I don't own Highschool DXD or C3

sorry if any of my past chapters turn you off because of grammar here is an updated version hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: The awakening

Today was a great day for one of Kuoh perverted trio Issei Hyoudou. As today was the day he is going on a date with a cute girl name Yumma Amano. Unlike the other girls in Kuoh, that label him as 'the enemy of women' and 'the incarnation of lust'. Meaning that to Issei the heavens (LOL) has not abandoned him yet. She was very pretty, funny and kind girl. Issei hopped that he would not screw up, on the date.

And for the most part, it was a success as it happens exactly how issei planed. Which was unusual for Him as he thought that his friends Motohama and Matsuda. Would interfere out of sheer jealousy. Luckily for Issei, they didn't and Yumma enjoyed herself.

And so they stood in the park in the late afternoon sun shining on them alone.

"Issei. " As Yumma took a breath and smile ask "Would you mind doing something for me?"

'Uhh her smile is so sweet… no bad Issei keep your urges in control. 'As Issei try to control himself

"Yeah what do you want to ask?" again trying to control himself.

"as a celebration for our first date, can you die for me," Yumma ask with a smile.

For a few seconds, Issei brain just stop. As he tries to process the information. Then suddenly Yumma grew wings and her hands manifest a spear looking weapon and quickly pierce Issei on the chest.

"… why Yumma.. I don't…under-" this was Issei last words before he bleeds out.

"why Issei its because I was ordered to kill you," Yumma said with a cruel smirk.

She continued monologing to Issei corpse "though I had fun with our pretend play date.. you're a real sucker you know that giggle. Bye, lover bo- aggggggh" before Yumma could leave something unimaginable happened.

Suddenly a box the size of Rubik's cube appeared on Issei hand. it began turning and moving independently on his hand. A magic circle then appeared summoning a torture device resembling an iron maiden attach to a mechanical rope to the box in issei hand. It than with a life of its own opens up revealing the hidden spikes it had and rushed at spends that Yumma was not able to react. Enclosing it self on the girl. First, the screams of agony were herd inside of the machine as the spikes dig deep into Yummas flesh than silence, silence filled the air as the machine continued to push in its spike blood leaking from holes and crevises. The Machine than began to disappear leaving a body filled with holes and a pool of blood.

? location

Issei was currently shrouded in darkness, the teen began to look around and tried to perceive his surroundings. But panic began to swell up in the boy and he began to shout.

"is anybody out there! Help! Where am I ?"

Then he heard a response that surprises him.

"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" A maniacal laughter was heard.

Now Issei was scared but man up and confronted the voice.

"Oh, Partner you're awake."

As Issei got closer he recognizes the voice was coming from young women with a loli body long straight blue hair and red eyes.

"Who are you and why were you laughing? " Issei than demand answer.

"Hoho even though you just receive the pain of death and felt the fear of death. You still have your balls interesting."

Issei was getting irritated by the girl's remarks and stared daggers to the voice.

"wow wow calm down it was a compliment and for the first question on why I was laughing it's because of this" Than an image of Yummas mess up body appeared in Issei mind.

Normally in this situation, a normal human would fell disgust and nuances upon seeing a dead body in this state. But not Issei he felt both relive and pleasure upon seeing Yumma state. This would usually send alarm bells to a sane person. But unfortunately, he was already corrupted by his partner.

"Good looks like your mental state has already adapted to me. "

"what do you mean?" Issei was now worried about himself. As he still has his sanity.

"don't worry that means that you will fell no remorse to people that you hate and will actively try to kill them for pleasure" The voice explains with a wink.

Now issei was scared as he hated a lot of people but did not become a serial killer. And how much as this girl has changed him.

"giggle don't worry you won't kill all those people. They simply annoyed you like that Kiba person, the reason that you think you hate him is that of his popularity. But he has not done anything to actually to hurt you wright, and that makes you jealous of him. For being perfect and beside I know you have a gentle soul and would not hate someone without a reason. Like that Yumma girl who played with your hearth and betrays you. "

Issei now made a sign of relive knowing that he would not go on a killing spree with our provocation. Now only one question remains who is this girl.

"Oh right I forgot to tell you that you have been reincarnated into a devil."

Issei jaw just drops "what do you mean I am a devil did you turn me into one.?"

"Oh not me but it was that Rias girl that you always ogle."

Issei just blushes on that comment "but why?"

"not my place to tell she will explain everything that you need to know."

"I see now tell me who you are?"

"right I forgot to tell you sorry " as the girl sickout her tongue and scratch her head. "My name is Fear Kubrick the will that resides in your sacred gear Fear-in-Cube."

Issei just tilts his head on that jargon 'Sacred Gear' "what's a sacred Gear?"

"That's enough information, for now, time to wake up."

'Wake up mister Wake up mister Wake up mister Wake up mister'

Issei room

Issei wakes up to the sound of his Moe alarm clock. And begins examining his body for injuries. Where there is none. "hoh it was just a dream." Issei relives on this revelation.

"Nope Partner it wasn't."

"UHHHHH so that means that everything was real."

"Yup form you dying and Yummas death."

"I see well better get ready for school and confront Rias senpai on me being a devil." As Issei began to get ready to school.

"Oh going directly for that red hair lass, partner you really have some balls there."

"well, I just want to get things over with as soon as possible. And Fear you will explain everything else right. "

"about the sacred Gear yes, Not about devils and fallen angles. Your new master will explain everything. But at lunchtime ok!" the last line Fear said in super moe voice. That would made Matsuda faint from pleasure as he called himself a true lolicon.

"okay than time to go to school."

So guys what do you think this pairing was base on the idea of Lunar Wave pairing of Issei and Ilya in Kaleid Liner Lias' Pawn.

Please give me reviews so that I can improve on my works