AN:Okay, so I don't have to copy-paste Google Translate and make German-speakers cringe, I'll make a little system for the speaking. May apply to my other stories as well.

"Speech"-normal speech.


Speech("")-Pressure to outline a word in speech or otherwise.

"(Speech)"-Old Krieg dialect/Other languages.

After a short explanation of what this boy, Johann was his name, was doing before he wound up here...

Ami was nothing short of horrified... Johann was a seventeen-year-old tank commander, apparently, for a division of elite blitzkrieg-specialized tank crews and armored assault units, far too similar to Nazi Germany's own Panzer Korps and Panzer Grenadiers, but alas, the boy had no Swastika on his uniform, rather a two-headed eagle he called Aquila. Some parts of the explanation seemed a bit off to the JGSDF captain as she heard them, (The Forty First Millenium, Armaggedon a planet? God) but when the boy showed her his Las Carbine, a Lucius No. 98-C model and even set it to overcharge, the woman believed him almost instantly.

Of course, he was weirded out by the explanations too, though his mask didn't much show it. The Death Korps Armored Division officer arranged his mask on his face, an old gas mask with a skull model on it, before he picked up his Las Carbine and slung it over his shoulder. The woman explained to him he was in a second millennium version of the planet he'd called Holy Terra. He didn't want to believe it, but after being shown some photos and space-side images, he believed... Almost nigh instantly he fell to his knees and started praying. She didn't dare interrupt him...

Now, she walked with him toward the Sensha-Do tank hangars of the teams. He almost seemed obedient, either thanks to her rank or to his training back on his planet, Krieg. Whatever this boy was, Ami didn't wanna believe he was one of a billion souls fighting a battle in a realm so far away and horrid, but that she'd only read about or played the Tabletop version of. The man regarded the hangars for the tanks, at least the outside, with a nod, but didn't speak.

The woman sighed, then told him "If it isn't a problem... Could you also remove your mask, Kommandant?"

The Krieger seemed to pause for a moment as he stopped his straight walk. His grip tightened around the strap of his Las Carbine, but he sighed deeply, then shook his head and said in his usual, deep voice "No. It is one thing I cannot do, captain." before he continued his silent march. Ami followed at a respectable distance and asked one more thing "Our girls could also use training... Would you mind if you helped them become better tankers?"

The Krieger slightly staggered, but regained his composure and doubled over. He looked to the Captain, then said "What will they be fighting?" clearly curious. Ami nodded, then said "Well, other girls from schools with Sensha-Do as a sport. It's a non-lethal sport, but some people can still get hurt and the damage is, well... Made to seem realistic in contrast to the tanks that we used during the Second World War."

"I see..." Hummed the soldier. He turned toward the hangars and walked up to the doors, before posting beside it, drawing his Las-Carbine and nodding to the Captain to draw her sidearm too. She regarded him curiously, before he pointed at his thigh. The woman, dumbfound, looked at her SMG, then gasped. She shook her head, then told him "I don't think we need to breach and clear. The only ones in there should be Team C and Team A, with the mechanics club."

The soldier eased his finger off the trigger slowly, then nodded and showed to the Captain to open the door. She walked to the door, then pushed it open and walked inside. The tank commander followed her inside, then slung his rifle as he was greeted by the sounds of mechanical items working and some voices. Ahead of him, on cradles, resided about five armored vehicles. He wouldn't call them tanks... Just from the sight, the armor was too thin for a normal tank. Even the lightest Imperial Reconnaissance vehicle had more armor than these things...

He looked, to see the girls walking up to them. He regarded them with a nod, while the more excited of the group, a girl with a voluminous amount of brown hair on her head, seemed to be taking in everything about the boy's uniform and the flak vest underneath it. If anything, the Krieger regarded her with a simple stare, which she caught and held onto, gleaming with happiness.

"So this is the man that A-Team was threatened by..." Noted a blonde girl. The soldier turned to greet the girl and stopped for a moment, noticing a crusher cap similar to those of kriegsgenerals. Her neat blonde hair looked like two spikes protruding from her head to the left and right, behind her ears. She arranged her strange officer's coat, then said in... Most surprisingly OLD KRIEG"(Are you well, Officer? You were lucky team A didn't run you over with their tank.)"

The boy nodded, then responded much the same "(I am well.)"

"Wow, Erwin-san! You speak German!?" The girl asked her friend, to which Erwin nodded and said "Yes, I learned it alone just for kicks. Did not think it would come in handy though."

"German..." Hummed the Krieger. 'So that is what they call my language...'

Erwin nodded, then said "What brings you here?"

"I do not know." He answered monotonely. "I was here to inspect Armored Fighting Vehicles, but all I see before me are tracked motor carriages. The armor is to thin to consider them fighting vehicles, as are the cannons too small..." to which Erwin's brows quirked up. She nodded, then said "Weird, but these are Medium and Light tanks, after all... What is your name?"

"Commander Johann, Krieger Male Model 72a #7894. Kommandant of a Leman Russ Vanquisher, part of the dreaded 73rd Krieg Panzer Regiment, the Emperor's Hammer and Anvil." The boy told them the line he knew by heart and spoke proudly whenever asked. Even in his dull tone, the girls could feel a sense of patriotism. The commander of Team A nodded, then looked to the girls. Erwin nodded back to her, then said "A pleasure to meet you too, Herr Kommandant. I am Riko Matsumoto, also known as Erwin among friends."

"And I'm Yukari Akiyama! Pleasure to meet ya, sir!" The brown-haired girl answered with a smile and salute. She had a bubbling personality, but alas... The Kommandant simply nodded, then said "If you'll forgive me, I must inspect the vehicles." and he walked past them, examining the vehicles... He looked over every vehicle quickly, muttering to himself calmly about them. He ran a hand over the Panzer IV and scoffed, then said "Weak gun... Too small a caliber... Too small a length." and he looked back to the girls "This will not even pierce a lightly-armored vehicle at 500 yards." and then he walked to the StuG. He nodded, then said "This may work, but it is too lightly armored or even sloped. As for the others..." He then murmured. He looked back to the team and said "You should get your enginseers to armor these vehicles up and put better engines and guns if you are to have any hope in facing enemies in them."

"Do Tankery rules allow for such modifications?" Erwin asked, gazing upon the commander of A-Team and on miss Akiyama. Yukari nodded, then said "World War 2-based modifications are allowed, yeah. Skirt armor, bigger guns... We could turn the StuG into a Sturm-Haubitze if needed, but I'd say that just weakens the gun." calmly. "A larger caliber means a somewhat shorter barrel, so you know."

"I see." The Kommandant sighed, crossing his arms. He ran his hand down his mask's oxygen tube, then walked toward the tank, climbed on top of it and opened the hatch, diving inside much to Erwin's surprise. The sound of the gun being racked sounded off as Erwin ran toward him and climbed aboard, before asking "What the hell are you doing, Kommandant?!"

"This weapon isn't loaded." The Krieger responded, picking up a shell for the 75mm main gun and told her "Get inside and drive me to your targeting range." sternly. The girl's eyes widened... She waved Yukari over for a moment, then told her "You take the driver's seat. I'll jump into the loader seat." to which Yukari nodded, then said "Okay... This may get weird..." in warning, before diving onto the tank's driver seat, followed by Erwin in the loader seat. She nodded to the Kommandant, then arranged her crusher cap and said "We're ready. On your order." as she looked through her MG's scope, to see the girls opening the door to the outside.

The Krieger nodded, then showed Yukari to go forward with a hand signal. Yuke nodded and pushed both levers for the tank forward slowly, sending the vehicle into a forward motion while she kept her foot pressed on the acceleration and clutch. The Krieger gazed down the scope of the gun as the vehicle turned toward an open field which contained mounds of dirt, against them being placed the targets. The triangles, or 'tick-markers' of the gun were something the soldier was used to from their brand of Vanquishers, but the fact the tank was a casemate was annoying... He sighed, then tapped Yukari on the shoulder and showed her to halt at a distance of over one kilometer and a half out away from the targets...

He started adjusting the cannon scope to match the distance, which he'd calculated, then zeroed in on the center target's red bulls-eye, locking the center triangle, the large one of 4 ticks, to it. He breathed in as he also calculated probable wind speed and such, with Erwin gazing out the scope and saying "You can't hit this with a StuG from this distance on first try... It took even the most elite of German gunners years of practice and a second shot to-"

The girl cut off as the gun thundered, making her and Yukari gasp as the shell arched into the air and, within moments, struck the target dead-center, spewing dirt up into the air. He slowed little, showing an awed Erwin, whose jaw was dropped, to load the next shell. High-Explosive?! The girl complied quickly, clearing the breech of the gun and slamming the fresh shell inside, before the man made adjustments to the gun and pressed the trigger, lobbing the HE shell, slightly heavier, at the target one and a half kilometers away, hitting dead-center again, with an explosion to boot this time.

"Two-for-Two... Mein Gott..." Erwin whispered. Yukari looked back, eyes glimmering with joy as she said with a thin, squeaky fangirl voice to the Kommandant "CAN I GET AN AUTOGRAPH?!" before the man cleared the chamber, slightly ignoring her as he said "Get us back to the Hangars." sternly. He looked to Erwin, his blue eyes slightly visible under the mask's tinted glass, before he gazed back down the scope... Erwin was still awed, her eyes wide and her heart somewhat racing. Could this be the man she finally decided to fall for?

As the vehicle ground to a halt, the man propped open the Cupola, pushed himself out first and helped Yukari out first, then finally Erwin, much to the cheers of everyone else, which he elected to ignore as he jumped down from the tank. He extended his hands to both girls, who took them again and dropped off the tank. The boy gazed to everyone and showed them to be quiet, then walked past his new cheering fangirls and toward the Class President then told her and her aides in an outlandishly demanding, military tone "I will be taking over targeting practice for each team from tomorrow. And physical training. Make an early-hours program." before walking away. The prez looked at him walking away, then smirked, pushing one of her thin red ponytails over her shoulder and saying "Well... Ain't he something."

"Sure is." Yukari said, grinning. The prez looked back and told them "So... This is gonna be a fun little few years." her grin widening.