Yes, I know. Normally I post at the bottom but the ending to this can't be ruined by an author's note. So this story is now complete and it's sequel will be posted later today. The sequel will be called Clint is Dead. Oh... Ominous, lol. Hope you all enjoyed and had lots of fun. The next story is something I'm excited about but it does have a rather slow build so give it time. No responses or favorites are gonna be listed today.

Enjoy the final chapter of After Death Comes a Knocking!

The loud screams of a hungry and cranky baby had Clint suddenly jack knife out of bed and knocking something to the floor. He barely registered a blur of silver passing by as he tried to place what was going on. Last thing he remembered was being in a room with Pietro and a Tony double. Slowly he looked around and realized that he was home. In fact, he was in his bedroom and as he turned to look at the rest of the room, he noticed a bundle of blankets beside him. Slowly, it groaned and moaned and began to shift around. Clint smiled. He couldn't help it. He was home.

"Hon, can you get him?" Laura's sleep voice called through the blankets. The archer rolled down onto his wife and pulled her into a stiff hug. She shifted beneath him and groaned some more. Once he pulled away, she was peeking an eye out now. "Clint?"

"Laura," Clint breathed in a sigh of relief at her. He was finally home and Laura was alive. That meant his kids were alive as well. Another loud wail erupted through the room but Clint was too busy staring at his lovely wife. Laura shifted up into a sitting position to stare better at Clint.

"Are you okay?" she asked, worried that lack of sleep after Sokovia and the newborn was bothering him. Clint's smile brightened.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think I am," Clint told her. Laura frowned as a third shriek echoed in the room. Clint nearly laughed in joy at the sound and the face Laura made from it as she turned to the doorway. Finally, Clint shifted to get out of bed as he waved Laura off. "Go back to sleep. I'll get him."

With that said, he got out of bed and started to walk out of the room. Laura's frown deepened but right now she was too tired to argue with her husband. Shaking her head, she laid back down as Clint headed into the hall. Smiling at his wife, Clint silently stalked down the hall even as his youngest let out another shrill scream for food or a diaper change or even attention. As the archer reached the room, a door opened further down the hall and a sleepy Cooper came out.

"Dad?" Cooper asked as he started to rub sleep from his eyes. Clint smiled, fighting the urge to run over and pull his son into a massive hug.

"Hey Coop. It's okay, I got him. Go back to bed," the archer soothed, knowing how helpful his oldest was with the little one. Cooper frowned at the words and tone that his father used but nodded and headed to his room. Once his door was closed, Clint glanced at Lila's door. The girl could sleep through the end of the world so he wasn't surprised that she wasn't awake. Letting his smile turn into a grin, Clint headed into his youngest's room. Nate was there at the edge of his crib, glaring at the door but when he saw his father step in, a smile broke on his face and he let out a loud cry that could be considered a cry of joy.

"I know, I know," Clint chuckled at the boy and closed the door behind him. The room was already set up with some bottles and formula that Clint headed over too. Laura wasn't producing as much milk for Nate as the babe needed, so they had to supplement. It bothered Laura and nearly spiraled her into a postpartum depression. So when Clint noticed, he decided that he'd use the formula for each feeding that he did while Laura could save her milk for her own feedings. It worked well, other than the fact that it didn't help Laura produce more but at least she didn't seem to get any worse.

Nate let out another scream as Clint began shaking the bottle of formula. Clint snorted at the boy and put the bottle down by the feeding chair so he could grab the boy. But as he lifted Nate out of the crib, his nose caught a whiff of a smell that he was surprised he didn't notice when he first entered. Clint huffed out a laugh as he shifted his son.

"Piu (pee-yew)! You need a diaper change," Clint declared, changing his motions. Thankfully the changing table was near the bottle so Clint laid Nate down and one handed the bottle over to the boy. With one hand, he worked to change the boy, being far more successful than he had before this adventure. Nate was even too distracted by the bottle to be much of an issue. Once Clint finished, he picked the babe up and headed over to the feeding chair. "Ha. Seems I'm getting better at that."

Slowly, Clint sat down and began to rock even as he adjusted Nate and waited till a burping time. But as time seemed to drag on by, Clint found himself drifting to his memories of his family, dead downstairs. On Hydra taking over the world. And everything else that just happened to him. For a moment he nearly panicked but then Nate hiccuped and both of them dropped the bottle in surprise. Silently, Clint and Nate watched the bottle bounce around the floor and then roll away. Once it stopped near the doorway, Nate looked back at Clint as if it was only his fault and let out an ear-piercing wail.

"All right! All right, I'll go get it!" Clint tried to sooth before rushing to get up. The second he had gotten the bottle, he handed it over to Nate. Even with it nearly empty, the boy immediately calmed down and began drinking it again. Smiling, Clint shook his head and returned to the chair. A few minutes later, Nate finished the bottle and relaxed more into Clint's arms and drifted off to sleep before Clint even noticed. As the archer looked down and spotted his son sleeping, the door to the room slowly opened. Clint decided Laura didn't need him returning to the bedroom tonight. He just wanted to sit here and hold his little one. I mean, he did say he wouldn't let them leave his sight for a week or more.

"So... That's the kid named after me?"

Clint nearly tossed Nate into the air at the sudden question. That voice didn't match with anyone in his family but it was familiar enough that Clint wasn't too concerned. Quickly, Clint's eyes tracked over to the door to see it open and in the doorway, leaning on the door frame was Pietro. The teen had a shit-eating grin on his face and two mugs of coffee in his hands. Lucky stood beside the teen with a bone in his mouth as he happily wagged his tail. Clint could only stare at the image. Pietro smiled, knowing that Clint was in shock over seeing him. Heck, he had been shocked when he suddenly appeared in the Barton domicile. "Guess we should talk?"
