Ice cold fingers tapped against the desk, mimicking the way a pianist would press against the keys of their instrument. However, the empty classroom remained completely silent, to human ears anyway. Rosalie had skipped out on going to the cafeteria with the rest of her 'family' today, instead, she'd opted to keep to herself, finding solace in the room that she'd had her previous class in. As much as Rosalie loved her adopted siblings, she was finding it incredibly hard to deal with them today...and by them she ment Alice. Though that little gift of hers was often useful, Rosalie didn't appreciate having her sister barge into her Chemistry class demanding that she needed to come outside and speak to her only to be told that the shorter girl was being plagued by a vision that showed Rosalie's forehead pressed against the forehead of the school's newest student, a student that the blonde herself hadn't even met yet and a student that she now fully intended on avoiding.

It was her worry of encountering said student that had led her to sitting in a room alone, though she wouldn't admit that. She was desperately trying to convince herself that she merely needed a break from her siblings, but in reality, Rosalie Hale was scared. For the first time since being turned, she felt nervous...and she loathed every second of it.

The bell ringing to signify the end of lunch was what snapped Rosalie out of her trance, but it didn't stop the thoughts from rushing through her head, making the fact that she'd be sharing a car home with her mind reading brother horrendously daunting. A sigh that sounded rather like a grunt escaped the blonde's lips as she made her way out of the empty room and towards her next class, easily weaving her way through the crowds of people that cluttered the corridor, filling it with their idol chit chat. Despite the fact that there was multiple conversations going on at once, all being held by different cliques, Rosalie's heightened hearing made it easy for her to hear her name being whispered by an familiar voice. Before she could stop herself, the girl turned her head, perhaps a little too fast, in the direction of the voice she'd heard, almost rolling her golden eyes when she saw that it was Jessica Stanley who'd been speaking. But before she could roll her eyes, or even glare for that matter, her attention was diverted to the girl stood next to personification of a magazine gossip column.

Never before had Rosalie Hale frozen in her tracks, but when her golden eyes met with the deep brown ones across the corridor, the other people surrounding them became a blur and no matter how many times Rosalie willed herself to move, her body wouldn't obey her brain. She refused to believe it, she absolutely refused to believe that she'd found her mate, it wasn't possible, at least not for her. Love at first sight wasn't real, it couldn't be, but Rosalie's reluctance and disbelief didn't stop the feeling in her chest, an intense pull that had she not been so stubborn, would have sent her running at an inhuman speed towards the other girl. Clenching her jaw, Rosalie finally forced herself to turn away from the girl, who now looked both terrified and enchanted, ignoring Jessica tugging her at her sleeve as if she wasn't even there.

Had Rosalie been human, the encounter would have knocked the air from her lungs, which compared to this, would have been far easier to deal with, unfortunately however, that wasn't the case. The mating process was something she'd chosen to disregard in the past, brushing it off whenever it was mentioned by her siblings. 'Fairytale bullshit' is what Rosalie had called it last time Alice brought it up, but now she wasn't feeling so confident.

Amber eyes had darkened, blonde hair that was once perfectly styled was now windswept and wet with rain water, a sight that captured the attention of quite a few people as students exited the school, walking towards their cars and the bus stop while Rosalie remained static, her back resting against the door of Edward's car, the pouring rain not phasing her at all. Her eyes darted around the parking lot, hoping that her siblings would soon come into sight, she wanted to get away from here as quickly as possible, she'd even considered running home so that she'd avoid Alice and Edward's questioning for an extra hour or so but what good would that do. It'd only prolong her suffering.

Screeching tires on the wet ground caught the vampire's attention, her lightening fast reactions coming into play when she noticed that the car was skidding in the direction of the girl who'd left her mind blank earlier. The mystery girl had earphones in, blocking out the noise of the car tires and horn. Before Rosalie could stop herself she'd made it to the other side of the parking lot, her arms tightly circling the girl as she tackled her out of the way just in time, sending the pair of them to the floor, though her enhanced speed had made it possible for her to move a hand behind the other's head, craddling it with her hand to stop it from colliding with the concrete.

Suddenly Alice's vision was no longer just a mystery to her, Rosalie could feel the warmth of the other's skin against her forehead, their lips mere centimetres away from each other, both of them paralyzed with fear but for very different reasons. One because she'd narrowly avoided serious injury and possibly death because an unnaturally beautiful girl with a body that felt like cold marble had bundled her out of the way of a moving car and the other because not only had she risked exposing her family's secret, but because she was also now seeing her mate up close, her fingers tangled in her hair, the world's most addictive and intoxicating scent flooding her nostrils. Waiting for her siblings was now the last thing on her mind. Rosalie left the brunette's side as quickly as she'd run to it, not looking back to watch the students that were now crowding around the new girl, all trying to figure out how in the hell she'd got out of the way in time.

This girl would be trouble for Rosalie and she knew it, but keeping away from her seemed impossible.