It was night in the land of temrial a black and, red scaled dragon was flying around when, he noticed a bright flash of light appeared on the ground off to his left. wondering what had happened to the flash the dragon flew to the spot and landed. as the dragon looked around he didn't notice anything unusual until a child's voice reached his ear's and more importantly the child was hurt. he looked around and saw the child lying on the ground unconscious. after he made his way to the child he saw, that the child was a humen girl no older then four mabye five years of age. she had black and red hair and, she wearing a red hooded cloak.

"(what are you doing here young one?)" the dragon asked aloud.

after a few minutes of thinking the dragon decided to use one of it's many ablitys. he sucked in as much air as he could and let out an ear pireceing roar. "hah, yah, mindah!"

(AN: translates to mind, seek, knowledge.)

A golden glow bright as the sun, shine through the night which of course had gain the attention of a pure black scaled dragon who was standing on top of a wall with a dragons image on it. the dragon took off and flew towards the source of the bright light.

meanwhile with the black and red dragon a black blur had landed between him and the girl. "vokunyolstrun?! ( what are you doing here awake at this time of day?)" the other dragon asked him this dragon was aldiun the world eater and, his father. the now named vokunyolstrun looked at his father with a questioning looked but then shook his head.

"(father turn around and see for yourself.)" vokun said to his father who did turn and the young girl. vokun explained to who she is and how she goten to tamrial. aldiun looked to his son proud at how well he had handled the propblem with the girl.

"(good job my son. until we can find a way to send her home she, will be living with you at your lair. is that under stood?)" his father asked him.

vokun nodded as aldiun took off and flew back to his lair. while vokun did the same only with a small passenger in tow. vokun's lair was a small cove hidden in the mountins between morrowind and skyrim. the cove was a crystil clear water, plenty of wildlife, and occasionally werewolves. he looked down at the little girl and began to wonder how hard it will be to raise the little girl.

eleven years had past and vokun had taught, ruby whose name translate to dovahminn. ruby had at first been scared of vokun until he told her, where she was and how at the moment that it was impossiable for her to return home. ruby surprised that she was in another world tried to see if she there was any type of connection to this world to hers. she soon found it in legends and magic legends because of the type of heroes, and magic cause of how some of the magic is able to ward of attacks. But as ruby continue to train she began to notice that as she watched, and listen to vokun talk in his natural language, when other members of his family come by she could understand them. of course though vokun was in for a surprise when ruby turned out to be dragonborn. but back to the story.

"Dovahmiin peyt ofaal avok het nii los tiid fah hin borii mindovaat! (Ruby rose get over here it is time for your next lesson)" vokunyolstrun shouted for his daughter. and no less then two minutes later a black blur had tackled him to the ground and tried to rip him apart. key word tried vokuns scales are like his fathers. vokun used unrelenting force on the thing that, had tackled him with a small smile standing in front on him was a humannoid wolf. the wolf slowly turned into a young fithteen year old girl with silver eyes and black and red hair. she was of course naked due to the transformation but in a flash of light she had leather armor on her.

"bormah zu'u los het fah dii borii mindovaat. (father i am here for my next lesson)" ruby said excited as she pulled out her bow of black flames a both that vokun himself had enchanted for her to use. he also gave her a iron dagger of winter. a dagger that one of his sisters (he forgot which one) had enchanted for her as well. ruby had prospered under vokuns guidence. she learned novice to master level spells at a speed that shocked vokun to his core. she knows all the trees of all magic based spells.

"pruzah vosro gon. vokun,yol, toor, shul!" black flames burst forth from vokuns mouth and went for ruby who jumped to the side.

"hun, kaal, zoor! (hero, champion, legend)" ruby shouted and a whiteish blue void opened and three ghost like beings appered and began to hack and slash and shot at vokun. as they all fought vokun quickly took notice of a shoutbeing used to call together all the dragons. vokun stopped the training and told ruby that he will be back later.

while ruby kept training as her father flew off to meet with his family.

when he landed he could see his father and sister talking but when they noticed him faazgramkul came up to him and said. "(Vokun you have to talk some sense into thou father he is planning something crazy!)" Alduin roared "That's enough faaz your argument has been made let vokun have his own opinion."

Vokun wasn't surprised his father and sister never saw eye to eye but what was this new thing that his father wanted. "(Father why did you call me here?)" Alduin pointed his wing too a nearby town and said. "(They are to dangerous to leave alive we must kill them before they kill us.)"

Vokun stared at the town trying to see anything that could be a threat to them but all there was a town with farmers and merchants nothing dangerous. "(Father why do you think they are going to kill us we are dragons we have nothing to fear from them?)"

Alduin explained "(Your 'daughter' can use any shout with in minutes of learning it most people it would take years so what if she decides to band the nords together, and kill all of us!)"

Vokun felt like he wanted to knock his father out for bad mouthing his little rose but he know that would just make him a enemy to his father. Right now his father is unstable and he needed to get dovahkiin out of this world. but it appears that fate wasn't on vokun's side.

"(even if she had came from another world, what's to stop her from getting her people, and bring them to this world. vokun I am ordering you to kill that human, and set her body ablaze!) "Alduin roared at him

vokun looked at his father with an, enrage look his own father is telling him to kill his own daughter. his precious little dovahmiin. vokun let loose a huge amount of magicka, and roared at his father, and charged into his body. the force was enough to send alduin over a cliff.

" ( DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO KILL, MY DAUGHTER FATHER WHEN WE BOTH KNOW THAT SHE WOULD NEVER DO THAT! )" vokun roared so loud that he was pretty sure that both the nords and his daughter heard him.

"(Get in contact will thorin we don't have time for anymore test's.)" Vokun ordered his sister she nodded and asked. "(What are you going to tell dovahmiin?)" after arriving at vokun's cove he thought for a while hesitating that this was a good idea. Vokun thought for a while then said. "(I have to tell her that we are leaving temrial and nurn in general. even if she has little to no memorys of her world but it's her home non the less.)". Faaz nodded then left to find thorin the falmer eater.

when vokun arrived he walked to were ruby slept which was two trees with a hammock tied to them. "(Dovahmiin you need to wake up.)" Ruby opened her eyes but only half way then asked. "(Dad I'm tired can I sleep just a little longer?)" Vokun shook his head no and continued. "(Sorry but I have to tell you something. Somethings that I should have told oh so long ago.)"

Ruby sat up in her hammock and rubbed her eyes. "(You know I love you right dovahmiin?)" Ruby nodded a little scared at how old her father was acting. "(Do you remember when I told you that you were not from this world and that you weren't my daughter.)" Ruby nodded a yes.

Ruby got out of her bed and huged vokun's face and said. "(Dad I know when something wrong you just come out and tell me I'm a big girl I can handle it.)" Vokun turned into his human form and huged her then said. "(I have found away to go to your world and after hearing my dad talk about people has me worried about your safety so we are moving.)" Ruby stepped back and equipped her armor and her bow she was ready to go.

It was midnight vokun flew in the night sky with ruby on his back. Faazgramkul had prepared the portal with the help of leo. Leo was a nord that was one of the best magic users he has studied the other world that ruby came from. He learned that it takes huge amounts of power to travel from one world to another. Leo asked vokun how she came here but when vokun told him that ruby was alone leo was confused on how or why a baby would be sent alone without anyone else.

After a few moments vokun landed next to a little shack in the middle of nowhere vokun turned into a human. His human form is a man with short black hair and black eyes he wares heavy armored clothes. And used a scythe and some improvised explosives he knocked on the door. Faaz opened it she was in her human form as well she had long black hair and black eyes just like her brother. "(Hey bro and little rose we are almost ready come on.)" Faaz lead the two of them down a hole in the middle of the house. It lead to a cave after a few minutes there was a opening to a room. On the floor there was markings and a drawing in the center of a forest and a name 'patch' leo came out of a side cave. "(Oh good we are almost ready we just need dovahkiin to speak this words.)"

Vokun took the piece of paper and read it. 'with time we're ageless, with dimensions we make our own world's. ' Vokun handed the paper to ruby and said. "(Ready to go see your home world?)"

She nodded and took her position in the middle and started chanting the words. She started glowing and a portal opened it was small but growing leo went over to them vokun and faaz told them. "It would take a few minutes before the portal is big enough for us to pass through but we have unexpected guest!"

Faaz told leo they will take care of it as she grabbed her black blade katana. Alduin and two other dragons land alduin tells the other two to leave them to him they are his family and he will deal with them.

Alduin turned into his human form he had short black hair with a white streak in the middle and welded a two handed sword. At that moment the two siblings came out of the house vokun said. "(Hey dad came to say goodbye to everyone before we leave.)"

"(Why Why is my own family betraying me and for what a filthy human?)" Alduin shouted.

"(because you threatened ) dovahmiin (who is innocent to all of this. she's more of a hunter granted not us one nonetheless. ) vokun said as he clenched his weapon and prepared for the fight of his life."(Faaz you take those two other dragons out, fathers MINE!)"

Faaz nodded as she pulled out her katana. while vokun and alduin turned back into dragons, and battled in the air with black flames meeting ice.

Faaz's point of view

The two dragons turned into their own human forms they looked like twins both had crimson red hair and golden eyes. One wear a red dress and used two silver swords. While the other one wear a black dress and used a bow. Faaz ran towards the swords sister their blades connected while the other sister readies her bow.

Faaz saw the bow out of the corner of her eye then she moved her sword, and kicked the sword sister away and start blocking the arrows with her sword while walking closer to her. Faaz got with in slashing distance before the bow sister used her bow to block faaz's sword the bow girl yelled to her sister. "(kulkoorlaat can you I don't know HELP ME!)" kul then attempted to attack faaz from behind faaz designed to grab the bow sister by her hair and throw her to her sister, the twins smashed into each other which stopped kul's attack then faaz kicked one sister into the other which sent them both flying into a tree.

pushing her sister off of her while saying. "(Thanks for getting in the way rathkriidlo!)" rath then yelled at her sister. "(The bitch pulled my hair if you weren't so slow we could've beaten her by now!)" Faaz cleared her throat to get the sisters attention then said. "I know siblings fight but why are you two doing this in the middle of a battle?" The twins looked at each other then reliezed how stupid they looked.

Vokun's point of view

"yol, toor, shul! "Alduin shouted and a fire ball was seen racing towards vokun.

"vokun, wuld, nah, krest!" Vokunyolstrun shouted and he disappeared into a black blur.

(Cliffhanger. )