Hello and welcome to my first story as of this moment.

My friend was forcing me to watch an anime with him when something caught my eye. Suguro continues to fight with Rin about how Satan's flames can kill people, yet doesn't acknowledge the fact that his pistol, as well as Shima's staff can do the same thing. Hence inspiration struck.

I hope you all enjoy, and please ignore my sloppiness, it is currently midnight and I have not read the manga as of yet.

'Don't you get it?! Those flames of yours can kill people!'

'Bon! Don't get too close!'

'What's the Son of Satan doing in a school for exorcists?!'

Rin bit his lip in frustration, growling mentally as he felt one of his canines draw blood. The bluenette flopped down on the bed, tired physically and mentally. The day had been draining to say the least. The Ex wires continued to keep their distance, it was seriously pissing off the half-breed. When would they realise that he was Rin, not Satan? When would they realise he was willing to give his life for them, and would rather lose his own that hurt them? Only two of the Ex wires seemed indifferent to his little secret. Takara-yun* and Kaneki-yun. He had never really interacted with either of them, and Kaneki-yun kind of intimidated him. The white-haired teen never talked to anyone, only speaking to ask Yukio questions in class. Not only that, but a older man with a white briefcase never left his side.

Kaneki Ken and Kourtarou Amon.

They were both rather mysterious. Amon was certainly the more talkative of the duo, but most information about them was 'classified.' Kaneki was never seen without a little medical eyepatch over his right eye, and when questioned, he simply cast his gaze to the floor. He intimidated everyone around him, and often got into 'arguments' with Suguro. The arguments usually consisted of Suguro yelling at Kaneki, and the latter calmly rebuffing everything Suguro said. Another weird thing about the two was that Amon refused to call Kaneki by his name, and instead called him Eyepatch. At first Rin had thought it was a nickname between friends, but it soon became obvious that the two were nothing near friends. They rarely spoke unless it was Amon giving Eyepatch a warning, or Eyepatch cursing Amon. It was weird.

Kaneki-yun had acquired a few nicknames by the others. Many called him Eyepatch, but whenever Kaneki pissed off Amon, the elder would call him 'Centipede.' This usually earned a glare from Kaneki. Other nicknames didn't tend to last long. But Kaneki and Amon clearly had some bad history, and Rin had decided to stay out of it.

That was until one day.

He'd walked into a class to find everyone cleaning. Suguro and Shima were catching little ghoul-tars, the girls were dusting and Kaneki was reading. Amon was chiding Kaneki, telling him he should help, and every now and again Suguro would join in. Kaneki ignored both of them. As Rin walked in, all conversation came to a halt, and Suguro took to glaring at him. "Hey guys! I checked our class first, but it was empty. I got confused for a sec." The half-demon attempted to start a conversation, failing miserably. Konekomaru excused himself, flinching away from Rin's offering of help. Kaneki looked up from his book, at first Rin felt his heart drop, believing Kaneki too was afraid of him. But then, to his shock and surprise, Kaneki smiled. It obviously startled everyone, Amon included. But Kaneki ignored all of their startled stares and looked to Rin. He beckoned the half-breed over, and Rin trotted to his side, still confused and surprised, but he sat down on the teachers desk beside Eyepatch. There was silence, until...

"What the hell are you doing?" Came Suguro's voice, nothing short of a hiss as he narrowed his eyes at Kaneki.

The white-haired boy looked back at Suguro calmly. "I asked him to sit beside me."

Shima trembled slightly, "But he's the-"

He was silenced by a glare from Kaneki. "That does not matter. I think you all forget that he is only half demon. He is still half human, no?"

The class were startled by the reply, Suguro snapped out of it the fastest. "Yeah. But he's SATAN'S KID! Doesn't that scare you at all? Don't you remember the blue night?"

Kaneki smiled at Suguro, "No. Do you remember? If I recall, you weren't at the temple that night."

Suguro and Shima were silent, but did nothing but glare icily at Kaneki.

"Ah. I am correct then."

Rin looked at Kaneki in awe. Not only was the boy standing up for him, but he was going against Suguro!

"It doesn't matter if we were there or not! We lost people that night! Don't you know how that feels?!"

Kaneki's gaze softened. "My parents are dead. The only person who ever stood up for me is dead. I had to watch another friend die in front of me, and had to shield her daughter's eyes so that she wouldn't see." He growled at Suguro, "do you know how that feels?"

Everyone was silent.

Suddenly one of the pipes in the ceiling burst, and dozens of ghoul-tars flooded the room, swarming the girls. "Shiemi! Izumo!" yelped Rin, darting forward, "Get away from them!" He roared at the tiny demons, the blue flames engulfing him, and spreading to the girls. The two shrieked in fright, and instantly Suguro was at Rin's side. "What are you trying to do, kill them?!" He snapped, punching the demon in the stomach, "Those damn blue flames of yours can kill people!"

Rin cast his gaze to the floor, it had been going well! He finally had someone to stand up for him! But after that, surely even Kaneki would never-

His train of thought was cut short when a hand rested on his shoulder. He glanced up and stared in shock. Kaneki was stood beside him, cold grey eyes suddenly filled with rage. Rin was about to question the weird kid, when he stepped forward, seemingly protective of the demon.

"What the hell are you doing?! Can't you see he just tried to burn Izumo and Shiemi?!" Roared Sururo, "Those fucking flames can kill people!"

Kaneki smiled sadistically. "So can your pistol."

Suguro looked down at the small firearm, seeming confused. "No it can't. The bullets can only hurt demons."

Upon hearing this, Kaneki laughed. He freaking laughed! And said, "You really are retarded!" Suguro was about to defend himself when Kaneki continued, "You think they only affect demons?! Ha! What would they do if you shot one at a human, ghost through them?!" As he realised that the gun really could harm people, Suguro fell silent. "And what about your weird staff thing?" He asked, turning to Shima, who frowned, "I would never use it on a person..."

Once again Kaneki snorted in amusement. "No, but your enemy can disarm you and use it on you, no?"

Shima did not reply. Amon frowned, "Eyepatch." He growled, "That's enough."

Kaneki glared. "Shut up. We both know that it isn't enough."

Amon remained silent. Kaneki turned to him, "I'm not hungry, Amon. Why would I?" This seemed to startle Amon, who put down his briefcase. Eyepatch then turned to the girls. "Shiemi. When those flames hit you, were you burnt?" The blonde shook her head fiercely, "N-No! They weren't hot!" He the looked to Izumo, as if to inquire the same question. "Nah, it was more warm than hot." Kaneki then turned to the boys. Each of them looked shocked. Rin looked at Kaneki.


Kaneki glanced at Rin, puzzled. "Why what?"

"Why are you standing up for me?"

The other teen smiled, before shooting a glance at Amon, who frowned and shook his head. Kaneki ignored him.

"Because we're more similar than I thought."

And with that, he removed his eyepatch, to reveal a black sclera and a red pupil.

A Kakugan.

A ghoul.

A demon.

All done. Sorry, I was unsure of how to end it, I think this will do.

I apologise if I misspelt any of their names.

*Yun is used as a honorific for people you are familiar with.