"It wasn't…"

"It wasn't what?"

"My hair wasn't always gray!" M21 had meant to say this matter of factually, but the venom in his tone surprised himself.

There was a stunned silence as Tao and Takeo absorbed what M21 was implying. The modified humans fumbled about how to approach this sensitive topic.

M21 felt a bit guilty about lashing at his comrades. The venomous tone wasn't directed at Tao and Takeo. Neither of them. It was just that M21 couldn't help the bitterness in his words. What did the Union bastards do to him? Was his memory loss too the result of excessive trauma, not a deliberate mind wipe?

M21 found the thought too disturbing. Crombel's mocking words rang in his ears, and he squeezed his eyes shut in pain.

His heart wasn't his own, his hair had changed color. What else had changed? Was there anything real, anything original of him left at all? Or was he just something made up of others parts? He rubbed his hands together anxiously as if to bring them warmth and realized they were slightly shaking.

Tao and Takeo had followed his moves with cautious eyes, clearly wary of his erratic behavior but reluctant to interrupt.

M21 noted their worried stares and immediately stopped.

He was being weird. Was he freaking them out? Were they afraid of knowing what he might have been before? Like he himself was?

He abruptly got up.

"H…hey M21"

"I'm leaving" His reply was curt.

"What do you mean you are leaving, where?"

"Outside, for a walk"

"We'll come with you" They both stood up.

"NO!" M21 shouted.

This halted Tao and Takeo's movements, and they just started at him wide eyed.


"I…Im" M21 shifted from foot to foot. "I'm sorry, I just need some space" He raised a hand in apology, and made to flee.

It was suffocating.

Knowing that his comrades were judging him was unbearable.

His hand was grabbed from behind. It was Tao.

"Let go" M21's voice was ice cold. He hadn't even bothered to turn around.


"Tao, I said let me go."

"Or else?" Came Tao's amused challenging voice.

Was this a game to him? M21s anger flared up. Fist at the ready, be turned around unwilling to hold back. Only to find a Tao whose eyes were shining brightly with unushered tears.

Wha…? That stopped M21.

"Why are you crying?!" He blurted out. He was so shocked he forgot his balled fist.

"Whose crying?! How dare you say that. SILLY!" Tao complained shamelessly as he sniffed loudly trying to control his emotions.

"Reall…Ooof" Takeo had launched upon him in a bear hug. M21 could feel him shaking from suppressed emotions.

"Takeo?!" M21 looked on baffled between Tao who was now rubbing his eyes, and Takeo who looked liked he'd burst into tears any second and neither showed any signs of letting him go.

"Guys…hey what's with you two, what happened? Tell me" M21 was unaccustomed to such a behavior from the duo, he wondered what brought this on.

Takeo burst into tears.

…wrong thing to say?

"Oomp" Not to be left behind Tao too jumped up to hug them with such force that M21 couldn't contain his balance anymore and all three tumbled to the ground.

For a second M21 just sat there stunned at the scenario he had found himself in. All his earlier angst had melted. He'd forgotten how they'd reach this position and had no idea how to approach it.

His free hand raised awkwardly, and gave two light pats to the vehemently crying Takeo, and then to Tao.

"There there" He croaked out wondering what the hell he was doing.

"Idiot! What is there there? You made Takeo cry apologize for it!" Tao's annoying voice screeched in his ear.

"Apolo…" M21 was indignant "What do you mean I made him cry. I didn't even do anything! I have no idea what just happened"

"Don't you?" A mild voice replied, and all three flinched in simulation. Frankenstein had come upon the trio as they, unfortunately, happened to be occupying the space reserved for Raizel's tea times.

M21 sat facing the scientist as the other two refused to turn around. M21 suspected that Tao and Takeo were just avoiding Frankenstein in lieu of hugging him now. M21 didn't know what to say to Frankenstein. Why was he too implying that he made Takeo cry…wtf?

He looked at Frankenstein straight, "I don't understand. I really…" And then it hit him.


The duo was crying for him. For the suffering he went through. For the self of his he doesn't even remember anymore. Whom he had to forget to keep a semblance of sanity.


"Yes" Frankenstein smiled satisfied. "Now that you know that, get this settled, and clear this mess up before leaving."

"Yessir" All three replied simultaneously, even the crying Takeo who had his face firmly planted in M21s shirt.

"Guys if you can reply, can you please get off me too" M21 said exasperated.

"No" Came two muffled answers.

Frankenstein's lip twitched. It seemed like he was holding himself from laughing.

"You heard them, I leave you responsible to get them back in shape since you got them in this to begin with. If I saw any of you here after 5 pm, which is my Master's tea time, M21 I'll hold you solely responsible"

With that Frankenstein turned around and made his exit closing the door on his face.


M21 sat on the ground with the two piled on him for a few second. Then he released a long suffering sigh.

His own hands raised up to encompasses both his comrades, accepting their support. He squeezed his eyes shut feeling their warmth spread through him, and tightened his hold letting them know that he cares for them too.

All that while one question danced around his mind: Was this the puppy pile Tao had always wanted to be part of?

Authors Note: This was written because I could not help myself. M21 deserves all the huggles. This is a couple days after Black where M21 is slowly starts opening up to Tao & Takeo who only know that Crombel antagonized him but do not know the full details, neither do I tbh. At this point I might as well call this series Noblesse: bawling session since thats whats happening. Haha. And making Takeo cry is a sin how could you M21 O: