"We cannot let these attacks by the Archidonis continue! We are losing border provinces daily!"

"But fighting back would only makes us as evil as them!"

"Pacifism has no use if we are all dead or converted to their heathen religions!"

"Why not try to negotiate a treaty where we could just pay tribute to them in exchange for a lack of violence?"

"That would never work! They would just leverage our status as tributary to annex us, piece by piece! The only way of survival is through defending ourselves!"


The room goes dead quiet.

A man stands up. He was a respectably-sized man, about 5 foot tall with a head of short, brown hair. He is the dominant councilor in the meeting, having by far the most political power and influence over the other councilors. Order was a republic, and he respected that, but, while sometimes outspoken, he would not sit idle while his nation was slowly annexed by Archidonis.

This man was named Seira.

"We must fight."

A murmur is heard amongst the gathered council.

"Listen to me. I know it is evil to harm one another, but no one will know that if we all die out and our legacy is forever lost! We cannot let ourselves be conquered! If we bend knee, our culture and faith will be snuffed out and all will be damned to Hell! We must stand and preserve the light of Order! We must not fall to other nations! We must stand FOREVER!"

The room goes quiet once more.

Then a small chant starts.

"Order Forever."

The chant starts growing louder and louder.

"Order Forever."

Soon, even the former skeptics start to chant it.

"Order Forever!"

It gets louder and louder.

"Order forever!"

The entire room is full of chanting.

"ORDER FOREVER!" cried Seira. He rose up his fist, and everyone in the council, even those who formerly opposed it joined him.

Order would not fall.

Author's Note: Hello! This is my first attempt at writing anything on Fanfiction. I wanted to start off small, and I felt that Stick War really should have more than one-shots. I was wondering why Order suddenly embarked on a campaign of conquest when it clearly states in the prologue that "your way is of peace and knowledge". I also saw that, though in the original Stick War Order is described as a "nation", both Stick War 2 and the mobile version refer to it as an "empire". My solution? Powerful politician. If this gets popular enough, I will likely add more chapters based on the missions in the original, with also some describing of life as a normal person during the game(s). Also, please review. Thanks for reading!