Justice League Dimensional Warfare
Chapter 12: Menace of Steel
Superman stood tall, menacing, not once did Clark Kent show who he once was. Ben eyed Batgirl with a quick nod, who knew what to do. She pressed a button on the inner wrist of her batsuit activating a silent alarm in the Metro Tower. Captain Cold, Heatwave, Spartan, Batwoman, Wells, Max, and Rook all aimed their weapons at the man of steel.
"So you're the infamous Superman," Max said firmly, not lowering his blaster.
"And you would be?" Superman asked rudely.
"Max Tennyson, Magister of the Plumbers on this Earth, think of me as a head police officer here," Max said, his tone never faltering. "I've heard stories about you, the more recent ones aren't good,"
"Then you know why I'm here," Superman said darkly. "Barbara Gordon is a wanted criminal and will be returned to her dimension to await trial,"
"You'll try," Max countered. "Barbara is a fully licensed Plumber, you want her, you go through us,"
"Gladly," Superman said, his eyes charging with heat vision, then fired.
"SYNAPSE!" Ben called out, quickly turning into the Dominator form. He fired a powerful psychokinetic blast at Superman who took the blast head on, causing the laser beam to swing upwards.
"Not, not bad," Superman groaned against the attack. Then he clapped his hands together with incredible force, creating a shockwave that disrupted the psychic attack and pushed Ben over the hill.
"Everyone nail him!" Max ordered.
"With pleasure!" Heatwave declared. Everyone used a blast attack and hit Superman dead on. What surprised the kryptonian so much was the attacks were actually hurting him a bit.
"We should help Kal," Kara pointed out, seeing Superman struggling a bit.
"Why, Superman's got this, now let's go see what this world has to offer," Nightwing shrugged. Reluctantly, Kara followed him.
"I need cover, I am packing Red Solar rounds and need to switch out!" Rook called out over the blaster fire.
"No prob!" Cold called out as Ben groaned, getting up. Superman, evidently hearing this and flew right at Rook.
"ROOK!" Ben called out. But it was too late, Superman grabbed Rook by the throat and flew up several feet in the air.
"I don't think so," Superman said darkly, prepping another round of heat vision. An emerald flash lit up below as Fourarms jumped up and grabbed Superman. Kal was forced to let go of Rook as the Tetramand put him into a half nelson. Superman then flew off into the city, trying to get the shapeshifter off him.
"I got him," Batwoman called out, jumping after Rook, who quickly grabbed him.
"Many thanks," Rook gasped, recovering from the attack.
"Alright old man, what's the game plan?" Cold asked.
"We're going to need bigger guns," Max said, getting everyone to smile.
The two titans flew through Undertown, neither wanted to give the other an edge. Superman slammed his elbow into Fourarms' face as Ben used his lower arms to punch Superman in the ribs. Spinning quickly, Superman managed to throw the red alien off and into an abandoned food cart.
"Dude," Fourarms groaned, pulling the cooked tentacle off him. "Not cool, I hate tentacles,"
"Do you always whine this much?" Superman demanded floating downward. "I'm honestly surprised you're one of this dimension's protectors,"
"Please, I've been beating monsters tougher than you since I was ten," Fourarms shot back, throwing a pot off.
"Prove it," Superman challenged.
"With pleasure, GLADIATOR!" In a flash of emerald light, Ben switched over to the Kalanorian form. It was here, the Fulmini electricity shot out of the Omnitrix disk. Stone armor covered his upper chest, lower arms and legs with an energy circuit glowing through it, turning his hands a glowing blue. The cape turned blue with moss at the shoulders, hips and wrists. A Russell Crowe helmet attached to Gladiator's head with space to reveal the third eye, as the Fulmini energy extended the fin.
"What the hell?" Superman asked shocked at an energy infused rendition of Despero.
"This," Gladiator balled his hand into a fist and pulled it back. As it did, a hammer construct formed slamming into Superman's face. The attack actually broke Superman's nose, causing him to bleed.
"Ow, that, ow," Superman groaned, trying to recover. He looked up to see Gladiator create a spear weapon which he used to charge with. Superman quickly grabbed the weapon and pulled, causing Gladiator to vault over the Kryptonian.
"Whoa!" Gladiator called out, flying into the ground. Gladiator quickly spun and fired a powerful electro/psychokinetic energy beam from his third eye. Superman countered with his own heat vision. The two attacks hit in the middle, causing a large explosion, knocking both combatants away. The blast wave's intensity forced Ben to switch back to human.
"Ok, that didn't go as planned," Ben groaned, getting up, only to see Superman recovered first and rushed over with a super speed/ flight punch. "Cannonbolt!" Ben panicked, just as Superman reached him. Ben was converted into the armored ball like alien and quickly retracted into the shell. The force was so great, Cannonbolt plowed through several buildings.
"Your grandkid's getting beaten," Diggle pointed out as the Proto-Truk raced through the streets.
"I know, but hopefully not for much longer," Max pointed out, everyone had loaded up a clip full of red solar clips onto the Plumber blasters.
"Any word on the rest of this Justice League of yours Barbara?" Wells asked confused.
"Firestorm, Icon, Phantom Lady and Atom are on the way over," Batgirl said getting an update from ORACLE. "Vixen, Zee, Geo Force and Cyborg are on relief efforts from a burning building on the outskirts of Bellwood, they said they'd be back as soon as possible."
"Lovely," Snart said annoyed.
"Rook, get us airborne!" Batgirl called out.
"On it," Rook pulled one throttle forward switching the Truk to its spaceship mode.
"This is awesome!" Cisco shouted amazed.
"I should take you to the Khoros Car show sometime, the vehicles there are just as impressive," Rook said with a smile.
"I'm in," Wells said with a smile.
Superman hovered over the buildings scanning for Ben with his X-Ray vision. "You'd think a kid who can shapeshift would be easier to find," He muttered annoyed. Unaware Phantom Lady was down below using her shadow manipulation tech to hide the now human Ben and Atom.
Jenny was presently wearing a skintight purple, yellow, and black outfit with a green visor. Her hands were covered in armored gauntlets that created her shadows.
"So boss man, how you doing today?" Phantom Lady asked sarcastically.
"Marvelously, thanks for asking," Ben coughed in pain. "Now give me a minute to switch over to Swampfire and I can hea- ow," Ben moved wrong and winced painfully.
"Chill for a few minutes, we can hold Superman off for a bit until you're ready to go," Atom offered.
"Alright hit him hard, hit him fast, hit him together, and hit him a lot!" Ben ordered, wincing in pain again.
"With pleasure!" Atom and Phantom Lady said in unison.
Clark continued to look for Ben, unaware. "HEY DUMBASS!" Superman turned to see Icon fly over and deliver a powerful blow to his face. "Ha, you looked," Icon chuckled as Superman was sent flying away.
"Like I haven't heard that joke before!" Superman declared flying over at incredible speeds to deliver a powerful punch to Icon's midsection. Both Icon and Superman traded blows while in midair, neither wanting to give the other an edge.
"You're good," Superman groaned, taking the full force of one of Icon's energy infused punches. He then caught one and twisted the alien's arm to the point where it broke. "But I'm better,"
"No, you're one guy," Firestorm said, flying over and shot a radiation beam at Superman, causing the kryptonian to release his grip. "We're a team!"
"Let's show him," Icon declared. Using his good arm, Icon joined in with Firestorm, creating a powerful fusion energy bolt holding Superman in place. Atom meanwhile flew up with Phantom Lady on his shoulders who conjured a black light energy blast.
"Hello and goodbye Super-Ass!" Phantom Lady jumped from Atom's shoulders as her hand glowed with black light orbs aimed right at Superman's eyes. However just before they connected, Superman grabbed hold of Jenny's gauntlet's, and began to crush them.
"What was that supposed to do?" Superman asked dryly.
"This!" Jenny fired the energy blast, covering Superman's head in a dark colored field, blinding him.
"OW!" Superman was forced to drop Phantom Lady, who was quickly caught by Icon with his good arm.
"Risky, but worth it," Icon commented, pulling his teammate away.
"Good thing I've got spare gauntlets," She said, noticing the damages were too great.
Though blinded and dazed from the attack, Superman still had his enhanced hearing and could hear the microscopic thrusters of the Atom fly into his ear. "Sonic charges, on the house!" Ray bellowed, placing them into the lobe. Jetting out quickly, Ray pressed a button on his gauntlet, activating the charges. These were higher pitched than a dog whistle, but for Superman, it was like standing right next to a gigantic amp at a Rock Concert.
"ROOKIES, MOVE!" The Proto-Truk flew over with the hatch back opened, revealing Snart and Rory, weapons out. The two fired their weapons and crossed the streams. The polar opposite attacks created a destructive energy blast that pushed Superman deeper into Undertown. Fortunately, due to Juryrigg's enhancements neither weapon was destroyed in the blast.
"Awesome!" Heatwave and Firestorm declared in unison.
"Guys give me an update," Ben declared trying to run over. He opted to save power on the Omnitrix in case he needed a stronger alien.
"Super Ass isn't down yet, tell me you have an alien that can whip him quickly," Snart ordered over the comms.
"Wait a second, I have a plan," Firestorm said with a smile. "Superman is basically a giant solar battery,"
"Yeah why?" Cisco said confused.
"Feedback," Max smirked, knowing exactly where this was heading.
Superman groaned as he weakly stood up, shaking off Phantom Lady and Atom's attacks. "HEY KENT!" Using her hover board, Barbara flew over and tossed over a red solar flare grenade. The device exploded, creating a massive discharge of red solar energy, weakening Superman further.
Jumping off, Superman was delivered a double kick to his head, causing him to stumble back. "Figured I'd get the pleasure of sending you back to your dimension black and blue,"
"And to think," Superman said infuriated. "I was going to grant you some form of mercy and wait to kill you, now I'm just going to bring your headless corpse back as a reminder to criminals cross me,"
"And what do you classify as?" Batgirl demanded. "I lost my family too, but I didn't go off and kill anyone who disagreed with me, we aren't Gods!"
"And look where that got me, Metropolis was destroyed, everything I worked to protect GONE!" Superman bellowed.
"So was every I worked for!" Batgirl reminded angered.
"And yet you judge me?" Superman demanded.
"I wonder why?" Batgirl ran forward, knowing Superman was significantly weakened from the multitude of attacks. She delivered a barrage of punches boosted with the nanotech in her suit.
Superman caught one and threw Batgirl over his shoulder. He then took a deep breath and launched a powerful freezing blizzard from his lungs. The attack hit Batgirl right in the leg, freezing it solid.
"So grateful for insulation," She shrieked from the cold.
"All that talk, and this is the best you can do?" Superman sneered, evidently regaining strength. Using her own telescopic vision, Supergirl gasped, seeing Kal looking like he was going to kill Batgirl from a distant rooftop. She could also see the multitude of species also frightful of Superman too, this wasn't how it was supposed to go. Nightwing was trying to hack into the Plumber Database remotely, but made almost no progress.
"Damn, this firewall's tougher than the batcave's," Nightwing said reluctantly impressed.
"Dick, we have to save Kal!" Kara called out frightened.
"Why?" Nightwing asked annoyed. "He's got this,"
"I don't think so," Kara feared, confusing Nightwing.
"Any last words?" Superman demanded, grabbing Barbara by the throat, ripped her cowl off, and lifting her upwards, heat vision charged.
"Feedback," Barbara choked out.
"Feedback?" Superman asked confused.
"FEEDBACK!" Ben called out, in a flash of emerald light transforming into the cyclops alien. Superman turned to see a black and green form with long tentacles and tail, with plugs on the tentacles and fingers. "Energy absorbing form!" Ben raised his hands and tendrils, firing a steady energy stream at Superman, absorbing the solar power straight out of the man of steel's body.
"NO!" Superman bellowed anguished, dropping Barbara and to his knees.
"Everyone, pour on whatever you've got!" Feedback ordered. He was feeling the strain of the energy output, far more than he was expecting.
"You got it man!" Cisco called out. Rather than fire an energy blast, Vibe ran over pulling out some Kryptonite from his pouch. Before Cisco and the others could reach Superman, Supergirl flew over at high speeds, grabbing her cousin.
"This isn't over," She said sadly, before returning to Nightwing's position. Reluctantly, Nightwing pulled out another Breach charge, using it to return to the Justice Lord's dimension.
"Yeah, you better run!" Feeback called out, seeing the tyrant being forced to flee.
"Dude, that was awesome!" Firestorm said impressed.
"I know right," Feedback agreed.
-Metro Tower Medical Bay 1320-
"I am severely disappointed in you Ben," Cisco said holding up a tablet.
"Dude, seriously," Ben sat down on one of the hospital beds as the medic drone looked him over, making sure Swampfire's powers did their best. Icon's arm was now in a sling, however because of his biochemistry, Augustus would be back in action in about two days. Jenny suffered decent burns from her gauntlet's destruction, and gladly replaced them with a second pair. As luck would have it, she took one of the nanotech pills beforehand. The other natives of Barbara's dimension happily took refuge in the Metro Tower with the exception of Captain Cold and Heatwave. They had decided to venture out and get drunk off alien booze. The remaining members of the League returned for the mission briefing with Cyborg in the medical bay helping operate the equipment.
"Yes seriously," Cisco stressed, flipping through the info on his tablet. "You came up with gold with all these other forms, Upchuck, Echo Echo, Thriller Whale (1), Gutrot, Buzzshock, Rath, even Fourarms is a better name, but really man," He showed him the last one. "Eye Guy?"
"I was ten," Ben said exhausted.
"I always thought Rocks was the dumbest name," Cyborg admitted.
"No, that one is simple, just like his design," Cisco countered.
"Cisco, enough," Diggle said annoyed. "You do remember the plan right?"
"Yeah, I'm going, I'm just saying," Cisco said defensively. Ben reasoned it would be best to move the resistance to Ben's dimension to better hide them better. Max had already made arrangements to fix up Los Solidad to better accommodate both resistance and refugees.
"But seriously though, Eye Guy?" Diggle asked amused when Cisco was out of earshot.
"I was ten," Ben stressed.
With her cowl down, Kate Kane looked outward to the city of Bellwood from the lounge. "Like the view?" Barbara walked over, her suit's internal heating system melted away the ice.
"You have," Kate spat angered.
"What's that mean?" Barbara asked confused.
Kate turned around, her glare increased. "I was worried sick about you for months we all were," She then took several steps forward. "And it turns out, you were living the life of luxury?"
"Luxury, no," Barbara shook her head. "I was stuck fighting a corrupt business man, a gem that took control over an army, hell I even fought a giant turtle monster,"
"Giant turtle," Kate was trying to be mad, but she just started laughing at that. Soon Barbara joined in too. "Damn it, have I missed you,"
"I missed you too," Barbara admitted with a smile.
Just then a new breach opened up, reveal Cisco and several other members of the resistance: Red Arrow, Black Canary, Harley Quinn, King Shark (2), Kid Flash, and Lyla, Diggle's wife. Harley was clad in a rather skimpy red and black outfit with a black leather jacket, holding a metal baseball bat. King Shark was a giant human/ shark hybrid clad in more casual clothing. Kid Flash was in sort of a friendly rendition of the Reverse Flash's outfit, while Lyla was wearing a business suit.
"And everybody, welcome to Earth 92, home of aliens," Vibe introduced.
"It's nice," King Shark said with a light hearted chuckle.
"I thought you'd be bringing a bigger party," Ben asked coming down with Diggle and Max.
"My call, didn't know what you'd be like," Red Arrow said rudely.
"Dude, so not cool," Wally commented.
"So wait, this twerp turns into aliens?" Harley asked rhetorically.
"Yup, and you're Joker's ex, I saw the files from ORACLE," Ben replied.
"I like him," Harley chuckled.
"Really, you honestly believe that?" Red Arrow demanded rudely as the other members of the Justice League walked in. "He turns into hundreds of aliens for the love of god," Everyone native to this dimension and Barbara nodded in agreement as Ben took on a devious smirk. To keep himself hidden better, Ben opted to activate the Omnitrix remotely, over voice command.
Red Arrow was briefly blinded by an emerald light show, followed by a powerful grip around his neck. To the collective surprise of those new to the dimension, Ben was replaced by a humanoid tiger with a black claw attached to the back of each hand. He was clad in black leather pants with an emerald green stripe and matching jacket which exposed his chest. A green and black wrestling belt going down his right shoulder to his left hip held the Omnitrix disk.
"What the hell?" Cisco asked amazed.
"Natural hot head, but either way," Batgirl said with a chuckle, walking over to her boyfriend. She then began to scratch Rath behind his ears. "He's still a cute and cuddle kitty either way," Rath used every ounce of his will power not to purr.
"Purr, come on, you know you want to," Harley snickered, whispering into Rath's other ear. However this only infuriated Rath again who brandished the claw he wasn't holding Red Arrow with. With a nervous smile, Harley defensively raised her hands and took several steps back.
"Alright, I believe, now put me down!" Red Arrow groaned. Rath growled, then dropped him.
"Alright that's enough," Max chuckled, "Everyone to the War Room, let's get this mess situated,"
-Lunar Post Alpha-
Situated on the moon was the original watchtower of the Justice Lords as an emergency meeting was called in regards to the failed apprehension of Batgirl, and the hospitalization of Superman. Kal was kept in a special Solarium chamber where he would be kept for the next few days to recharge.
"BY THE GODS, DAMN IT!" Wonder Woman slammed her fist into a nearby console, shattering it.
"This is troubling, if word gets out that Superman's incapacitated like this, who knows what the rebels would do," Aquaman brought up.
"Damn the resistance, let's end these plumbers at once," Wonder Woman snarled.
"Diana enough!" Batman roared. "We can't make any rash decisions until we know who or what this Justice League is really capable off!"
"Then we get the answer," Wonder Woman declared. "Did you not say you discovered the Resistance base recently?"
"You want to hit the enemy on two fronts," Batman realized.
"Makes sense, even with a fight against Superman, someone's going to be down for a bit, so why not now?" Hal Jordon brought up.
"Assemble the troops, we go to war," Diana declared, causing Kara to blink confused.
"War, but is that even nessicary, the plumbers were merely-," Kara began only to be slapped by Wonder Woman.
"Every moment we hesitate like this is an advantage the enemy gets, one we can't waste!" The Amazonian raged. Kara quickly became frightened.
-Earth 38 Midwest University of Advanced Resources Smallville, Kansas 1141-
"So let me get this straight," Amanda Waller asked rhetorically from the resistance HQ along with Dr. Quintum and Michael Holt in the science lab. "Barbara's been in some alternate reality this whole time and she created a team of locals called the Justice League?" The main resistance headquarters was spread out all throughout Smallville, where Superman grew up on Earth, figuring it would be the last place he would look.
"Yeah," Michael admitted, working on one of many large metal orbs on the work bench. "Their leader's this kid with a device that allows you to convert your DNA with any other alien life form, the scientific possibilities behind that are unfathomable,"
"Not my concern," Waller said dryly. "Can they be trusted?"
Just then, the entire complex shook violently. "Oh you've got to be kidding me," Quintum groaned annoyed, turning to the security monitor. Sure enough it was a several hundred Regime members. Leading the charge was Wonder Woman, Sinestro and Doctor Cyber.
Sinestro stood tall in his gold and black armored warsuit. His skin was a bright pink, and had a bit of a devil like build.
Doctor Cyber was a techo organic female scientist, her body long converted into a gold gynoid with a purple hooded cloak. Using her technopathy, Cyber had summoned a squadron of OMACs to her aid.
"Tell me you have Batgirl on speed dial, we'll need the help," Waller ordered actually frightened.
-Earth 92 MetroTower War Room-
"I'm sorry, you practically crippled SUPERMAN!" Harley bellowed amazed. The war room was located towards the center of the room with a long conference table situated in it. Several holographic displays were located throughout the walls and at the head of the table.
"A little louder, my hearing's still intact," Max asked rhetorically, rubbing his now sore ear drum.
"Well sorry, if this is super surprising to me!" Harley shouted, jumping from her chair.
"It was a team effort, I assure you," Ben shrugged.
Just then, the alarm went off and ORACLE appeared on screen. "To all available members of the Justice League, I have detected several portals opened up in town, in the vicinity of City Hall,"
"Tell me they aren't from our dimension," Diggle begged.
"I wish, it is an Atlantean invasion force, complete with flood," ORACLE said, showing live footage. "And among them are Justice Lords Hawkman, Aquaman, and Yellow Lantern,"
"They don't waste time," Ben scoffed. "Anyone up for saving the day?"
"Um, problem, I got a message from Waller," Wells pointed out. "The Lords are attacking the Resistance base as we speak, with Wonder Woman involved,"
"I've already got Plumbers heading here and to City Hall," Max said, using his own phone to dispatch the Plumbers.
"Then as much as I hate to say this, we have to split the team to attack," Ben said, taking command. "Vixen, Firestorm, Icon, Phantom Lady, and Batgirl will remain here to defend Bellwood, Cyborg, Geo-Storm, Zatanna, Atom, you four are with me, we're introducing ourselves to the neighbors," He then turned to the guests. "Anyone want to stay behind?"
"I would, but I don't want to risk Aquaman mind controlling me to eat somebody, again," King Shark said sheepishly.
"I'm going home, I need to introduce Wonder Bread to a new bat!" Harley shouted.
"Lyla and I can stay back, we're more familiar with Aquaman's forces," Diggle offered.
"I think I can hold the fort for you Tennyson," Red Arrow smirked while Kid Flash nodded in agreement.
"You're on," Ben smirked. "Cisco, get in contact with Heatwave and Captain Cold, get them up to speed,"
"Will do," Cisco said with a smirk.
"I'm staying here too, someone has to keep an eye on Batgirl," Batwoman offered.
"I'll stay back at the Metro Tower to better coordinate the attack," Wells stated, knowing he was more intellectual than the others.
"Well then, It's hero time," Ben declared.
"And just like that you lost all forms of coolness," Kate said flatly.
"I think it's a cool war cry," Harley said honestly.
"You would," Batwoman muttered.
"Less arguing, more face punching!" Vixen shouted happily.
-Earth 39 Resistance Headquarters Minutes later-
Wonder Woman slashed her sword against those fool enough to cross her. Her present opponent was Solovar, a giant white Gorilla with telepathic powers. "To think I once saw you as a friend," Solovar said weakly.
"Funny, I thought the same!" Wonder Woman sneered. Just then a breach opened up behind her. As she turned around, Wonder Woman was dealt a barrage of kicks courtesy of a giant humanoid bird like creature clad in green armor. The onslaught of attacks tossed her far, causing the warrior goddess to shake her head.
"So you're Wonder Woman huh?" Kickin Hawk chuckled as the Plumbers and half the League showed up. "I'm Ben Tennyson, the guy who volunteered to give you a royal beating!"
And here's Chapter 12 for you. Now before I go a few things to address, the answer to the Poll had been decided, the name for Ben's iteration of Mr. Mind is Mindbreak.
And to answer a few questions:
1) Thriller Whale is a real alien, not fan made. The producers confirmed Ben unlocked this music themed alien during the original series.
And 2) Yes, Harley has the same crew as in the DC Universe show. However Clayface was away on a mission with Poison Ivy, while Dr. Psycho's dead. Yeah, he called Wonder Woman the C word after the Lords took over, and well let's leave it at that.
See you next time.