
Author's Note: This is word emphasis

-this is telepathic conversation-

Sailor Moon spins in midair as she dodges the Space Sword Blaster sent her way, immediately somersaulting to her left to avoid the Deep Submerge that had been aimed at where she was to land, and then turning a backflip to avoid Jupiter's electrified axe kick. The sapphire eyed teen's hand goes to her forehead, and the hand snaps forward with her first ever magical attack, the Tiara Action. Her tiara slices off Jupiter's left arm, and as Uranus and Neptune dodge her attack she is already readying the next one, " Princess Halation! "

This attack slams into Sailor Uranus, and Neptune charges her. Moon dodges every punch, and kick sent her way, knowing that she would not live through this, but there was no way in Helheim she would go down without a fight! She sweeps Neptune's feet out from under her, and redirects her tiara through the teal haired female's neck. Uranus screams in anguished despair as her lover is killed, with no hope of reincarnation. Moon was already moving when the Love Me Chain makes its appearance. Apparently Mercury, Mars, and Saturn fell to this pathetic bitch. Sapphire eyes are flooded with determination as she holds off Uranus, and Venus. She could see their surprise at the fact that she could match them, though she does take the time to mentally redirect her tiara through Jupiter's neck as well.

She only gave those that deserve second chances that chance. No way in hell was she leaving an enemy alive after this. The damned traitors would learn why you did not betray your princess! She leaps up into the air to avoid being sandwiched between Uranus, and Venus, while also whipping her Moon Scepter out to catch the Love Me Chain Venus sent her way, before using it to guide the Princess Halation straight into Venus, while simultaneously dodging the attack Uranus sends her way. She knew why they had betrayed her, because she had flat out refused to marry Chiba Mamoru, Prince Endymion's reincarnation. Venus screams as the attack connects with her, and Moon appears to teleport with how fast she moves to get behind Sailor Uranus, and the petite blonde snaps the dusty blonde's neck. She drops the body of her traitorous senshi, and stares at Venus, " You all severely underestimated me, and I still haven't recovered from my battle with Galaxia, and Chaos. "

Venus is shaking as she gets back to her feet. She couldn't believe that Sailor Moon had killed Uranus, Neptune, and Jupiter that easily. " Marrying Endymion-sama is a great honor, Moon. "

" Please, I only went to Earth for the local flora, not to have a tryst with that damned manwhore. I don't know how that pile of minotaur shit rumor got started, but it couldn't have been further from the truth! " Moon snaps.

" Please, no one could resist Endymion-sama. "

" You do realize that the entirety of Saturn, the planet banned him from ever setting foot there, right? " Moon asks, condescendingly.

Venus winces, she had forgotten about that. Queen Hadia of Saturn had banned him from ever setting foot in any part of her territory, or she would consider it an act of war. Yes, Venus had forgot about that key factor, " I never let that asshole touch me in an intimate manner, especially when I know you, Jupiter, and my mother for sure spread your legs for him. "

Venus slams her Love Me Chain through her princess just as Moon's tiara slits her throat. As a final fuck you to the traitors she erected a monument that told the people the truth.

Pallet Town:

Red, just having turned seven is wandering around the fields near Pallet Town with Poli, his Poliwag, when he hears the cries of a Gastly. Trainer, and Pokémon make their way towards where the cries were coming from. They find a Gastly near a young girl around Red's age that had collapsed, numerous cuts, and bruises on her. " Ly, ly Gastly gast ly(Help her, please). "

Red hastily checks for broken bones, finding none he carries her back to his house, Poli, and her Gastly on the lookout for trouble. Red had no way of knowing that taking in the girl, and her Gastly would change his life in ways he could have never predicted. -Thank you.- Red looks down at the girl still in his arms, was she a psychic? He gets a minute nod from the barely conscious girl at this thought of his.

Chapter 1

Citrine blinks sluggishly as she wakes up, " Wha...Red? "

" You fell asleep reading again, 'Trine. "

The blonde sighs, " You can just wake me up, Red. "

" You think I don't notice the nightmares, 'Trine? The only time you ever get any decent sleep is when you fall asleep reading, or against me when we're watching a battle on tv. " Red retorts. Having Citrine in his life had forced him to mature a bit more, be a bit more responsible. He had never asked her about her past, but her Gastly's overprotective nature said enough about that. Red got the feeling that if he hadn't found her that day she would have been in a lot of trouble. He would have sat her down, but Citrine just went back to sleep. Red smiles softly, if that was what it took for her to get the rest she so desperately needed then he was willing to carry her while she napped. Gastly looks sadly at her trainer, she refused to stray too far from Red, and Gastly, well, she understood why. Her family wouldn't look for her in a little town like Pallet Town. With Red's help her mistress was getting to be quite the powerful trainer.

After Red does a capture demonstration for some of the younger children Citrine wakes up again, nuzzling into Red's neck. Red rolls his eyes as he sets her down, keeping her steady until she got her limbs under her fully. He also hands her a sandwich so she could eat as well. Citrine yawns, leaning into him, " Come on, 'Trine, let's go get some training in. "

Citrine gives him a deadpanned look, " Caffeine first, Red! "

In response he hands her a thermos of imported Komala Coffee. Her eyes come more alert at the first scent of coffee she gets, and she starts sipping while walking with Red, still leaning into him. " 'Trine, you can talk to me, you know that, right? "

Citrine sighs, " I know, but we need bigger, and more powerful teams, Red. I'm relatively safe here, I never complain about all the training, neither does Gastly, because we both know we have to get more powerful, before they find us. "

" Gastly gast gast ly ly(She's right, if they find us we're dead). "

Poli understood what Gastly said, and Red understood enough, if the way he tightened his grip on Citrine was anything to judge by. Red didn't ask who they was, he just knew that Citrine had people in her past she was terrified of. " We'll get you both stronger, 'Trine. "

While Red missed seeing the Rocket grunts all of his counterparts saw he, and Citrine ran into Blue Oak, the grandson of the Professor in Pallet Town. Citrine was completely surprised when Mew, and yes, she did recognize Mew, came over to her, - Fear not, young one. They will not be able to find you. Not as long as you stay with Red. I will also call on a friend of mine, a Misdreavus to come join your team. You will need all the ghost types you can get.-

Citrine's eyes widen when Mew vanishes with Teleport, and then Blue just has to open his mouth, " Hey, aren't you…"

Citrine was already stomping over to him, and she kicks him in the 'nads, " Are you trying to get me killed! "

Blue, while clutching himself, winces, " Aren't you being overdramatic? "

" Overdramatic? I am not being overdramatic! Red can tell you what condition I was in when he found me! I was pushed constantly to be the pinnacle ghost type trainer! I was never given enough rest, constantly on my guard. Poor Gastly damn near died several times protecting me from my damned mother's fucking Spiritomb! I'm lucky exhaustion hasn't fucking killed me yet! " Citrine damn near shrieks at him.

Red walks forward, and wraps her up in a hug from behind. He could feel the tremors traversing her body from fury, exhaustion, and terror, -You're not alone, 'Trine.-

She hears the thought he'd directed at her. Red had been helping her with her psychic abilities, and Gastly's natural presence managed to dull them just enough that she could get used to them. Gastly would slowly let her have full access, which actually would be more helpful in the long run. Citrine smirks once they start training, very few knew that Red was actually pretty good at Martial Arts. She weaves her way through his attacks even as she attacks back while Poli, and Gastly work on their base stats, and how long they could use their attacks, plus directing said attacks as well. Oh yes, both Red, and Citrine wanted their pokémon to be able to redirect their attacks towards evading pokémon.

Citrine drops into a sweep kick to knock Red on his ass, and promptly sits on him in such a way that he can't use his superior strength to roll them over, " You fight dirty, 'Trine. "

" No such thing as a fair fight in the real world, Red. "

He concedes to that point, " Talk to me, please. I can't stand to watch you suffer anymore, Citrine. "

The blonde sighs wearily, " I am the granddaughter of Elite Four member Agatha. My parents wanted me to be the very best, and were brutal with their training methods. I had finally found the resolve enough to escape when you found me with Poli. It was only because of what would happen if I had been caught that I made it here, all the way from Ecruteak City. "

Red runs a hand through the blonde hair she kept in a ponytail. " You're safe now, Citrine, don't let your past poison you any further. "

Red lets her snuggle in, and listens as she just talks, keeping himself relaxed as her past comes tumbling out. He could see Gastly looked relieved that her trainer had finally let him in fully. Red knew she trusted him, otherwise he would never be able to pick her up while she was sleeping. He understood that she had just wanted to forget for a while, and had done his best to distract her. He could feel her relaxing as she tells him about her childhood. He instinctively understood that if he interrupted her now she would never finish. Once she stops talking he hugs her tightly, conveying without words that he would always be there for her as long as he could help it.

Citrine pulls herself away from him, " Gastly, work on combining Night Shade, and Tackle. "

" Poli, the same with Water Gun, and Tackle! " Red adds, taking in the body language of his closest friend.

" We'll need to travel, Red. " Citrine says.

" I know. " Red admits, and calls out his new Nidoran, naming him Dor. He had Dor run around the clearing to see where he stood. Dor had some decent endurance thankfully.

" We can pack up when we head home. Though I do need to be ready for that Misdreavus that is being sent my way. "

Red sends her a questioning look, - That pokémon from earlier was Mew, one of the legendary ones. Mew said I would be safe as long as I was with you, and said he would send a Misdreavus he was friends with my way.-

Red nods seriously at this, knowing he was all that stood between her, and them, well, he was determined to stay in relatively one piece for her. Once done training their pokémon they head for their home, and grab some backpacks, stocking up on potions, poké balls, food, clothes, money, and camping gear. Citrine does have a poké ball primed, and is ready when Misdreavus shows up. She catches him, and then lets him out again. She always kept Gastly out as well, and they head for Professor Oak's place, mostly to see if he had any advice for them.

Time Gates:

Viridian haired Sailor Pluto smiles sadly as she watches her hime in her new life with Red of Pallet Town. Her poor hime could never catch a break it seemed. Thankfully she once she escaped from her parents, and met Red she was safe, physically, anyhow. Mew had agreed to watch out for the poor girl, while Dialga and Palkia agreed to allow her to watch over the reincarnated Moon Princess whom had taken the place of Yellow. In that particular dimension Yellow hadn't survived the womb, so a new Healer was needed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon Adventures Red, or Sailor Moon.