And...after months and months of abscence generall and in this fic, here I am! I shall try to finish this fic before Christmas but I promise nothing. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, neither Sherlock, nor The Night Manager.


Something bright woke her up. Molly always remebered to close the curtains on her days off. But she had forgotten yesterday. She snuggled in her pillow but felt more warmth than usual. Her back was hot all over, a hand was resting under her breasts. Her eyes opened in alarm and they met the blue shirt residing on the chair near the corner of the room.


He had come to her yesterday.

Molly shifted gently and was now facing Jonathan's closed eyes and naked chest. He was so sweet and lovely when he slept. Like a little boy. And suddently she was meeting a pair of baby blues and a soft smile.

"Goodmorning, my Molly." he softly said reaching to kiss her forehead. Jonathan retreated his hand from her back and captured her hands into his, bringing them to his lips to kiss.

"Goodmorning." she came even closer and nuzzled her face on his upper chest.

"And there's my little kitty cat. I was wondering when you were going to make your appearance." he said in that deep morning voice of his and embraced her even more to him.

"Mhm. I don't want to get up. I love it like this. You...here. I still can't believe it. You're actually here. With me." she said getting back and looking with all the love of the world into his eyes.

"Indeed I am. And I'll never let you go if I can help it. Now, young lady, I think it's time to discuss that tall detective of yours." he said seriously and with one movement brought her to rest on his chest.

"We both know that nothing is going on between us. He's just...Sherlock. He doesn't like surprises concerning his friends. He'll come around." she said and let her hands go through his blonde curls.

"You are MY pathologist, Molly. Hence, MY lab!" he imitated the consulting detective's voice.

"Oh, shut up." she said and left a kiss on his chest.

After a while they got up and dressed for the day. Molly at least. Jonathan just put his clothes back on after a short shower.

He came in the kitchen to find Molly making coffee and a small breakfast. Jonathan dreamed of the day he'd be able to see this kind of scene again. Dream that came to reality, he mused. And he hoped there'd be more mornings like this one. He came closer slowly to alert her of his presence and when she didn't react from preparing the food, he wrapped his arms around her thin waist.

A cklick was heared and the front door opened wide for them to see the consulting detective they were talking about before. He had the grace to looked slightly amused at the pair locked in loving embrace.

"Am I late for breakfast?" he smugly inquired with fake politness.



It's small but there shall be more.

Thanks for reading and not reviewing,

Andriana, Greece