He wasn't good at tennis, not at all. He was a complete disaster! However, 'the little wife'- as he called himself- worked. It gained us a new ally, and time. Enough for Rowena to come to LA and finish with the piece of shit that Oscar is. The bastard used to physically abuse my mother!
I never even know that... at least, now my mother will have the retribution she deserved when she was still alive.
Rowena was able to get every little dirty secret from his closet, and put them out for everyone to see. Oscar went back to prison, Lionel used her contacts to fire Jelena-I couldn't let her stay after the stunt she pulled on us-, and I changed Terrence to Gideon's old team.
Raquel... well, she died. There was nothing we could do for her. Her last act was to confess about the murder of Olivia, which freed German- we were all shocked and proud of her doing something so brave like that. No one expected her to be the killer, but after the way Olivia threatened her... let's just say I would have done the same. No one messes with my family like that!
Talking about family, our house was complete and the three of us moved after Raquel's death. Miguel's adoption was complete and we were the proud fathers of an amazing boy. We even adopted a small pitbul and named him Zude, much to Gideon's annoyance. He hated the ship name the media gave us.
Derek and Ahsha had an amazing wedding, you could see their happiness radiating on their faces, clear for anyone to see. And their honeymoon, was even more beautiful than their ceremony.
Derek left the team in Gideon's hand, during the weeks he was gone, who became that years MPV.
Everything was perfect, or at least I thought so... Until, a couple of years later, Gideon asked me to marry him.
Now everything is perfect.