
Alright I'm off to begin the new story, be on the look out for it and tell me which you'd prefer, if I post chapters as I write them or write the entire story (which we'll take me a long while) and post a couple chapters a week when it is finished
Thank you for you're favs, follows, and reviews, sorry if this is inconvenient but this is what my little fanfictonar heart is tell me to do.