Knight in shining armour

This was an exceptionally beautiful day. He smiles at the thought his adorable daughter. Only to darkened at the thought of the host club. His stoped walking.

Haruhi needs a female friend. Hanging around six guys can never be good.

His eyes blazed with determination and continued walking.

He whistled as walked. Only to stumble on something ,thankfully he regained his balance.


His body froze up like a statue. His eyes couldn't move away from the sight before him.

Lying on the hard concrete path was a unmoving body of a girl. Her back facing him.

He was immediately by her side. He gave her a soft nudge, the girl regained unresponsive.

"Hey-" He tried again, walking around her. He once again froze.

The girl was no older then his daughter. Her forehead was bleeding,the blood trailer down her chin on her clothes.

His mind started working again. 'She needs immediate medical attention!'

The problem was that the nearest hospital was very far from the current location. And there is the probabily that she'll die by bleeding.

'If she isn't already' A cynical voice remarked.


He shook his head to get read of his uncertainty and doubts. He had no time for such things. He needs save a life.

Haruhi Fujioka looked at the finished homework before her. A pleased smiled bloomed on her face.

A quick glance at the lonely beige clock told her she still have two hours before her father arrived from work.

She stretched her arms, satisfied by the loud pop that echoed in the empty room.

She made a list of chores in her mind as she emptied the diner table from textbooks.

Her naked feet shivered at the coldness of the wooded floor. Each step made a whispered creak. Upon reaching her destination,she pulled out a peach chekered apron.

She danced around the moderate size kichen gathering ingredients for tonight's supper.

She was slicing vegetables when the front door opened. She checked the time, it's still one and a half hour left before her father was supposed to arrive home.

Well,he's early.

She quickly washed her hand, while internally preparing herself for the onslaught of attack that her father called greeting.

"HARUHI! COME HERE QUICKLY!" It took her a moment understand what her father said. Haruhi quickly ran to the living room,where her father was screaming from. Dreading for the worst, she rounded the corner.

Her father was fine, she noted with relief. His back was towards her, he seemed to be hunched over something. "Dad, why'd you scream like that? For a second I though something had happened. Don't scare me like that" she scolded, when she heard no reply she grew worried.


"Oh Haruhi, you're here." He finally replied,but didn't turn around to face her. "Lend me a hand, won't you?"

She took a step forward until she was by her father's side. And she wished she hasn't.