Hey guys! I'm back, just not writing The New Girl anymore. Either way, this is just an idea I am trying out, so please review what you think. Thanks! Enjoy!

Welcome to The School of Sacred Water reader! This is my story.

I gaped up at the huge castles that hulked up in front of me, covering me with their shade. It was a truly impressive sight, and that was coming from me. Nothing impressed me anymore. Not since it happened. But this was a sight to see.

There were two castles, divided by a large tower, on Nightingale Island, all in a row. The first was stark white, as though it had been power washed with bleach every day since its creation a hundred years ago, it was that white. Next was the tower, and it was all grey, from the tip of the spire to the bottom of the steps. The last was the one that impressed me the most though. It was all black. And I mean all black. It was made of obsidian marble, and looking at it was the same as looking into a black hole.

As I stood beside the twenty other teenagers waiting to go onto the island I thought about all I had been through to get here. To get to The School of Sacred Waters.

Every day from the first time I had heard about the school, I had spent all of my time preparing for it. Then, when the day for the selection finally came, and I had been chosen for Evil I had been whisked away in the Makar's vortex to come here. To fulfil my destiny.


Now, I'm getting ahead of myself though. For you to understand this story you need to understand where I am and who I am. So let me introduce myself to you. I am Clarissa Morgenstern, but I prefer Clary. I am a Demon.

I mean, I'm not actually a demon, but that is the category that I have been chosen for. And that brings me to where I am. I am waiting outside the bridge to Nightingale Island, which is home to The School of Sacred Waters.

But let me explain. This school is where all of the greats have gone. All of them. But you might not know them, so let me tell you a few.

Robert and Mayrse Lightwood, Humans. They were the best henchmen for Angels and Demons alike. Everyone wanted them as their sidekicks.

Denise Lewis, Angel. She became the frontrunner of the Equality campaign, trying to give equal rights to all people and creatures alike. She was okay I guess. Although I am partial.

Mother Bane, Human and Angel. She was the first Human to switch schools halfway through her second year. She then went on to start the first house for kids with magic.

And the really important ones.

Celine and Stephen Herondale, Angels. They were the best warriors of their time, and they were completely responsible for the decline of monsters in the reign. They also were king and queen of the reign.

And my personal favorite. Valentine and Jocelyn Morgenstern, Demons. The king and queen of Demons. The rulers of Pandemonium, the Demon reign. The greatest Demons to ever go through the school.

But you still might be confused. Let me clarify for you.

Angel = A person who goes to school in the white castle. Also known as Heaven. Team good.

Human = One of the few people who goes to school in the grey tower. Also known as Earth. Plays for both sides.

Demon = A person who goes to school in the black castle. Also known as Hell. Team Evil.

Makes more sense now? Yeah. Good. Only a few more things before we continue with the story. As I previously stated, I am Clary Morgenstern. That means I am a Demon by blood. That means I am going to study in the Hell castle of school.

One of the questions lots of people ask is how? How do you get into The School of Sacred Waters? That has a simple answer. You are chosen.

Every year every section of each of the three regions has a reaping. In each realm, each sector (there are seven in all of the realms) has a reaping. The reaping is where all of the seventeen year olds gather in the center of the sector and wait.

They wait for the Vortex to arrive. Then the Vortex carries one child away to this island. To this school.

In Idris realm, or Angel land, the child with the purest soul is chosen.

In Pandemonium Realm, or Demon territory, the child with the most corrupted soul is chosen.

In Alicante realm, or the Human Zone, the child who has the most capacity for either in their soul is chosen.

All are brought to this school.

There are twenty one new kids in all. All have hopes and dreams to come here, to live up to the names of their parents, to create their own legacies, to be great. Most will be disappointed. But just so you know, I fully intend to be one who actually makes it.

The last thing before we continue is the Vortex. If you had any brains in your head (sorry, I'm a Demon remember?) you would remember that I mentioned the Makar's vortex earlier. Yeah, it's the same vortex. Controlled by the same dude.

And that dude just happens to be the most powerful man on all the realms, the creator of all, and the headmaster of this school.

The legend is that after he created our world, he needed to teach the people how to fend for themselves. Needed to teach the Angels to be good. The Demons to be bad. And the Humans to help them both.

So he created The School for Sacred Waters.

Now I actually lied. There is one more thing. The sacred water.

Drinking the water for your side makes you more powerful. It makes you more god or evil too. Humans can't drink it, and Demons and Angels can only drink so much so fast or they would die. Angels get good water out of the fountain of Eden. Demons get it out of the River Styx that flows under the school.

Now, let's continue with the story.


I tapped my foot, one of my tics when I was impatient. There were only five of us left on this side of the bridge, waiting our turn.

To get to Nightingale Island you had to cross the Bridge of Two Truths. The legend of the bridge was this: if you wanted to pass over it you had to answer the two questions it gave to you with complete honesty. If you lied, then you died. Easy. Except for the fact that the questions you had to answer were supposedly questions that you didn't even want to answer to yourself.

So far all of the chosen who had stepped on the bridge had passes except for one Human, who had been incinerated as he tried to pass. That was to be expected though. The Humans had the least drive to get into this school, so at least one always died.

It was finally my turn as the warden waved me forward. I stepped onto the bridge, each step full of confidence. I knew what the bridge would ask me and I was ready. I wanted to be in this school. I needed to be in this school. My parents were the rulers of Demon for demons sake. I couldn't let a stupid question deter me from my birthright.

I reached the halfway point and was stopped by an invisible force.

"For your first truth. What is your biggest fear?" I was expecting this question.

"My father." I stated. Truth.

"For your second truth. Who is your greatest love?" I blanched. What was that? That was not a question I was ready for. But I had to answer it.

"Jonathon." I said, my words ringing out loudly on the water. Truth. My brother was my greatest love, even though my parents would kill me if they knew. Because my only brother was Sebastian. Jonathon was my brother before he was experimented on. By the Angels. Now he was Sebastian. Now I hated the Angels.

Now I needed to get into the school so I could kill the Angels who changed him.

I stepped forwards, my face slowly regaining color. I needed to not think about that. So I didn't.

I kept walking, each step returning my confidence. By the time I reached Nightingale Island I had my usual smirk on my face. I was ready for this.

I was ready for The School of Sacred Water.


Now you know how my story began, but how will it end? I suppose you will have to read on to find out.

Hey guys! Please review, I want to know how you guys liked this. Thanks! Till next chapter! Bye!