Well... hello again. This is essentially a collection of teeny-tiny drabbles about Haleb; they were all originally posted on my curious cat/twitter, so if you follow me on there, then you may have already read them. A few people on there suggested that I upload them on here, just so that they're all in one place, so here I am!

I'll be updating frequently with all of the ones that I've written so far, and then I'll add new ficlets as and when I post them on twitter/cc (feel free to send me more prompts).


Prompt ~ Based on 6b: Hanna seeing Spencer and Caleb together and expressing her feelings.

Hanna felt her heart stop for a split second as she took in the sight before her.

Spencer and Caleb, together, on the seat in the Brew that held one of her fondest memories; it wouldn't have been so bad, had the memory not revolved around his soft lips moving against hers.

She flinched as she noticed their adjoined hands and inhaled sharply. When she'd agreed to Spencer talking to Caleb about this, about liking him, she hadn't anticipated it hurting this much. After the initial sting, she hadn't imagined that it would hurt at all, actually - she had Jordan, she was engaged, she had the perfect life, right?

Hanna had convinced herself that she'd be strong enough to deal with it, but now she had no idea how she could've been so naive.

It was Caleb, the love of her life, and her best friend.

Of course it was going to hurt.

He had been her home for so long, her safe place, her favourite person. Even after three years of being apart, whenever she looked into his enticingly dark eyes, she couldn't help but feel those things once more. She was at ease when she was around him; he knew her better than anyone else did, better than anyone else ever could. Since the day that they were reunited, whenever their gazes met, she could see him trying to figure her out, trying to gage what she was feeling as her eyes pooled into his.

But he wasn't allowed to do that anymore; he wasn't allowed to know what she was thinking, what she was feeling, how much she missed him.

Because she was engaged.

And he was with Spencer.

And they weren't Hanna and Caleb anymore.

So when he looked up, and realised that she was walking towards him, and quickly moved his arm away from Spencer, she didn't dare to meet his gaze.

Because she knew that if she did, he'd be able to see right through her.

And she knew that he'd come running.

And she could never do that to her best friend.

Let me know if you guys want me to keep uploading these! x