Inspired by the 40 Snapshots series by Elise_Davidson at Archive of Our Own. I'm afraid I only read the Enterprise stories because that's my latest obsession and I'm not familiar with the other fandoms she wrote about. Although I'm relatively new to the fandom, I can tell Archer/Shran isn't really my cup-of-tea, but Elise_Davidson's stories are so good, I couldn't help myself. I read them all, in one sitting, I think, and they spawned this plot bunny.

So, this is a peculiar little thing. It was meant to be Archer/Shran, and it is, mostly, sort of, but all more or less from Trip's point of view – except for one tiny little interlude. I had a destination in mind when I started, but the whole thing's a bit disjointed and rambling, kind of like life, because I let the story decide how to get there. There really is a plot, but it's a mighty fine thread in some places.

This story takes place at exactly the same time as "These Are the Voyages," but I support the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics as applied to fan-fiction, so my world and TATV can happily co-exist and have almost exactly nothing in common except: 1. Enterprise and the crew, 2. The impending signing of the Coalition Charter, 3. Shran's presence, and 4. Trip risks life and limb for his captain.

I have no legal claim on anything in the Star Trek Universe, except, perhaps, the inalienable right to try to be optimistic about humanity's future.


Chapter One

We Are Not All Pink

"Commander Tucker!"

"General Shran?" Trip replied to the blonde-haired, blue-skinned alien on the viewscreen who had, against all odds, become their friend.

"Do not forget that you owe me a jug of your grandfather's special recipe," Shran teased. "We Andorians take our wagers just as seriously as our drinks. You do not want to learn how we deal with those who fail to pay up on lost bets, and I would hate to have to be the one to teach you."

"Not to worry, General," Trip assured him. "I've already contacted my daddy an' told him to start makin' up a batch."

"Good man," Shran grinned, then his gaze shifted on the viewscreen and it was clear he was addressing the captain.

"It's been a pleasure, as always, Archer. I am sure we'll be seeing each other again soon…Pinkskin," Shran bade them farewell, ending with his typical smirk and the familiar epithet that somehow, wasn't really an insult anymore, but was still loaded with meaning that often made Archer uneasy because he didn't quite understand it.

"General Shran!" he interjected before the Andorian could tell his communications officer to cut the transmission. When he got an inquisitive twitch of the antennae, he said, "I know you've met my Chief Communications Officer, Lieutenant Hoshi Sato," he said, indicating Hoshi at her station, "and my helmsman, Lieutenant Travis Mayweather."

"I have," Shran agreed.

"And I suspect that you have met other humans, if only on your visits to Enterprise, who are not, as you say, pink," Archer continued, not noticing the Oh, shit! What do we do now? looks his senior officers were exchanging behind his back as he stepped past the helm toward the viewscreen. Even T'Pol was getting into the act, giving Commander Tucker a most Un-Vulcan, bug-eyed stare. Only Lieutenant Commander Reed seemed to have decided how to respond. Making eye contact with each of his crewmates in turn, he gave the slightest negative shake of his head even as his fingers deftly sent the message to each of their consoles: Reed, Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm S.: LEAVE IT ALONE!

"Indeed, I have met a great many of them over the years now," Shran replied, actually grinning.

"Then why, if I may ask, do you continue to call us Pinkskins?" Archer asked.

Shran's antennae drooped and his grin evaporated.

Catching a glare from Hoshi, Malcolm rapidly hit RESEND several times.

Reed, Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm S.: LEAVE IT ALONE!

Reed, Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm S.: LEAVE IT ALONE!

Reed, Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm S.: LEAVE IT ALONE!

Reed, Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm S.: LEAVE IT ALONE!

Reed, Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm S.: LEAVE IT ALONE!

Glancing at her screen, Hoshi looked back to Malcolm, squinting in annoyed frustration, and nodded.

Malcolm glanced down as a message appeared on his screen from Sato, Lt. Hoshi: For now.

"I'll leave that for you to figure out…Pinkskin." The last word was spoken so softly, it was almost inaudible.

"But, Shran, I…" Whatever Archer was going to say died in his throat as the viewscreen went blank. Glancing around at his bridge crew, Archer said, "I…I'll be in my ready room if anyone needs me."

To be continued…

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