Hey guys!
So, I hope you have enjoyed this book. This is the final part. (Which makes me really happy, because this book was originally supposed to be a one-shot. xD)
I hope you enjoy this part. Thank you so much for reading.
Part eight.
Blaine inhaled deeply before walking into the dinning room. He knew that Kurt and his mother were talking in there, he had heard their voices and the screech of chairs being pulled out from the table on the hardwood flooring.
Kurt looked up at Blaine, then grinned. "Hey, Blaine!" He greeted as his eyes glimmered happily.
Blaine smiled tightly, then sat down across from him and beside his mother. "Hi." He greeted, once again that crushing feeling was on his chest. "Can we talk? All three of us?" He asked them.
His mother nodded. "Of course!" She said. "What's up, sweetie?"
Blaine looked down at the table as he began tracing invisible figure eights on the dark cherry wood. "I want to talk about everything that has happened in the past few weeks." He told them.
"What about it?" Kurt asked, frowning in confusion. Was there something to talk about? Had he missed something?
"Everything." Blaine answered softly. He wanted them to know everything, and he wanted to know everything on their part as well.
"Okay." His mother said. "What do you want to know, Blainey?"
Blaine sighed. "Since this has happened.." He stopped. He wasn't quite sure how to word this, but he needed to know. "Have you guys wanted to leave me? Do you two still love me?"
Kurt blinked, then blue eyes met hazel eyes. "We will never leave you." He told Blaine gently. "And of course we still love you! Gosh, Blaine! You saved me from that horrible slushie! How could I hate you!?"
Blaine shrugged. "Because I've been a hassle." He explained. "Especially with the drops. Sorry about that, mama."
His mother shook her head, then gently held his hand. "You were in pain. They were uncomfortable. I'm not mad." She said. "And you weren't a hassle. You needed help, and we helped you."
"I'm more of a hassle then you." Kurt chuckled. "Just ask dad and Finn."
Blaine laughed, then became serious. "There's something else." He said, then thought about it for a second. Two things actually, if he really wanted to go through with the last thing. He wasn't sure yet.
"Oh?" Kurt asked. "What is it?"
Blaine sighed, thinking back to when he had seen himself in the mirror. He had looked disgusting, his eye had made him a monster. But now, since meeting Ali, he wasn't sure he still thought that. "Is it weird to have self image problems?" He asked. "With my eye? Especially my eye? It makes me feel gross."
The two stayed quiet for a moment, glancing at each other occasionally. Blaine's stomach twisted and churned. They thought he was stupid, he never should have brought this up. It should have stayed a secret.
"No." His mother finally answered. "It's perfectly normal."
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Kurt asked, and Blaine grimaced. Kurt looked almost hurt that he hadn't been told.
"Because I thought it was stupid." Blaine answered, looking down at the table again, but this time he was focused on his sunglasses. They had been a shield, and the more that he thought about it. They had been a security blanket too.
"It's not stupid." Kurt said. "We all have moments of self-hate. But when you do have them, it's important to find someone who you can talk to about the thoughts with. And I speak for me and your mother when I say that we are always willing to listen when those moments happen."
Blaine nodded. "Thank you." He said. He was so thankful he was having this talk. He was finally feeling better, almost if he had taken his first breath since the injury. He felt excited. Like he had woken up from long and refreshing nap. He felt free and ready to take on the world. But there was someone else he would have to take on first. "I have just one more question.."
Blaine found himself fidgeting as he waited for Sebastian to show up. He had barely been allowed to meet up with him. But he had used his Anderson charm to convince them.
"Blaine." Sebastian greeted softly. "How are you?"
Blaine raised his eyebrows. "Really, Sebastian?" He asked. "Are you sure you wanna ask that?"
Sebastian looked down. "I'm so sorry." He whispered.
Blaine frowned. "What?" He asked. Sebastian had never apologized for anything. Nothing at all.
"I'm so, so sorry." Sebastian said, a bit louder this time. But by raising his volume, his voice gave out and cracked. "I never meant for anyone to get hurt.."
Blaine watched as Sebastian lost control and began sobbing. What was going on? What had happened to the entitled rich boy Sebastian always acted like? "I'm so sorry!" Sebastian cried.
Blaine opened his mouth to reply, but closed it as he realized that words would do nothing. So instead he wrapped his arms around Sebastian. "Shh..." He soothed as he rubbed Sebastian's back soothingly. "It's okay. I forgive you."
"I.. I-I.." Sebastian stuttered from where he had buried his face in Blaine's shoulder.
"Shh.. Just breathe." Blaine continued to soothe. He knew that yes, Sebastian had tricked them before and that he was a liar, but these tears were genuine. "Calm down, then we'll talk about it."
After a few minutes, Sebastian's sobs turned into sniffles, then faded away. "I'm sorry." He told Blaine as he wiped his eyes.
"It's okay." Blaine told him, then hesitated as he tried to figure out if he really meant what he had said. Was it really okay? Was he really that passive about it now?
Sebastian frowned. "Really?" He asked quietly. "But.. I h-hurt you.."
Blaine stayed quiet for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. It's in the past." He said. "And you told me that you didn't mean to hurt anyone. You meant that, right?"
Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, I did. I just meant to make it colder and really gross tasting if it got in someone's mouth. I didn't realize that there was still pieces of rock salt in it.." He explained.
Blaine inhaled as he got the answer. He had been wondering that question since the very beginning. "Why?" He asked. "Why do you bully people?"
Sebastian sighed and looked down. "Because I didn't want to be bullied." He said. "I moved here from Paris, remember? I'm all alone here in America and I didn't want to feel like the outsider, I didn't want to be chosen to be picked on, so I decided to make myself intimidating."
Blaine nodded as Sebastian's words sunk in. He had become the bully to be spared from being the victim. "Oh." He said. "You're safe from that at Dalton, and I wouldn't bully you."
Sebastian smiled softly. "Thanks.." He said, then added. "I truly am sorry about the slushie."
Blaine nodded again. This time, every last bit of hate from his eye to Sebastian and the slushie began to dissolve. He knew it would take years before he was fully back to normal, whether that be his vision coming back, or the self-hate and hatred for what had happened to him. But he was going to heal. He was going to come out of this stronger than ever. But he was ready to take the first step. "I forgive you."
The end.
So, I hope you all enjoyed. And I also really hoped that I did a decent job filling in the missing pieces. I know it doesn't fit back in with the show very well, because I'm not sure Blaine ever really did forgive Sebastian. But to heal, he needed to forgive first.
I will admit that I was very upset with how little we showed on Blaine's recovery. There are a lot of emotions and things you go through when you have a traumatic injury. And we just didn't get to see him heal.
Anyway, please review with what you thought of this chapter and of the book as a whole. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.
Thanks for reading! Love y'all!