Hello! So you may notice this is a bit shorter than the last chapter, sorry about that Anyways, School is starting for me Tomorrow, so I may not write as much but ill work hard on keeping my stories updated!

Firehedgehog: Yep. I kinda have an unhealthy love of stories of Evil or Manipulative BumbleBore :/

ultima-owner: Yeppp

mdmpinkie9088:Thank you! And that is the best representation of Fawkes I have seen yet.

Nova: He will in due time, but probably not for the reason you may think. And he will, it'll just take a bit- till he completely trusts the Monsters. As for Frisks routeYou Shall See~ And its no problem, I love awnsering questions.

Guest: Boom. Its out.

Harry was smiling, watching the fireplace with fascination. It was one of the few days the Durslys let him out of his cupboard, Christmas morning, even if it was just to flaunt his inferiority by giving their 'Duddykins' lots of amazing presents and giving him a sock or a coat hanger. He got to see the fireplace though. It was warm and nice, and beautiful. It reminded him of someone as well. Someone with long, flaming red hair and warm bright eyes. But who was it?

Sighing, the two and a half year old looked at his 'present' this year. A set of broken toy solders that Dudley broke a few months ago. Clutching them to his chest, he continued to watch the fire crackle and spark. Humming, he played with the broken solders, pretending they were rescuing some poor boy who was hurting because of his relatives.

Then, suddenly, Dudley snatched up one of the solders, the one Harry had been pretending was the boy, and threw it into the fire grinning. Harry, not stopping to think of the consequences, ran to the fire and reached in, the flames flaring around his arm and face. But it didn't burn him. Taking the toy out, he frowned seeing as it had melted a bit. Then he realized what he had done, and looked up fearfully to see Uncle Vernon's furious face. He had done something freaky again

'what did I tell you you FREAK!"



What did I do wrong?

I can fix it if you tell me what I did sir!

you exested

I-im sorry sir

Sorry for being here

You should be


Feuer tugged on Grillby's shirt to get his attention. "Um, Mr Grillby sir… I-I thought a lot on what you proposed…" he mumbled. Grilby stopped polishing the glass he had been cleaning and bent down to Feuer's level. "I… I would like that very much sir… If, if you haven't changed your mind I mean…" He mumbled, playing with the collar of his shirt, looking at the floor.

Smiling, Grillby hugged the five year old in reassurance. "Now why would I do that?" he asked the child. "I-I…" Feuer mumbled hesitantly, starting to cry a little. Choking down a sob, he held onto Grillby tightly as if his life depended on it. "Thank you… Dad…" Feuer sobbed. Grillby's flames lit up brightly. He smiled. "Of course Feuer."

A few weeks later… Feuer woke with a start, dreams ridded with memories of the Dursleys. There were tears that had unknowingly spilled from his eyes. Wiping them away, he sat up and got dressed, green long sleeve shirt, black fingerless gloves, and black jacket with the green stripes on the arms. Messing with his hair, he walked out of the back hallway and down the stairs to Grillby's main restaurant.

Grillby smiled seeing Feuer out and about. He had locked himself in his room for a while, only letting Grillby in. Seeing him out was a good sign. "What can I get you?" Grillby said jokingly. "Fries, 'm not too hungry right now dad." Feuer said quietly, smiling just a little.

Grillby handed the specified food over, smiling. "You gonna try and go outside today?" The flame monster asked. Feuer nodded slowly, surprising Grillby. "I-Ill try…" he mumbled. "Dunno for how long though. An hour… three minutes…" Feuer mumbled, jokingly at the last part. Grillby chuckled, ruffeling Feuer's hair.

Smiling a bit bigger, Feuer walked out the door, blinking when the cold air hit his face. Brushing the hair out of his eyes, he shut the door gently and started walking. Deciding on just seeing the town, he trudged through the snow to see what Snowdin had to offer.

Seeing the store, he walked in to see what they had to offer. The monster at the counter greeted him kindly, and he went to look around. Taking a mental note of a few things that had interested him, he stuttered a farewell to the shopkeeper and left.

The Inn wasn't something he was too interested in, as he has a home now, he continued to walk around for a bit. As he walked, he remembered those two skeleton brothers. Maybe… maybe he'd try to talk to them. If he didn't like how the meeting went, he could go back to Grillby-um Dad's house. Muttering under his breath, he didn't notice the monster till he was too late.


Feuer and the monster fell to the ground, the snow softening their fall. Feuer got up immeaditly, and helped the monster up, repeatidly apologizing. The monster, who apparently had no arms, looked at him with a smile. "Nah, its no problem! Thanks for helping me up though, heh, the names Monster Kid! Whats yours?" The monster said, a spark in his voice. Feuer blinked slowly. Shouldn't Monster Kid be mad at him?

"Um, i-im Feuer… Nice to meet you." He said quietly, pulling his jacket closer self-consciously. "Feuer? That's a cool name. Anyway, you know Undyne?" Monster Kid said excitably, gasping dramatically when Feuer shook his head no. "What?! Well then, I shall educate you on the ways of the Great Undyne!" He declared, and continued to talk about his idol as the two unknowingly went and sat under a pine tree together, having a mostly one sided conversation for hours.

Noticing how it was getting dark –even though they were underground- Feuer spoke up abruptly. "Hey, MK, I've gotta go… Dad's probably wondering where I've been, sorry. Um… maybe we can meet here again tomorrow…?" He said hopefully. Monster Kid brightened up at this. "Sure thing Feuer! Noon ok?" He asked, Feuer nodding. "Sure, bye…" Feuer trailed off, starting to walk home, Monster Kid doing the same.

Entering Grillby's, Feuer went up and sat on one of the stools. Grillby just raised an eyebrow. "You have fun then?" He inquired. Feuer nodded, smiling a bit. "Yeah. I think… I think I made a new friend."