The Letter Part Two

What was in the letter that he wrote her?

For the Barson Daily prompt Reject

She had rejected him again, it was another one of those cases, and he could see the sadness behind her eyes and feel the heaviness weighing her down and she was shutting him out. If only he could make her understand that she could trust him with her pain. The third glass of scotch must have lowered his inhibitions because he reached for a pen and paper and began to write.

My Olivia,

I need you to know I see it, the pain that you try and hide when these cases get to close. I can feel the weight that you wear like a coat when the best possible outcome still leaves people's lives in ruins. The only way you know to fight for the victims is to carry their pain as if it was your own. I won't try and tell you not to do that because I know it would do no good, it is part of who you are. I know your past attempts to share this weight with others have left you even more guarded. Others have wanted to carry it for you or wanted you to leave it all behind, to choose them over your calling. I don't want any of that Liv. You don't need me to carry your weight and I am not asking you to give anything up for me. What I want is to be the hand holding yours saying that we can do this together. You don't have to hide from me, I see you Liv and I love what I see.



Hastily he wrote her name on an envelope and placed the letter inside, maybe one night he would find the courage to let her see a little more of him as well.