"Alright deep breaths now." Megumi clenched her fists together and finished packing her stuff in order to head back to the Polar Star Dormitory. After she packed the last of her ingredients, she waved to her family and friends and head off. "This year will be different." She said to herself as she was looking out to the window, pondering about how she was going to deal with this year knowing full well she can't be relying on Yukihara Soma this time. Every situation when it's come down to it the very most, Yukihara has been the one to save her. She bit her lip at the thought. Megumi remembered all of the victories she won by herself. "It's thanks to him that I… I… No. I can't be relying on him anymore" Megumi smiled and relaxed in her seat. Already tired, she fell asleep anticipating the long ride back to the dorms.

"Erina...ERINA! Wake up! It's time for your mandatory meeting with 3 Big Name Head Chefs." Hisako ran through the door to Erina and ripped the covers off of her bed.

Erina sighed as she got off her bed. Her blonde hair remaining untangled and not getting the dreaded bed hair. Hisako watched in amazement how Erina could be so perfect in every aspect even when it's just getting off the bed. Erina looked at the time on the right side of her bed and groaned. She then went to the closet to get her usual academy outfit. "Wait here while I get ready." Erina said simply as she headed into the bathroom. Hisako walked to her bed and sat down. What were actually minutes felt like hours and Hisako let curiosity get best of her. She opened one of Erina's drawers to see a picture of a young Erina and a mysterious Red haired chef.

'Wow this is the first time I've ever seen Erina smiled like that.' Hisako thought as she analyzed the picture closely. Erina opened the door and came out brushing her long honey-blonde hair. Hisako quickly put the picture back inside and closed the door.

"Ready to go?" Hisako asked readying herself to be the best aide she can be for Erina.

Erina nodded and with that they both head out of her room. They both went to the black car waiting for her in the front of the mansion; the butler looked at Erina waiting for the signal to leave for their destination to the restaurant. While in the car, Erina was reading her favorite manga while Hisako was staring at the window. A few minutes later, Hisako's phone started to vibrate. She looked at it, then looked at Erina, then smiled and put it back in her pocket. Hisako's phone vibrated three more times again and she started to giggle each time she turned it on to look at the texts. Each text was from Soma, sending her pictures of his weirdest squid creations and the reactions of the people trying them. Erina started to notice, Hisako's odd behavior and just stared at her.

Hisako picked up her phone again and this time she bursted out laughing. "Hisako, is there something wrong?" Erina asked worried for her closest friend.

Hisako immediately stopped and looked at Erina. "N-No! Nothing at all! Sorry a friend just sent some pictures and they were a bit funny." Hisako gave Erina an awkard smile and quickly shoved her phone back to her bag.

"A friend? Do I know him?" Erina asked full of curiosity.

Hisako shrugged. "Probably not, It's better that you don't... I mean NO! You don't know him at all." Hisako sighed. She was a terrible liar and Erina knew it.

"Can I least see one picture, humor me." Hisako closed her eyes and gave her the phone.

Erina looked was looked at the texts and gave Hisako a look that made her want to regret even turning on her phone today. "I-I didn't know you and Yukihara were close."

"WE AREN'T! I-I mean sure we're friends yeah but that just it." Hisako tried reassuring Erina that there was nothing going on between the two but Erina didn't respond after that. For the rest of the ride it was complete and utter silence.

'Damn that Yukihara, If he thinks for one second he can ruin my year. Then he's got another thing coming. I will make sure he gets expelled from the academy.' Erina thought furiously after the subject of Yukihara was brought up. Yukihara has been on her mind during her entire first year at Totsuki. Her words were filled with empty threats because Yukihara overcame every obstacle that was thrown at him. She developed a deep hated for that man and she truly believed nothing was going to change that.

The driver stopped the vehicle and looked at the mirror signaling Erina that she was at her destination. Erina nodded and motioned for Hisako to leave the car. "I will be number one and no red haired moron will stop me from achieving that." Erina said to herself smiling viciously.

Saiba threw a pillow at Yukihara Soma's face which woke Soma completely. "Old man you're asking yourself for a duel!"

Saiba laughed and smiled at him. "At least get ready first then we can have one to see who made the perfect breakfast."

A sparkle formed at the corner of Soma's eyes. "You're on!" He screamed and headed straight for the closet to pack his clothes. After he was done, he entered to the kitchen to see the ingredients already laid out for him. Standing before him was an old man and Saiba who smiled.

"This guy will be the judge. Let's see who can make the best omelet." Soma nodded and got right into preparing ingredients.

Twenty minutes into the match Saiba already finished creating his masterpiece and handed it to the oldman. The oldman nearly fainted from such exposure to wicked amounts of delicious flavors.

Yukihara Soma finished his dish and handed it to him. The old man seem to have given him the same reaction but he laughed afterwards. "Boy your son needs some work if he ever wants to surpass you."

"Grr, I maybe over 500 losses down but I will take you down old man!" Soma exclaimed pointing at his father.

Saiba crossed his arms and looked at him. "I can't wait."

Soma looked at his dish and remembered something. "Egg huh." Saiba gave him a confused look. "I remember having to make an egg dish to satisfy Nakiri Erina in order for me to enroll in this school."

"Oh I'm guessing she liked it?" Saiba asked

"She said it was disgusting. But I managed to get in!" Soma laughed.

Saiba looked up. "It seems that girl is putting her own pride before the dish again."

"Again? You know Nakiri?" Soma looked at his father astonished.

"Yeah. I used to cook her meals a while ago. I think she really looked up to me. But I can't respect someone who doesn't judges dishes fairly, especially from the "god's tongue" herself." Saiba said simply

Soma laughed. "I'm sure she meant well. I think... She kept going off on how I should be expelled but I think she was just messing around for that matter."

Saiba looked at Soma and smiled. He really believed if anyone could change Erina it would be him. He packed up the ingredients and did the same for Soma. "Alright son, it's time for you head off again. Try not to lose before challenging me again alright?"

Soma grinned. "I will take you down once and for all dad." He picked up the remainder of his belongings and packed it into his red suitcase. "Well I'm off! I'll see you later dad." Soma yelled running out the door.

"Ugh, I'm Exhausted. What a long day, these chefs had the audacity to question my judgement on their new ideas for their menu." Erina threw herself on the bed pouting.

Hisako looked at her and gave her a halfhearted smile. "You know Erina, not everyone will agree with what you say about their food."

Erina rose her head up looked at her close pink haired friend. "Well they have to. My judgement is absolute."

Hisako was surprised. Normally Erina was used to the behavior from other chefs. But after her first year in the Totsuki Culinary Academy, Erina was a lot more... livelier in a very strange way. She had weird obsession with foods having to do with eggs, she's become indecisive about card games, and since she's met Yukihara Soma she's never been able to go an entire day without thinking about ways to expel him. Heck she hasn't gone a day without thinking about him at all.

"...Hisako, HISAKO!" Erina snapped her fingers in front of her face. "Are you alright?"

"H-Huh? Oh sorry I seemed to be lost in thought." Hisako quickly came back to her senses.

"Hisako I..." Erina trailed off. Her face flushed and she began to look worried. "Hisako... were you thinking about Soma?"

Hisako sighed. 'Not again...' She thought as she nodded her head. "No, I wasn't. I was actually thinking about you. Maybe it's time you bury the hatchet with Yukihara an..."

"No! That red haired idiot must know his place, and I'll make sure this year is the year that he will realize who his true superiors are." Erina smiled viciously anticipating the moment when Yukihara Soma will fail.

"ERINA! YOU IN HERE?!" A familiar voice echoed from the other side of the closed door in her bed room.

"Yes Alice, you can come in." Erina sighed.

In came a busty, creamy, white haired girl with her usual aide. "So Erina are you ready to lose every battle you will ever have against me." Alice grinned at her.

"Fat Chance. There is no way I could lose to someone who only depends on her tools. Just to make a better dish."

Alice puffed her cheeks. "We'll see who's laughing after I secure my victory... unless Yukihara Soma beats me to it."

Erina suddenly hopped out of her head and stood in front of her cousin.

"There is no way I would ever lose to that boy and his shameful cooking." Erina stated angrily.

"Why do you always overreact whenever Soma is mentioned, it's like you have an small obsession over him. Oh well it looks like it's getting late and classes start tomorrow. I'll see you later." Alice smiled and headed for the door. "Oh by the way, I think you and Yukihara would make a great couple."

"Alice you..." Erina face turned a new shade of red. Alice ran out before Erina could say anything else and closed the door.

Hisako held in her laugh. If Yukihara Soma could actually change Erina that would a huge surprise. "It's time for me to head home Erina as well."

Erina sighed. "Alright get home safely."

In the Polar Star Dormitory Just about everyone came home, everyone except Yukihara Soma. Megumi looked around and couldn't any trace of Soma anywhere. 'Did he forget that classes start tomorrow?' Megumi thought as she walked around the dorm. She eventually went back to her room and sat on her bed.

Yuki ran into her room with some food. "Looks like someone really misses Yukihara."

"Yeah... I-I mean he hasn't been here the entire day. I-I just don't want him to miss class tomorrow." Megumi's face turned red at Yuki's statement.

"Don't worry we all miss him too. He'll come back eventually." Yuki reassures her friend while stuffing her mouth with food.

A few hours later everyone blacked out, everyone but Megumi. She was completely nervous for her first day of her second year. She was also worried because she has been hearing noises randomly for the past couple of minutes and she was wondering where it came from. Although she wanted to look, she wouldn't dare step out of her room. She then look out the door and saw a spiky shadow walking into her room. The figure turned on the lights and revealed to be her red haired, careless, easy-going friend. "Soma! Where have you been."

Soma laughed. "Sorry I've been going around looking for ingredients for some of my new creations. Wanna try some?"

Megumi sighed and put her face on her pillow. "Go to bed. It's too late at night for that"

As soon as she said that, Yukihara yawned. "Yeah you're probably right. Lets have a good day tomorrow" Yukihara grinned as he walked back to her room.

Megumi finally was able to sleep after he came home.

Feel free to give me any advice or just anything you like about this story. I'll be continuing with chapter 2 in about two days.