The first few days back at school were sluggish. Jughead could have used a few more days to do nothing and he knew he was probably going to be ahead in his class within the next two weeks. Although it was a little different now. Jughead would get on the subway to head to school and Betty would sit next to him when she got on a few stops after. It became a bit of a routine.

Betty felt on top of the world. It was that honeymoon stage where everything was fresh and new, like nothing could bring her down from this high. Not to mention that kissing Jughead every opportunity she got was her new favourite thing. Jughead didn't protest to it either. He was taking it day by day and tried not to sink himself deep. It was new and in an instant everything could be different.

But he was trying not to be pessimistic for once.

"Don't you have to be in class in five minutes?" Jughead asked in between kisses. They had found a small secluded area at the end of the hallway, an undeclared make out spot.

"I have time." Betty replied. "My class is around the corner."

"But aren't you usually ten minutes early?"

"Hush." Betty laughed, adjusting her books. "I'm living life on the edge."

Jughead smirked. "So rebellious."

Betty laughed again, looking at Jughead for a moment. She wasn't going to lie; she had an anxious feeling in the pit of her stomach because she was 'late' for class. "Are you going to stay here or go back home?"

"I'll wait until your class is done then go with you." Jughead adjusted his bag on his shoulder. "I'll hang out in the library."

"Okay." She smiled. "I'll text you when it's over." Betty leaned towards him and pecked his lips. She gave a waved as she bounced off down the hallway to her class.

She slid into a seat beside Kevin who glanced up from his phone. "Look who's all flustered."

"What?" Betty touched her cheeks and they were a tad warm. "I'm fine."

"If Veronica was here she'd tell you to immediately jump his bones." Kevin laughed. "And since she's not, I'm telling you to immediately jump his bones."

"Kev." Betty rolled her eyes. She took out her books and her pencil case. "Slow and steady win the race."

Kevin laughed again. "Slow and steady is for seventy year old couples. You are not seventy, you are flirty and thriving."

"Whatever you say, Jennifer Garner."

Kevin laughed lightly, opening his notebook. Betty was a bit of a daydreamer that day, her thoughts clouded with Jughead. She couldn't help it. But she knew she had to settle down and not over excite everything. Jughead what's that type of guy, sometimes there personalities would clash. As soon as class was done, Betty was up and gone out the door with Kevin's voice echoing a goodbye in her dust. A cup of tea and cuddling on the couch with Jughead was on the top of her to do list.

"I wanted to ask you something." Betty swung their hands as they walked from the subway to her apartment. "How did you know where your dad was when we went to find him?" It had been on her mind for a few days now. Jughead had told the police that he hadn't seen his father in five years. There must have been some contact.

Jughead sighed lightly. He was hoping her and Archie would overlook that detail. "I saw my dad five years ago, at that variety store. He wanted to know how I was and I went to that apartment. He asked for some money so I gave him what I could, thinking that he could change his way. Of course he didn't. So it was merely a guess that he would be still there."

Betty looked at Jughead, frowning. She knew he wanted his father to change and be better but sometimes that didn't happen. She wrapped her arms around his as they neared her apartment. "I think he's innocent, Jug."

"That's all we can hope for."

Betty unlocked the door to her apartment, pushing it open. She removed her scarf and unzipped her jacket, going to put on the kettle. She nearly screeched when she walked into the kitchen seeing none other than Alice Cooper sitting at the table with a half filled mug of tea for herself.

"Mom!" Betty exclaimed, her hand clenching her sweater.

Alice smiled. "Indoor voice, Elizabeth."

"What are you doing here? How did you even get in here?"

"Did you really think I was going to move you to New York City and not have my own key in case anything happened to you?" Alice got up and walked over to Betty, placing her hands on her daughter's cheeks. "I need to make sure you're safe."

Betty resisted an eye roll. She gently moved Alice's hands off her cheek, shaking her head. "I'm fine. Everything is great here. I promise." She said. Betty turned around realizing Jughead had stood frozen at the door. This was not an ideal situation. Jughead meeting Betty's mother without warning or given time to prepare. She felt awful.

"Jug?" Betty said. He was slowly shrugging off his jacket. He couldn't run, that would have made him look like a coward even if he was nervous as hell. His eyes met Betty's and he could see the guilt and her own nerves in her eyes. At least they were in the same boat. "Mom, this is Jughead. Jughead, this is my mom Alice."

Jughead stood up tall, holding his hand out for Alice. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Cooper."

Alice took a moment to look over Jughead: jeans, suspenders, combat boots, a t-shirt with a hole in the hem, a rugged old hat. He seemed to be an interesting character and not one she would have suggested to be in her daughter's life. She automatically categorized as Jughead being from the wrong side of the tracks.

"Jughead, is it?" Alice went ahead and shook his hand. She had a firm grip. "Can't say I have ever met a Jughead before."

"It's a nickname." He clarified.

"Interesting." Her lips formed a hard line. It did not take a rocket scientist to put two and two together about Betty and Jughead, not to mention Alice briefly overheard Betty and her sister Polly talking about him over the holidays.

Betty quickly inserted herself into the conversation. "What are you doing here, mom? You should have called me to tell me you were coming."

"You left some things at home and I was certain you'd want them." Alice went back over to the table to unzip a bag she had brought. Betty wasn't sure if her mother was being truthful or if she was prying her way into her private life. Nothing was every private with Alice involved. Alice took out some sweaters and a few old memories that she knew Betty would love.

Jughead looked on from the sidelines, hands shoved into his pockets. Feeling awkward was an understatement. He had never meant anyone's parents for an obvious reason and this was such new territory. He didn't want to judge Alice but from stories Betty would tell him he knew that sometimes she had other motives and could be a controlling woman. But Betty looked like Alice, similar facial features, a smile that could kill and perfect blonde hair with the cool undertones.

"What do you say, Jughead?" Alice looked over at the boy.

"What- Pardon?" Jughead blinked a few times as he was pulled out of his thoughts.

Betty walked back over to him. "My mom wants to know if you would like to come to dinner with us. But if you're busy, that is okay." She had a look in her eye and by her chosen words, Jughead knew she was easily given him an out. He didn't need to do this right now.

He could see Alice in the background with a questionable look on her face. Her eyes were narrowed as she watched the interaction, almost some form of judgement. Jughead was caught between a rock and a hard place. There was no way he could say he was busy. If he did, then what? Betty was his girlfriend whether everyone knew it or not and at the end of the day, she did have a family that cared about her. That was more than he had.

"What do you have in mind, Mrs. Cooper?"

A smile grew on Alice's face as Jughead accepted the invitation for dinner. Maybe there was an ulterior motive and maybe he was going to get quizzed until the end of time but if it was for Betty, it was worth it. "What do you suggest? What is good in Queens?"

"Parkside Restaurant, they serve Italian."

"Sounds perfect."

Betty was in disbelief. "I'm going to change. Give me a moment." She said, looking at Jughead for him to follow her.

"That's fine, dear. I'm going to call your father." Alice said, sitting back down at the table with her phone in hand.

Betty nearly stormed towards her bedroom, Jughead catching the door before she could slam it shut. "Unbelievable!" She whispered.


"First she shows up with no explanation. Then she wants to go to dinner, with us. Both of us. With you." She muttered, opening her closet door to go through her colour ordered sweaters.

"Betty." Jughead gently touched her shoulder. "Maybe your mother just wants to know how you are here. Maybe she wants to see your new life."

"Or maybe she wants to pry and then ruin my life." She scoffed, turning around to look at him. "Don't be fool, Jug, she can be such a bitch and ruin everyone in her path. You don't know her like I do."

"I understand that. Just show her how happy you are here, that you have great friends and go to a good school."

She sighed lightly. He was right, maybe this could be a turning point and Alice wouldn't be on her case and controlling her life like in high school. "Show her I have a great boyfriend?" She smiled lightly. Jughead returned the same smile as Betty pushed herself up on her toes to kiss him softly.

He cupped her cheek, carefully pressing Betty up against the wall beside them as she wrapped her arms around his neck to draw him in close. The kissed deepened. "Not the best time for his." She mumbled.

"But I am pretty great, aren't I?"

Betty rolled her eyes, pushing him away as he started to chuckle. "Shush."

Betty, Jughead and Alice sat at a table near the window. It was full of couples and families which gave it a great atmosphere and hopefully would take the edge off the night for Betty. She owed Jughead big time for this. Alice had ordered a white wine with the two kids sticking to water. Betty needed all her wits intact.

"So, Jughead." Alice neatly folded her hands on the table, looking over at him. "Do you go to NYU as well?"

"I do. I'm taking film and creative writing." He replied. "Betty and I are in the same building."

It was rapid fired questions and Jughead always seemed to have an answer ready to go. Betty was impressed which made her be at ease with the dinner. At the end of the day, she didn't care if Alice liked Jughead or not. It wasn't her decision of who she could be with. She reached over the table, lacing their fingers together. Jughead gently squeezed her hand as reassurance that it was going to be alright.

"Elizabeth, I'm sure you're keeping all your grades up, handing in your assignments on time and checking for spelling errors?" Alice sipped her wine as she looked over at her daughter. Ultimately she wanted what was best for Betty: a good career, financial security and a strong head on her shoulders. She didn't need to be distracted by boys and parties.

Betty internally sighed. "My grades are fine and my assignments as always handed in on time."

"Just fine?"

Admittedly, Betty could have been working a little harder in one of her classes but she didn't care too much for it. She could have studied more and researched but that was her last class on Fridays, she just wanted to get out of there and spend her weekends with her boyfriend and friends.

"They're good, mom. I promise." Betty corrected herself with a nod.

Alice felt skeptical but left it alone. Their entrees arrived and Jughead, who would normally dive into his food, resisted and ate like a delicate flower human being. There was minimal chatter and it was kept to basic topics like 'what do you think of the food?' or 'dessert here is delicious.'

Betty excused herself after dinner to go to the washroom, whispering to Jughead that she'd be right back. He nodded, giving her a small as she went on her way. He placed his cutlery on the plate as the waitress came around and took everything away. He tried not to be nervous but now he was sitting across from his girlfriend's mother who was analyzing every breath he took.

"How did you meet my little Elizabeth, Jughead?"

Jughead looked at Alice. That was a pretty easy question, thank God. "She's friends with my best friend's girlfriend. They had met through another mutual friend." Jughead explained simply. "Mrs. Cooper, your daughter is great. I've been her friend longer than her boyfriend but I can tell you she is one of the best people I have ever met. She is smart and funny. She's kind and understanding. I have nothing but good intentions towards her."

Alice listened as Jughead spoke about Betty. While his words seemed genuine, she just wasn't sure if he was the right fit. Perhaps it was because she had pictured Betty while someone more… what was the word? Structured? Over the course of dinner, her daughter did seem happy with this boy. Betty returned to the table shortly after.

"What did I miss?" She asked.

"Nothing really. Just talking about you." Jughead replied.

"Good things, I hope."

He smiled. "Always good things."

Betty's smiled matched his. She wanted to kiss him right then and there but she supposed she could save that for later. They all passed on dessert (much to Jughead's dismay) but when the bill came, he immediately reached out for it.

"Jug." Betty's brows furrowed.

"I got this. Don't worry about it." Jughead sneakily looked at the total amount, pulling out his wallet. He had money saved up for different things. Maybe one day he wanted to buy a house, and he needed to pay his phone bill and a million other things. But today he was going to use some of his savings to pay for his dinner with Betty and Alice. Hopefully score some extra points, too.

"That's very kind of you, Jughead." Alice commended.

Betty gave her mother a hug outside of the restaurant. Maybe she had come to pry but it wasn't as awful as she thought it would be. Alice even suggested to come back home with Betty sometime. Baby steps, mother, baby steps.

Jughead and Alice exchanged a strange handshake that would weird him out for the rest of time, but it was okay. Alice got into a cab and went off to the train station.

"I can breathe. Oh my God." Betty placed her hands over her face.

"Betty." Jughead laughed softly, pulling her hands away. "It wasn't that awful."

"Thank God it wasn't. I don't know what I would have done if it had turned into chaos." She sighed, giving him a half smiled. "What happened when I went to the bathroom? Nothing bad, right."

"No, it was fine." He assured her. He took her hand as they started to walk back to her apartment. "She asked how we met and then I went on to tell her how incredible you are."

Betty blushed. "Juggie."

"I did. I told her that you're smart and kind, overall one of the most amazing people I have ever met." He confessed.

Betty stopped them in the middle of the sidewalk, looking at him. She swore she was falling more and more for this boy every day and he didn't even know it. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Betty kissed him in the cold. Jughead gripped her jacket to pull Betty closer to him, embracing the kiss. Fluffy white snow started to fall from the sky, a snowflake landing on Jughead's nose.

"This is the most cliché thing to ever happen to me." Jughead chuckled.

Betty grinned. "Just wait until we can kiss in the pouring rain."