Disclaimer: I own no characters from Heroes of Olympus.

Sunshine shone through the Zeus cabin windows, woken up by this Jason sat up in bed and smiled. Today was the day that he was going to propose to his beloved Brick. Excited about this Jason got up and got dressed and went over to the Dining Pavilion to eat breakfast. He saw Piper his ex-girlfriend at the Aphrodite cabin and has been avoiding her since their break-up because it didn't go well.

A month ago...

"Jason what do you mean that you're breaking up with me to be with the brIck?" Piper questioned Jason confused.

"I mean I think we need to see other people. I have been feeling this way since I laid my eyes on her." Jason replied dreamily.

"Jason it's a brick, it isn't a person and it hit you in the head. I'm sure when you got hit you lost some brain cells." Piper snapped.

"Pipes you just don't understand our love for one another, you're meant to be the daughter of Aphrodite you should be able to sense how much I love Brick and how much she loves me." Jason replied back softly.

"Right Jason, okay we'll break up, I am not dating someone who is going crazy and loving an object!" Piper exclaimed and walked away.

Ever since that argument he had been avoiding Piper and had been doing a good job. His eyes scanned the Dining Pavilion until they ended on Leo and he started to walk over. Leo was the only person who actually understood Jason's love for the brick and Jason liked how his best-friend agreed with him about Brick. She was beautiful, not flawless because she had a slight chip at the top of her head but still beautiful. When Jason got to the Hephaestus table he sat down opposite Leo.

"How's it going with Brick?" Leo asked in between mouthfuls of pizza. Classic Leo.

"It's going great, I am going to propose today." Jason replied happily.

Leo spluttered and almost choked on his pizza. "You're what?" Leo said after he avoided death from pizza.

"I'm proposing to Brick." Jason replied not seeing the problem,

"Dude, are you serious? I thought this brick thing was a joke..." Leo said realization suddenly dawning on him.

"Why does everyone think my relationship with Brick is a joke?" Jason questioned.

"Because Brick isn't a person, Beauty Queen was right you did lose some brain cells by being hit." Leo answered.

Jason stood up anger on his face, the wind started to become more wild and Leo looked like he feared for his life.

"Okay Sparky, I am dearly sorry I have offended your one true love." Leo said impressed with himself, he was doing well in the lessons with Annabeth on how to be more polite when speaking.

Jason didn't respond just stormed off.

"What's his problem?" Leo muttered.


In the Zeus Cabin Jason was muttering about how nobody understood him but Brick. He was glad he had that girl...or was it a boy it was hard to tell with bricks.

He got out the box with the ring in it and also got a box which was full of cement if she said yes, which he hoped she would. He thought about if he should propose now, thinking this as a good idea he made sure he looked presentable before going to the beach where Brick was sunbathing to get a beautiful crimson tan.

He plodded down thinking about what he would say to his soul mate. That's when he saw her, her rock-like skin was starting to dry out, she must of fallen to sleep. Then Jason gently nudged her so she would wake up.

"My darling brick I have an important question to ask you..." Jason started.

"..." Brick replied.

Jason went down on one knee. "..would you do the honors of becoming my wife?" Jason asked biting his tongue in case this didn't go down well.

"..." Said Brick.

"Yes? Oh that's wonderful darling, here let me." Jason took the box full of cement and put some on Bricks head and then placed the ring on it.

"Jason what in Hades are you doing?" Percy said emerging from the sea. Jason turned round to Percy and replied. "I proposed to Brick."

Laughter could be heard from behind Jason. Jason turned round and was shocked to find that Leo, Hazel, Annabeth, Frank and Piper were stood behind a rock. Leo was holding a newly invented demi-god phone recording it all.

"Oh good I will always have the recording to remember the day my soul mate said 'yes' to my proposal." Jason said happily. Leo then stopped recording.

"I think we need to take him to the infirmary." Annabeth stated. The rest of the seven agreed and they dragged Jason off to the infirmary.