Sucy and Diana's Struggling Prey

Akko sat in the middle of a garden bench, desperately trying to eat a 'ham and cheese' sandwich while uncomfortably glancing side to side. To her left was a green haired witch delicately sipping tea, to her right was a pink haired witch casually drinking mushroom juice from a juice box.

Both witches seems to be glaring at each other. Cold, unforgiving sapphires meeting with a fiery, possessive ruby. The heiress has been pressing her shoulder with hers while the alchemist's left arm placed behind her; her pale hand pulling on the left side of her waist, seemingly wanting to press their bodies closer together... and wanting the blue teamed witch to 'BACK OFF'.

Diana walked through the hallway towards her dorm, having just finished her classes for the day; she wanted nothing more than to relax in her room with a cup of tea. She suddenly stopped in her tracks to stare wide-eyed at the sight of a brightly glowing, red haired witch jogging towards her. The used-to-be brunette witch kept approaching her as if everything was as fine as any other day with nothing amiss.

"Hey Diana, can I borrow your notes for Magic Linguistics for tonight? Please~?" Akko asked, looking at the blonde with a hopeful, puppy eyes. Looking a bit closely; Diana noticed that even both her pupils somewhat changed into a semi-star shape, making it harder to look away.

"I... I certainly... do not mind but... Are you aware of your..." Diana trailed off, staring in her eyes in bewilderment.

"Oh this? It's just a side-effect of Sucy's potion." Akko waved her vibrantly red hair, mimicking various Shiny Chariot poses.

"You look absolutely stunning Akko." Diana said in awe, her heart being filled with a familiar feeling of admiration from her past idol.

"It made me mute 'till lunch though." She pouted while crossing her arms, looking very irritated by remembering her struggles since this morning.

"Well, that would explain why today was so quiet." Diana chuckled, hurriedly composing herself. "Come along Akko, my notes are in my room."

"Thanks Diana!" Akko bear hugged the blonde, earning a blush from the heiress. "Lead the way Captain!"

The following day, the green team, as well as some other witches passing by, was shocked at the sight of a witch with shiny, fiery red hair walking across the cafeteria. The witch in question has her hair loosely flowing on her shoulders, not even bothering to tie up her signature semi top bun. She tiredly limped towards their usual table while her teammates went to get their own breakfast, as well as getting Akko's food for her.

"Whoa! Loving the new look Akko, very sexy." Amanda winked. Jasminka chuckled as she continues to eat her breakfast while Constanze just gave her a thumps up.

Akko absentmindedly nod as she sat down and slumped her head on the table.

"Are you alright Akko?" Jasminka asked worriedly. Akko didn't answer, too tired to even lift her head back up. The other two witches starts to worry as well.

"She's fine." Sucy answered for her while holding two trays of food. "She just pulled an all-nighter in Diana's dorm." She continued with words slightly dripping with venom but was heard unnoticed. "Akko, eat your breakfast." She shakes her sleeping teammate's shoulder but didn't get a response. "Lotte, hold her up for me, and make sure to point her head away from the table."

"O-okay?" Lotte replied hesitantly. As she hold her slumping friend by both her shoulders and turn her head towards the nearby wall; Sucy shoved a silvery potion down Akko's lightly snoring mouth.

"Pfff!" Akko violently spits out the foul, thick fluid all over the wall, and then had a coughing fit while Sucy gently rubs her back. After her coughing, Sucy poured another potion in her mouth. This time, the potion completely erased the disgusting taste of the liquid filth from earlier. "Thanks Sucy." She said raggedly, already used to her teammate's line of 'Awakening Potions'.

"You're welcome. It seems that your hair is back to normal." Sucy said as she lovingly combs brown hair with her pale fingers.

"Aww, I really wanted to show it to Ursula-Sensei though." Akko whined.

"You could just cast a spell to replicate its effects." Diana states indifferently while placing her tray on their table and sat next to Akko. Sucy girth her teeth and lightly growled.

"Morning Diana, thanks for tutoring me last night. But why are you so awake after staying up all night?" Akko asked curiously, surprised by how prim and proper the heiress looked with just a couple hours of sleep.

"I am used to staying up late thanks to my frequent task of night watch around campus." Diana droned, somewhat tiredly. "If you ever need me to tutor you again Akko, all you need is to ask me whenever I am available." She said with a patient smile towards the somewhat awake brunette.

"You should just stick to your night watch if you know what's good for you." Sucy warned with a venomous tone.

The whole table fell into complete silence, the atmosphere turning tense, all witches (except for a certain dense brunette and a blonde with her eyebrow raised) turned wide-eyed to the pink haired witch.

"Only sleeping for few hours at a time will kill you." Sucy continued, emphasizing with a sinister voice, her visible eye glaring at the blonde. "And if that doesn't kill you..."

"Ah, Sucy's right Diana! Don't worry about me, you should rest more." Akko said, unaware of the alchemist's hidden message. "Skipping sleep isn't healthy you know."

"I... I see." Diana replied with slight disappointment in her voice. She glanced next to her to see a witch mocking her with a shark-toothed grin. She glared at the grinning witch with refined anger.

"Uh, guys?" Akko finally voiced her discomfort. "Is there... something you two are fighting about?" Her question lingered for a while. Eventually, Sucy changed her sights from cold blue eyes to a familiar set of red eyes and spoke.

"Akko, there's a couple of mushrooms growing in the outskirts of a nearby town that can replicate the same effects of the potion from the other day, without... you know... making you mute. Want to help me get them?" Sucy suggested, turning red and avoiding eye contact while saying the latter part.

"Rather than that Akko, I can teach you an illusion spell that can yield similar results." Diana offered, turning Akko's head to face her. "I am certain you can learn it before sun down." She said while cupping Akko's chin.

"Well, I... actually have remedial classes with Ursula-Sensei for the rest of the week... because I slept through... like, 5 different classes yesterday..." Akko said embarrassingly while nibbling on her sandwich, her eyes staring dejectedly at her lap. "I wish I could spend more time with you guys." She whined.

"You don't have to take those classes alone you know." Sucy said as she rubs Akko's back. "I can keep you company while in remedial class. I'm sure the Professor wouldn't mind." She continued. "And if she does..."

"Quite right Akko. I am part of the reason why you have *ahem* slept through your classes." Diana states. "Let me talk to the Professor, having the two of us help her should lessen her workload." She said while eyeing a certain witch, asking for a temporary truce.

"Yeah, sure. Your Potion Equations could use some work." Sucy said indifferently.

"Really?!" Akko yelled with stars on her eyes. She shoved the rest of her sandwich in her mouth and pulled both witches in for another bear hug. "I love you guys!" She said with puffed cheeks.

"M-me too Akko"
"As do I Akko"

Sucy and Diana replied simultaneously, both witches returning the bubbly witch's embrace.

A/N: I've been having writer's block like a motherfucker! For the past weeks, I've been playing Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. I've always picked Popuri back in my childhood, though now I find her kind of annoying. So this time, I'm going for Mary, the shy and nerdy librarian.

Quote of the day:

"I'm supposed to kill that guy. He's yello- ow- Never mind, sorry."
- Adam Kovic

CHINESE TAKE-OUT - Alekhine's Gun Gameplay Part 3