Sara precedes him through the door of the suite, still by all appearances on an adrenaline high, and by the time he's followed her into the main room, she's on the room phone, apparently ordering something from room service. Nonplussed but amused, Leonard ducks into the bathroom before returning, finding Sara tapping her toe in impatience.

"Can I see it?" She rolls her eyes at his slow smile. "The book, jackass."

Studying it, they both recognize names, although he's pretty sure Sara recognizes more than he does. She makes noises of anger at some, disappointment at others, and finally shakes her head, handing it back to him.

"Kay's going to find that arrow in his wall and think his plan worked," Len observes as he tucks the book into a hidden compartment in his bag.

"Mmhm." Sara eyes him. "Which is why we do need to warn Oliver. I mean, it'll be pretty funny if your friends start using that info and Kay points a finger at Ollie...but only if Ollie is prepared."

He'd been thinking about this quite a bit, really, on the way back.

Queen clearly hadn't known going in that Smoak had given someone else a copy of her file on Kay. And Smoak clearly hadn't known Queen was going to visit the environs of the Kay building that evening. But eventually, those two crazy kids were going to actually talk and...

"About that..."

There's a knock at the door then, though, and Len sighs while Sara goes to answer it. She returns with a bottle of champagne and two glasses, the former of which she hands to him with a flourish.

Well, given that this has probably been charged to his room, he might as well. He accepts with a smirk, then returns to the bathroom for a towel, wrapping the bottle and popping the cork expertly before pouring them both a glass.

Sara holds her up before clinking it against his and taking a sip. "To the best laid plans, etc., etc.," she quips. "And getting the goods anyway."

"Amen." They salute each other and drink. Sara sighs in what seems to be contentment, then kicks off her heels and sits down in the desk chair, spinning around once before sipping again and eyeing him.

"That was fun," she comments. "And these friends of yours…they can make good use of that information? Without hurting the people who don't deserve it?"

"It's sort of their specialty." He makes a mental note to call Lisa, ask her to have Parker contact him. At a guess, she and her people will know about Kay's black book being at large even before that. "You need to meet them one of these days. You'd like them."

"Sounds like."

He leans against the wall and drinks his champagne and watches her, and she leans back in the chair and drinks her champagne and watches him, and finally, Len sighs again.

"I do have a confession to make," he says, setting his glass down.

Sara watches him over the top of her glass and sips, saying nothing.

"They're didn't precisely…hire me to get the book," he says, straightening from his slouch and looking out the window over her head. "They didn't know I was going after it. Actually…I didn't know I was going after it…" He looks down at Sara again. She's watching him intently in return. "…not before I met you at the bar."

Sara takes a drink, then sits the glass down, rising to her feet and pacing over before rising on her toes and looking him in the eyes.

Then she smiles. "I know."

"I...what?" Leonard, absorbed in what he'd been planning to say, blinks as his plan goes off the track. Again.

It's been a day for that.

"Well. OK, I didn't know until just now, but I'd had a pretty good idea since we met at the waterfront." Sara studies him with a smirk. "For one thing, you never once mentioned the take, or how we'd split it. Even if you actually had some altruistic motives in play here, that is totally unlike you."

Len closes his eyes briefly. She's right. "And?"

"Leonard. You didn't have a plan—not at first. And you always have a plan."

Leonard looks perfectly blank, standing there in that still spotless tux, eyes closed. He looks…mortified, really, Sara decides. That's not precisely what she's going for here, but a little off balance—yes, she can work with that.

"I also knew Felicity's notes when I read them," she points out, walking back to the desk and reclaiming her champagne. "There are all sorts of little quirks in the writing, organization, turns of phrase…well, just trust me, they're there." She eyes him again. "Tell me, how did that happen?"

There are a few beats before Leonard opens his eyes again and gives her a wary look. "I asked Barry," he says finally. "For someone who had it coming. He said he had a contact in Star. I didn't know it would be her, not at first."

"She must have loved that."

A sardonic chuckle. "Not really."

"But she gave you the notes anyway. Why?"

Leonard shrugs. "I asked nicely? Sara..." he sighs, "can we dispense with the third degree? It was...false pretenses. I apologize for that." He smirks, as if he's trying to reclaim their usual bantering dynamic. "And as you know, I rarely apologize."

Sara's not quite ready to let him off the hook, but not quite in the way he seems to expect. She takes a long drink, maintaining the eye contact until he's fidgeting a little, then puts the empty glass down, turning to walk back over to him. She stops just inside his usual bubble of personal space, noting smugly that he doesn't flinch or step back the way he once would have, all those months ago when they first took off together on a time-traveling ship, a crook and an assassin off to save the world.

"Why?" she asks simply, then follows up when he's visibly still trying to decide how to respond. "If you came all this way just to see me, why wouldn't you just tell me?"

Leonard's eyes flick to hers, then away, then back. This time, he licks his lips and maintains the eye contact, and Sara leans a little closer in response.

"That's not really how I operate, Sara," he says, and his voice is satisfyingly rough. "I don't...I haven't..." He takes a deeper breath. "You never brought it up again. Me and you. And I didn't want to...overstep. Thought I should take it slow."

Sara moves an infinitesimal bit closer. "So you asked me to help you rob something."

"So I asked you to help me rob something." There's a spark of humor in his eyes as he looks down at her. "In my defense, you did enjoy it."

"True." But she's still not letting him off the hook. "I thought I put the ball pretty firmly in your court. With the whole 'hell of a thief' thing."

"Ah. So that was a challenge." Leonard's eyes are darker, they're definitely darker, and has he moved closer too? Yes, she definitely thinks so. "I think," he says, still in that rough voice, "that I've proved I am one hell of a thief."

"Are you talking about the heist, or the kiss?" Now Sara licks her own lips, remembering the night breeze around them, the adrenaline in her veins, the feelings of their bodies pressed together in the scant shelter of the building. They're not so much farther away from each other right now, not really.

"Yes." He smirks at her. Ass.

"That was a pretty good kiss," she admits, smirking back at him.

"It was." And now he's finally lifted his hands to settle them at her waist, finally allowing the contact she's been waiting for, even though she'd left the first move up to him.

"I'd sort of like to try it again," she whispers, lifting her own hands and arms to move them slowly around his neck, both of them shuddering a little as skin meets skin.

"I...could be persuaded."

The first kiss had been a thing of adrenaline and impulse. Both of them had known it wasn't going to last, given where they were and the situation in which they'd put themselves. They'd just been enjoying it while it lasted.

This one...well.

Sure, it starts out slower. Their lips just brush, at first, and she feels more than hears his sigh, wonders if he's going to back off before things really even heat up.

But when Leonard Snart commits...he commits.

Before she can wonder for more than a moment, he's moved one hand to the small of her back, pressing her closer, taking over the kiss in a way that's both gentle and firmly implacable. It's kind of hot, really, and Sara throws herself into it, too, grabbing two fistfuls of his tuxedo jacket and opening her mouth underneath his, daring him to take advantage of it.

Moving his other hand up to cradle her jaw, he does.

Yes, this kiss...this kiss, Sara decides, after their lips finally part some time later, both of them breathing raggedly, is going places.

"I'm going to stay here tonight," she whispers to him, fingers wandering down to the first button of his shirt, which she slowly maneuvers through the buttonhole. "And I don't want to hear anything else about taking this slow, right?"

"You're going to stay here tonight," he whispers back, pulling her up just a little so their bodies fit together and his lips can brush her jawbone in a very tantalizing manner. "And that depends what you mean by this."

She's too busy to respond.

When their phones ring, pretty much in unison, far too early the next morning, they're both too soundly asleep to respond at first.

At the second set of rings, Leonard leans over to knock his into the bedside table's drawer, which he promptly slams closed. Sara just pulls a pillow over her head until it stops and then burrows into him as he moves back toward her, actions that might have led to another round of other activities...

Until the phones ring again.

With a muttered curse, Sara sits up and grabs hers, checking the ID before answering in a way that might best be described as "threatening."

"Ray," she hisses, "this had better be good."

Leonard, stretching, eyes her appreciatively as she frowns, then leans back into the pillows, trying to decide if distracting her would be worth it...or lead to all manner of payback.

Of course, the payback might be fun...

"When? OK, did you ask him what the hell the delay was?" She mouths "Waverider" to Leonard, who raises an eyebrow. "Uh huh...oh, soon as possible, really?"

They both roll their eyes, then Sara smirks a little at something Ray says. She pointedly eyes Len, nodding a little in equal appreciation at the view.

"Yeah, I know. He's here. Tell Mick to stop calling." Her lips twitch as she watches Leonard groan at the realization that there's no way they can keep...this...quiet. "Yes, here here. As in, in bed. Next to me. Laughing at you. Your point?"

Whatever the response, she bites back a laugh, amusement dancing in her eyes, then shrugs.

"Yeah, well, tell Rip we'll be there when we get there. We have to take care of a few things first." She watches as Len retrieves his now-silent phone from the drawer. "No, I'm not sure when. A little waiting won't hurt him. We'll be in touch."

She pauses another moment, then grins, a particularly impish grin that Len, watching, decides he'd like to see every day for...

For the foreseeable future-wherever it might take them.

Sara glances at him, smiling.

"Oh, and Ray? Tell Barry the heist succeeded."

Thanks for reading! This was a fun one to write, although the heist was a PITA to work out. Many thanks to LarielRomeniel for the beta and helping with that.

I wrote a follow-up to this that is pretty much all text between Felicity and Sara (and then Barry and Leonard). I'll post that tomorrow.