Bond Never Dies

Okay, so I wanna do a fanfic of shinyzango with the 2D Bendy AU she created. I am just IN LOVE with it and giant Monster Bendy! And I kept thinking when he's with around Henry is 'Looks like a cinnamon roll, but can actually kill you' and I can see how their bond is strong, so this is kinda based on the other fics that nyrandrea and sapphireclaw did (My heart…it gone done broken when I read them) so here it is!

Henry gasping as he looks around for the piece of paper that had the little cartoon, Bendy. He lost the paper when he fought off Searchers and lost the paper to them in the process.

"There's too many, Henry!" Bendy shouted when a large group of searchers found them, Henry swinging his ax the best he can while held onto the paper. Just as Henry thought that he got rid of them all, more Searchers appear, making him weaker and weaker by the minute.

"Y-You're right…we need to get out of here–" His sentence was cut off when one trips him by pulling his injured leg, which the other 'Bendy' gave him that injury hours ago.

"HENRY!" Henry stilled when he saw a Searcher got a hold of the paper Bendy was on. "Bendy, NO!" Henry stood up the fastest he could muster and tries to grab the paper, but all of the searchers disappeared into the ground, the paper gone as well that had Bendy on it


He could hear Bendy crying for Henry's name until it all gone silent, only the pumps that was flowing with ink pumping through the walls.

Henry was in a desperate search for his friend now, which he had been at it for the last hour, calling for his name. "Bendy!? Where are you!?" Henry shouted, still looking for Bendy as he looks at one room, but found it completely empty.

Where did they take Bendy at?

He was even running out of energy, but he couldn't give up–


Henry knew that sound as he walked carefully to the source and he tensed, seeing the Pentagram with the large black heart was thumping regularly and standing in front of the pentagram…

…was the other 'Bendy'

Along with the Monster Bendy.

Just as Henry was going to call for Bendy, something was terribly wrong with him. The teeth were sharper, even the horns were sharper and his small white eye was shaking and slit.

He was in that form too long.

He had to figure out how to keep him calm. He had to think rationally as he crept into the room, trying to be stealthy as possible without the other 'Bendy' knowing that he was there. However, the 'Bendy' turned to where he was hiding, the smirk growing wider and made a hissing sound.

That got Bendy's attention as he turned to where the other 'Bendy' was pointing. Henry sighed softly, knowing that he was found as he stood up from his hiding spot. Bendy lets out a warning growl, his clawed hands digging into the wooden floor as Henry took a step forward, now in the open.

The other 'Bendy' smirked and looks at the two before standing back, as if he was enjoying this and letting Henry try to get his friend back. Henry took a deep breath and kept walking slowly towards Bendy.

"Bendy….hey…" He smiled sadly, his hand slowly raising up. "it's me bud…it's me, Henry, I'm right here, bud….come back to me." He said as calmly as he could. Bendy seemed unfazed by his calls to him, growling more deeply and threatening. The other 'Bendy' clapped his clawed hands together, the smirked growing wider and wider, enjoying the prey failing to get his 'friend' back.

"I know you can hear me, bud…" His hand stretched out to him, the growls kept going from Monster Bendy. "I-I know you can…" Henry gulped gently, still getting closer and closer to him. Through Bendy's vision, it was all blurred and could only see a blur image in front of him. But…that voice…it was so familiar.

Henry could see Bendy now struggling to regain his conscious, his form switching back and forth from his calm form to his rampage mode, Henry's voice breaking through the barriers of the rage inside of him, whining and roaring loudly.

"You would never hurt me, Bendy….." Henry was now mere inches away from Bendy.

"…you would never hurt me…." Henry rest his hand on Bendy's face, not looking away from him. Bendy stilled and lets out a whine, inky tears forming around his eye when he felt that familiar touch. The 'Bendy's' grin seemed to fallen when he saw what was happening.

How is he doing that?

"Please, Bendy…you…are my best friend….I told you I was going to get us out of here…I told you that you are stuck with me." He smiled sadly, Bendy's whine became louder, the inky tears rolling down his cheek. The 'Bendy' growled and snapped his fingers, the Pentagram heart thumping louder.

Bendy growled as his teeth became sharper, the pupil slit again and the large growls returned. Henry came closer to Bendy, his hand still on Bendy's face. "No, Bendy…it's okay, I'm here…I told you this before…you are not a monster…you're not one of them…."

Henry can feel something warm and wet running down his cheeks, knowing that he was crying silently. His walls were breaking down as well. "I'm not leaving you….I'm not letting you go…" Henry's voice was hoarse and choked before resting his forehead against Bendy's large one.

Bendy lets out a whine, looking at Henry as his own inky tears rolled down his cheek, letting out a sad whine. "I am getting us out of here. I am gonna help you, Bendy. We are family…you are my best friend and my family, Bendy."

Bendy whined loudly and shook his head, making Henry pulled away, looking at Bendy. That is then when Bendy looks up at him and whined, his teeth and horns back to normal. His eye was also normal as inky tears rolled down his cheeks.

"That's it, Bendy, that's it! I'm here!" Henry smiled, his hand resting against Bendy's cheek and that only earned a loud whine again, leaning into his touch, letting one of his large hands rest on Henry's arm–

A roar was heard.

Both Bendy and Henry looks over to see other 'Bendy' having a snarl look, his clawed hands extended out. It crouched down, ready to charge and Bendy placed one arm on Henry, his back hunched up and growled loudly. He's not letting it hurt his human again.

Just as the other 'Bendy' charged at them, Bendy just swiped it against the wall, making a splattering sound. The puddle of ink slid down from the wall, taking their opportunity as Bendy picked Henry up gently with his massive hand before placing him on his back.

Bendy ran out of the room, away from the other 'Bendy' and the Pentagram heart. By the time the other 'Bendy' reformed, they were gone. The other 'Bendy' growled and lets out a roar that echoed through the studio.


Bendy was gasping as he slowly came to a halt, slowly grabbing Henry and placed him down gently. When Henry looks up at him, Bendy was shaking and whined loudly.

Henry could only smile sadly. "Hey, hey….it's okay…I'm just glad that you're okay…" He said, placing his hand on his arm, which Bendy flinched, but did not pull away. "…I told you I wasn't going to abandon you–"

He was cut off when Bendy pulled him into a hug, his large arms wrapped around his small frame. He was going to ask if Bendy was okay, but felt a large blop of ink fall onto his shoulder, seeing Bendy silently crying. Henry sighed softly and wrapped his arms the best he can around his large friend.

"It's okay….you are okay….you're back and that's all that matters…." He whispered, feeling Bendy shake from the sobs. They stood in their embrace for a few more minutes, Henry hushing him and comforting him the best he could until he felt Bendy not shaking.

"…go on back on your page, bud…you need it…" He whispered. Bendy nods, pulling away to look down at Henry. He placed his forehead against Henry's, whining softly and Henry smiled, closing his eyes. "Love you too, bud."

Bendy's form dissolves, leaving a large puddle of ink with a worn out piece of paper in the middle. Henry sighed softly and walked over to picked it up. He smiled softly and sighed deeply when he saw Bendy asleep. He was curled up, breathing softly while he slept on the line he drew for him.

"…rest well, my friend. You've earned it." He smiled. He looks around before standing up slowly. "A nap sounds good right about now…" He thought before continuing down the large hallway, thinking of what happened back in the room.

Their bond was strong, between himself and Bendy. So strong that it went through the pentagram and the other 'Bendy'. He hoped that their bond will stay that way;

Strong and forever.

Well, this took me some time to make. I love the bond and the 2D Bendy and Henry and I can't wait to see what else is in store that shinyzango has for us.

Until then,

Pooka-Dragon aka blackdragon157