So, I've started a new fic as you can see. This one is about Molly Hooper and Jonathan Pine from The Night Manager, a tv mini-series on bbc. Jonathan is played by the magnificent and lovely Tom Hiddleston. Search it on the net if you havent's watched it yet. DO IT. Please. Watch it. It's precious. You're missing quite a lot. I can't find the show in the category of TV Shows in so I'll just leave this here. I've already written six chapters on this so you'll get more. I hope you'll enjoy this.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except some posters of the series. And the series-tie-in book that I'm still waiting to recieve in the post. Mailmen hate me, apparently.


Molly was always waiting. Time certainly wasn't Molly's friend. Time never helped her to either forget or get anything at all. She hated having to wait. But there was nothing else to do but wait.

Molly would always wait. Be it her decision or otherwise. But really, it was never that. And now she was waiting once more.


That was the first name. The last one pained Molly too much to say out loud. He gave her promises. Oh, so many promises. But did he keep them? No. He aspired to become like his beloved father, who loved T. . He wanted to fight. And Molly loved him too much to cut his wings off. And so she let him.

And Molly was, then, left to wait again. Poor girl. After all those dreams about the future... A joined future. And he left. And forgot her in the process. The letters lessend and lessend and someday both parties stopped writng to the other. Both, however for different reasons. Him for lack of time and thought and she due to heartache.

Years passed.

Molly all the same never forgot. And Sherlock and his bluntness didn't help her forget. No, not at all. He reminded Molly of what she'd lost. Or maybe it was never hers to lose. He might have never been hers at all.

And Molly was sure he had forgotten her. Jonathan, that is to say. No, Sherlock. The latter couldn't care eless if she dropped dead. She was used to being used. Being alone after Jonathan left changed her. Gone was the cheery,outgoing and sweet girl she once was. Her best friend was a feline and some close friends that resided in Greece.

She was alone. And Molly's greatest fear was being alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. She thought she was good. A good and kind person. She always tried to care for others. She brought John coffee when he was forced to sleep in the lab at night along with a blanket. She adored Mrs Hudson and helped her in anyway she could. Like a daughter to her mother.

But it is not enough. She never was enough. Otherwise Jonathan wouldn't leave her. No, would have stayed. For her. But that didn't happen.

Molly was 30 and the only man in her life that she loved aside from William, her father, was Jonathan. She cared for Sherlock, John and Lestradelike she would for her brothers. Even if they ignored her presence in the world. At least John and Greg were a bit appreciative. Greg asked her once why she was being helpful when it was not her place to help. She hadn't replied then because she didn't want to vocalise her inner thoughts.

Lacking was a great disadvantage. And that's why she worked. Helped and worked. She had published six papers in four years and she had more projects going on. Teaching was her thing too,lately. She knew her life couldn't be filled with love, a caring husband and babies so she tried to help in other ways.

After all tht research Molly was being paid well. She was a well-sought-after doctor. Harvard had offered her a position. Cambridge had too. And other Research Institutes but she remained at Bart's. And nobody except her boss, Mike, knew anyy of the above. For everyone Molly Hooper was just a pathologist working at a hospital. Mike Stanford was like a father to her. As hers died early on and didn't got the chance to see how great she had become. And how alone she really was.

It was Molly's birthday today. However she had a conference to attend after work so she'd have to dress accordingly.

A fitting knee- length black dress with a red cardigan and her black kitten heels were her chosen outfit. The heels were her favorite shoes of those she owned and fit perfectly into her little feet. Minimal makeup with brown tones followed and she was ready. No time to pin her hair up. Breakfast was in order too.

It was a day like no other but Molly had a strange feeling inside. 'Something will happen today.' she thought. Most of the time her hunch did her justice and she hoped nothing outwant would happen. Finaly ready, the young registar picked up her bag and left her comfy home.

If only she knew what awaited her later on...

End of chapter



Aaand that's the first chapter. I don't know if you like this at all but I've written some chapters so you'll get more whether you want to or not. :) I really hope you like this. It's my baby. Thanks. Reviews are always appreciated.


Andriana, Greece