For as long as the T-Omega developed terminators in Atlas there were rumors that nightmarish, robots resembling nothing Atlas had ever created were destroying White Fang encampments. Atlas was trying to find out what was going on, but would always hit dead ends with no culprit in sight.


In an interrogation room a White Fang Lieutenant was sighting down, handcuffed, explaining his encounter with the strange machines.

Interrogator:Tell me Simon, what did the robots look like?

Simon:Some were designed to look like skeletons and others were unmanned drones, the machines torched everything in sight. They didn't care who they killed, the worst thing about them were these cold, lifeless, shining, red eyes.

Interrogator:What weapons did they use?

Simon:The weapons they used fired something that negated Aura, burned holes through people and severed limbs.

Interrogator:How did you escape?

Simon:I hid under a pile of dead bodies so they couldn't sense me and I couldn't get the smell off after they left. Then Atlas came and took me, I kept having nightmares ever since.

Interrogator:Well Simon, thank you for your time.

Simon:I'm never going back to The White Fang, however did this must be a rogue Atlas scientist or something.

Little did Simon know, it was far from over.