Hello, my wonderful readers! It is I… Me! Anyway, as summer is coming to an end, so I have decided to get in a little writing, seeing as there is now nothing to do, so I can't procrastinate. *sigh*. Anyway, here is some helpful insight about this thing you are going to witness:

1) this will most likely end up as a Drabble of one-shots

2) I might do one or two chapter connected.

3) I have not decided if i'm going to pair Percy to someone or not, so be patient, and bare with me(or help me make up my mind and suggest one or multiple, since it is different one shots)

4) I am going to take requests, but keep in mind, that there is such thing as manners, and we should use them, because they are helpful and keep people from getting punched in the face(most of the time)

5) Chloe the kitten is always included!

6) This is ridiculously long and i'm done talking.


Percy Jackson had been enjoying the morning, mostly because he didn't have to get up, and this was the best sleep he'd gotten in weeks. Why, may one ask? Because he was at home, with his mom and Paul. And the more exciting fact, he had a kitten with him! 'Cause it's impossible to get nightmares with a cute, cuddly ball of fur, purring in your face.

Percy opened his eyes, and smiled at the tiny mass of white fur, snuggled up to his chest. He found Chloe in an alleyway on the way home from the cemetery, visiting his fallen comrades. Her snow white fur had been so dirty, he originally thought she was brown. But he couldn't have left her mewling there, alone. So after a much needed bath, and a trip to the vet, Chloe was ready for a home.

Percy yawned, and slowly sat up as to not disturb Chloe. She woke up anyways, repeating Percy's yawn, and stretching. The sound of a doorbell startled them both. Chloe hissed and jumped onto Percy. As gently as he could, he pried the green and blue eyed kitten of his shirt. By green and blue eyed, he literally meant one blue eye, and green eye. Percy heard his Mom open the door and greet whoever dared disturb his peaceful morning. Percy pulled on a pair of jeans that were sitting on top of a pile of freshly washed clothes, and snagged his sweatshirt, throwing it on as he headed to the bathroom. Chloe followed him, mewling for attention, but Percy was focused on fixing the mess on top of his head called hair.

Since Chloe was getting her way, and not being petted like she wanted to, she decided to take matters into her own paws. She put her claws in Percy's jeans and began to climb. She almost fell off when she got to the sweatshirt, but managed to cling tight. She crawled all the way to his shoulder, then sat there, meowed, catching his attention finally. He chuckled and scratched her head.

"What? Does her highness require something? Or did she just want scratches?"

She purred and licked his ear, and Percy chuckled again.

"Percy?" Sally tapped the door frame. "There's someone here for you."

Percy froze, and looked after his mom as she walked off.

"Don't worry," she called over her shoulder. "You're not in trouble." He could hear her laughing at him.

He sighed, and Chloe mewled again, licking his ear. Then, she nipped it. Because she thought she'd been quite clear the breakfast was in order.

"Yeah, yeah, i'm going," he said flicking her nose. "Don't bite me."

He walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. Yes he knew there was people here, but getting Chloe food came first. If he waited to long, she'd scratch him. Percy zoned out as he entered the kitchen, going straight for the cupboard that held cans of cat food. When he first started feeding her, she barely at a quarter of a small can. Now, she ate half of the regular sized ones.

He scooped out the salmon flavored food into her bowl, that also held her water. Gently, he picked took her off his shoulder and sat her down. She immediately dug in, as Percy walked away.

Yes, Chloe knew she was treated well. Percy, as she'd come to know him, loved her with all his heart, and was willing to practically spoil her. But not all the time. He bought her the food she liked, and he would often let her stay with him. Though she still had to use what he called a "litter box", instead of using the "flower pot", which totally got used to though.

After seeing that Chloe had been properly fed, Percy turned his attention to the two people sitting in his living room.

"Percy," his mom began, putting her arm around him. "Do you remember uncle James? He used to visit us all the time."

"Yeah," Percy said. "How could I not? He was like, the best great uncle ever. He didn't even look that old!"

Percy's great uncle James, or maybe a couple more greats, was like a father figure to Percy. When Percy was little, James had found him in his crib, strangling the snakes, and when Percy was in kindergarten, playing on the playground, a one eyed guy tried to get him. James showed up and nailed the guy in the face. His teacher had totally panicked and threatened to the call the police on him. After he turned eleven, James had disappeared, leaving Percy to deal with Gabe.

Sally sucked in her breath. "Well, Percy, he's here."

Percy slowly looked over to the living room, and there he was, standing there, looking exactly like he had remembered him. As if he hadn't aged a bit.

James grinned. "Percy," he started. "Long time no see."

Percy didn't say anything. He walked over and gave the man a huge hug. James embraced him with just as much enthusiasm.

"Where've you been?" Percy grinned, pulling apart.

James smile faltered. He paused before speaking again. "We need to talk. But before we do, this is Steve Rogers."

The other male who had been sitting on the couch stood up. He had neatly combed blond hair, and a very, very muscular build. He stuck at his hand.

"Nice to meet you," Steve greeted. Blue eyes calculating.

"Yeah, same," Percy said, hesitantly shaking his hand. He turned back to James. "I kinda have to talk to you too, so should we go for a walk?"

James nodded.

"I'll stay here, if that's okay with ." Steve spoke.

Sally nodded. "Of course you can. Be careful you two."

"Of course, mom," Percy said. We'll be back… I don't know." Percy and James walked out of the apartment side by side, starting with small chat. By small chat, he means Percy talking the entire time.

They got to the park, and James bought them both coffee. There was an empty park bench, so he and James sat down. For a moment, they just sat in silence, enjoying each other company. Finally, James broke the silence.

"I was born in 1917, and I had three other siblings…" For the next hour, James told Percy everything.

And when he was done, Percy just smiled, and asked for another coffee, which was declined, seeing as he was already hyped up on caffeine. So instead they went out for lunch, and dropped by the apartment to let Sally know they'd be gone for most of the day. This time, instead of going to the park, they went to the cemetery on Percy's request. They stood in front of three graves. They read: Annabeth Chase, Sally Jackson Blofis, and Paul Blofis. James looked at Percy confused and alarmed.

Percy sighed, scratching his neck."Okay my turn, except it's gonna sound just as crazy," Percy started. "Only a couple of you guys know about this, other than that, you can't breathe a word about it, unless absolutely necessary." He took another deep breath. "See, I never wanted to be a demi-god…"

Then another hour was taken up, with Percy explaining mostly everything, until he got to the most important part.

"The end of the war was the hardest part," Percy said speaking quietly. "Annabeth and I were exhausted, so was everyone else. I had turned around just for a second, so Pipes wouldn't get stabbed, then there was this awful sound. Annabeth was screaming. When I turned around, she was lying there, with a dagger in her stomach. She had protected me, just like in the titan war. Except this time, she didn't make it, she couldn't. The knife went right through spinal cord.

"I tried- I tried so hard to keep her alive. She-she smiled, and told me she loved me, and I would see her again. She said to keep going, and if I showed up to elysium before I was 80, she would kick my ass." Percy chuckled, wiping some tears that came to his eyes.

"She died in my arms. But we were in the middle of a war, so I had to set her down, stand up, and continue fighting, even if every piece of me had died with her. We won, obviously, cause i'm standing here. The burned her on the prye with the rest of the demigods, but she wanted her ashes buried here."

Percy took a couple of shaky breaths. "When I got home, mom was standing in the kitchen with Paul, and it was fine. We went out to eat, and the Minotaur attacked us on our way back. It destroyed the restaurant. I should have been able to kill it, but I was still hurting from the war. Mom was still in the car, and she actually hit the Minotaur with the car. When he fell down his hand crashed on the car, and it went off into a wall. She gave me enough time to kill it. Paul might have survived, but he threw himself in front of mom, trying to protect her.

"You guys saw it as a bull colliding with a car. The doctors told me that they died on impact. So they didn't feel any pain. It still hurts though. Everyday it gets harder and harder to push on. But I know I have to because my mom would have wanted me to."

Percy sniffed, and wiped his eyes again. "Sometimes, the mist manipulates to my emotion. Like I could see her and Paul today. One day, there they were, standing in the kitchen. Like nothing had happened. I know it isn't right, but that's basically how i've kept my sanity for the past weeks. I'm trying to let go, I really am. But i'm scared." Percy finally finished, looking down.

James looked at him. He carefully pulled Percy into a tight hug, and held him. "It will get better," James whispered.

Percy held him tight, and snuggled into his jacket. They stood there, until Percy pulled away.

"Can we go home now?" Percy asked quietly. "I'm not feeling very good."

James nodded.

They headed back to the apartment. On the back, the sky grew dark.

"What will happen?" James asked.

"Steve won't remember them, if that's what you mean," Percy answered. "But everything else should still be the same."

They walked together, enjoying each other's company.

"James, You hugged me twice today," Percy said loudly. A couple walking past gave them weird looks before continuing on.

James didn't react at first. Best make sure there are no witnesses. Out of nowhere, he punched Percy in the arm with his metal arm. "It's Bucky," he growled. He shoved his hands in his pockets and kept walking.

Percy just laughed. And he it was a real laugh. They entered the apartment to see Steve watching the news. Chloe went straight to Percy and mewled. Percy smiled and picked her up, scratching her ears.

"Chloe, Bucky, Bucky, Chloe," Percy said. Pointing back and forth.

Chloe looked at Bucky and mewled a greeting. He reached out his hand and she sniffed it. Seemingly fine with him, she allowed him to scratch her ears. Purring loudly, she tried to crawl into Bucky's arms, only for the scratches to stop.

Percy looked around, his parents were nowhere in sight. He didn't know weather to be sad, or relieved.

"Sorry we were out so late," he said to Steve, who began to stand. "You guys can stay the night if you want. Bathrooms that way and guest rooms down the hall."

"I think we'll take you up on that," Bucky spoke for Steve.

Steve sat back down and continued watching the news. He switched channels. Percy and Bucky joined him.

"What are you watching?" Percy asked seeming chirpy.

"Finding Dory."

Percy happily leaned against Bucky as they watched the movie late into the night. At one point, Percy drifted off into sleep. Bucky put his arm around him, and let him rest. Steve looked at Percy.

"He's so young, but I got this feeling that he's stronger than he looks.

Bucky just chuckled.

Steves point of view

He honestly didn't know what to expect of Percy, but he was still surprised when they met him. A kind woman let them in, and they sat in the living room. When Percy came in, Steve remained seated, and let Bucky greet him. When it was finally his turn to see him, he almost stepped back.

Percy Jackson was a tall teenager with windswept hair and eyes the couldn't seem to settle on a color, constantly changing from a sea green to an ocean storm. His eyes were cautious, as if saying he'd dealt with more than most people did in a lifetime. When Steve stuck his hand out, Percy hesitated for a second, he didn't trust him. Or seem to recognize him as the soldier out of time.

After they left, his parents disappeared, and Steve couldn't seem to remember them. It was quite an uncomfortable feeling. Steve settled, watching tv, reading the newspaper, meeting Chloe, the adorable white kitten. It was late when Percy and Bucky finally returned. They seemed slightly lifted, Percy especially, like a weight had been lifted. As they walked in, Percy greeted his cat and introduced her to Bucky. While that was happening, Percy looked about the apartment, and seemed to deflate, and relax at the same time.

"Sorry we were out so late," he called to Steve. "You guys can stay the night. Bathrooms that way and guest rooms are down the hall."

Before he could decline, Bucky spoke up. "I think we'll take you up on that." Bucky cast a glance to Steve, who sat back down.

"What are you watching?" Percy asked as he jumped over the couch to sit down.

"Finding Dory," Steve replied.

They watched the movie late into the night, with Percy leaning against Bucky. At one point he fell asleep, and Bucky seemed to wrap his arm protectively around Percy. Steve was surprised, no one ever got that attention from Bucky. Steve examined Percy's face. He seemed relaxed, exhausted, but relaxed.

"He's so young, but I feel like he's stronger than he looks," commented Steve.

Bucky just chuckled.

That is it people! I hope you enjoyed the story! I apologize for making. It sad. My cat is trying to get my attention. She stuck her hea[nioedwn[' 'r !k

Okay, sorry, anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this! Do review, I would love to improve or fill out a request.

Until next time, dragon's out!